Atlanta Area Residents Only


TFA Financial Planning                                            Direct: 404-952-9284
2940 West Stubbs Rd.                                                                       Atlanta, GA 30349                                         


Dear Atlanta Area Residents,


TFA Financial Planning is now in your area and provides comprehensive financial planning, including tax planning and real estate planning.


At this time, you can receive a 25% discount off of our normal hourly fee and start on a path to ensuring a more prosperous and productive future in the management of your finances.


And with a free one hour “no obligation” initial consultation that will provide you a confidential discussion of your finances and your plans for your future—now is a great time to confront your finances and plan a better path toward the success that you desire.


As an “added bonus” you can also get a free debt payoff plan (no personally identifying information will be needed) just for scheduling a consultation and showing up.


Isn’t it time that you start on a serious path toward the success that you desire–and deserve!


If you do not desire comprehensive financial planning at this time (or feel you deserve to manage your finances from all angles so that you can reach your dreams) but would like to have a tax professional who has over 30 years of tax preparation and personal finance experience (as opposed to having your taxes prepared at a cookie cutter operation that does not take the preparation of your taxes seriously) save or bring a copy of this page and present it to our office during the tax season and you can receive 25% off of your tax return fees if you decide to use our office.


In all instances you receive a “free one-hour initial consultation” and you will work directly with Thomas (TJ) Underwood—who has worked with clients from all walks of life.


Call us today at 404-952-9284 or email to schedule an appointment and get started on a path to financial success that will have fewer roadblocks and will lead to you living your life with more joy and certainty.


If you do nothing else be sure to navigate so that you can have free access to over 500 pages of wealth building advice that will change the trajectory of your life for the better in a major way!


All the best…


Thomas (TJ) Underwood