Learn How to Better Utilize Credit Card Reward Programs In Your Daily Life
You too must act in a more focused and comprehensive manner as you encounter your finances on a daily basis. Reward cards may provide you an avenue to more effectively manage your finances and receive rewards at the same time.
You can’t effectively turn your situation around until you go to the source. Is the source of your current predicament poor spending habits, not making enough income, too much debt, or any other factor that is making life less fulfilling for you at this time?
Are you now on a serious path toward success and everything seems to be falling in place?
Are you over-utilizing credit or are you improperly utilizing credit? Do you currently have a credit card balance? In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will show you a number of ways that you can achieve more by utilizing your credit cards in a wiser manner.
Your effective application of the following paragraphs is the ultimate goal—just reading the paragraphs and not applying them in your life where appropriate may not take you to where you need or desire to be.
If you use reward cards—or anticipating doing so in your future you can do so in a manner where you can reward yourself and purchase what you normally purchase.
Your consistent (year-round usage) could put you in position to reward yourself and purchase what you normally purchase anyway—however it will require discipline on your part.
The key to successfully making reward cards work for you and your family is to know the details!
How much cash back do they offer? Are there caps on the amount that you can earn? What type of purchase qualifies? Gas, Groceries, or anything else…
Is it a flat rate on everything or a certain percentage on specific type of purchase?
Always keep in mind that reward programs can change at any given time and it is in your best interest to pay off the balance in full on a monthly basis!
If you are an average family, spouse and 2 kids and you spend about $3,000 on gas, food and other necessities (clothes, drugstore products, entertainment, travel, meals, utilities etc.) every month you can use any number of reward cards to receive up to 6% back on groceries, 3% back on gas, and many offer miles for flights or other perks based on the amount you spend.
Using the above strategy effectively could lead to you receiving up to $1,000 or more annually in rewards!
The key is to get the reward card combination (2 to 4 cards) that fits your spending pattern on a monthly basis and offers the best reward based on your spending pattern.
It is imperative that you have a properly established emergency fund and little or no credit card debt if you are to make wise use of reward cards!
If you are a big spender you can earn even more, however you want to purchase within your means and pay the credit card balance off on a monthly basis. If you are unable or feel that you can’t pay the balance off monthly—reward cards may not be right for you at this particular time.
The following companies offer reward cards (do not consider any as an endorsement by TheWealthIncreaser.com as it is provided for your convenience only) that may be of benefit to you based on your monthly spending habits:
- American Express Blue Cash Preferred Card
- Capital One Venture
- Capital One
- American Express Card
- PenFed Premium Travel Rewards
- Penfed Platinum Cash Rewards Visa Plus
- Capital One Spark Cash for Business
- Capital One Spark Miles for Business
- American Express Blue Cash
- Barclay Card Arrival Plus World Elite Master Card
- Bank Americard Cash Rewards Credit Card for Students
- Discover It Chrome for Students
- Capital One Venture
- CITI Thank You Premier
Other (I don’t fit into any of the above categories):
Visit bankrate.com and select a card (or cards) that meet your expected monthly spending pattern. Also keep in mind that the above reward programs as well as others change on occasion and the “details of all of them” can be found on bankrate.com/rewards.
Therefore it is imperative that you review the program that you are using on at least a semi-annual basis to ensure that you are getting the rewards that you think you are getting.
In addition always realize that effectively managing your credit and utilizing reward programs in a manner that serves your best interest (paying your monthly balance off in full) allows you to know where you are going and will put you in position to inspire others (friends and family) and show them that they too have the power within to change their credit situation in a balanced and well thought out manner.
The goal of TheWealthIncreaser.com is to help make the road that others will travel less burdensome. What is impossible in the eyes of many is actually doable when you approach what needs to be done in the right manner.
Make it a point to manage your credit and your reward cards in a highly effective way—starting today!
When you need to do something, you can often come up with new and inspiring ways of accomplishing your goals. TheWealthIncreaser.com asks that you tap into your creativity and do more from this day forward. It is the desire of TheWealthIncreaser.com that this article will play some small part in helping you reach your goals in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner!
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