Learn why purchasing 1-2-3 Credit & Me can be a defining moment in your life…
1-2-3 Credit & Me: Learn how you can Stabilize, Improve & Maintain your credit throughout your lifetime (Part of th Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books Book 6) by THOMAS (TJ) UNDERWOOD | Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC—e-book $9.95 | Oct 19, 2020, Updated July 23, 2023
Updated ©2023 Hardback edition (333 pages) now available and sold by Amazon.com for $22.95…
It’s ironic that TheWealthIncreaser.com’s last article was about defining moments as the last few weeks have revealed a number of defining moments as the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com was pressed to use “consistency in action” to put the final touches on 1-2-3 Credit & Me and bring it to the market before the month of October expired.
Thomas (TJ) Underwood, the author of 1-2-3 Credit & Me started writing 1-2-3 Credit & Me in January of 2020 (his 10 year anniversary of blogging) and little did he know at that time that COVID-19 would come and attack all corners of the earth and paralyze economic activity in many areas.
After months of writing at a snail’s pace, the acceleration of writing kicked into a higher gear in September/October of 2020 and the final touches were put on 1-2-3 Credit & Me so that those who suffered adversely from COVID-19 or any other adversity could rebound and move forward in the strongest way possible from a financial standpoint!
And with major conflicts in many parts of the world along with inflation raising its ugly head at a rapid pace in many parts of the world yet once again, the inspiration to update 1-2-3 Credit & Me ©2023 came forth in a powerful manner.
In order to set the expectations of what you can achieve by utilizing this timely guide and achieving at a very high level with the tools that you already possess (that may need to be enhanced)—the outline of 1-2-3 Credit & Me will be detailed so that you can determine if this book is for you:
1-2-3 Credit & Me consists of 11 chapters that are designed to get you to manage your credit and financial affairs at a higher level of excellence at the various stages in your life and will be of benefit to you if you now face adversity or you are moving along in life at a prosperous pace.
Chapter 1 Understanding Credit & Knowing the Purpose of Credit
In chapter 1 you will learn what credit is and also learn the purpose of credit so that you can proceed throughout life in a way that you can confidently utilize credit.
You will learn about the latest changes in the credit industry and you will learn what credit repair companies and others can and can’t do so that you won’t unwillingly fork over hundreds and hundreds of dollars and not get the results that you desire.
1-2-3 Credit & Me is written in a style and format that is designed to get you to take action and manage your financial affairs in a SIMPLE, yet highly effective way and will help you stabilize, improve and maintain your credit for the rest of your lifetime.
Chapter 2 Stabilizing, Improving & Maintaining Your Credit
In chapter 2 you will learn the importance of stabilizing, improving and maintaining your credit so that you can position yourself for a lifetime of success.
You will be introduced to ways that you can use personal finance statements so that you can get a handle on your finances and know how to best proceed to achieve your goals.
You will learn how to maximize your understanding of credit to your benefit so that you can achieve your goals and not be taken advantage of by others in the credit and finance industry.
And finally you will be introduced to ways that you can maintain your credit and finance position in the current economy, or any economy.
Chapter 3 Stabilizing Your Credit & Finance Position
In chapter 3 you will learn about personal finance statements in greater detail so that you will have the knowledge and skills that are needed to put together financial statements that will help you clarify your priorities and plan for your future with more certainty—thereby stabilizing your credit and finances.
Chapter 4 Improving Your Current Credit Position
In chapter 4 you will learn in great detail how you can effectively manage your credit for the rest of your life in a way that puts YOU in control and keeps YOU in control.
You no longer have to be at a disadvantage when it comes to credit improvement and you will have a fail-safe way of approaching credit that works with your mind and will get you the results that you need to get to make reaching many of your goals more likely to occur.
Chapter 5 Maintaining Your Credit & Finances
In chapter 5 you will learn the truth about identity protection measures and the importance of protecting your credit and finance position so that you can maintain that position.
You will learn about credit monitoring, credit freezes, credit locks and common sense measures that you can take to protect your identity and financial position from hackers and others that desire to do you harm.
Chapter 6 Understanding Credit Reports & Credit Scoring so that You Can Achieve MORE
In chapter 6 you will learn the importance of understanding credit reports and credit scores so that you can achieve more in a timelier manner.
You will learn and know how to use the three major credit bureaus to properly dispute information in your credit files and have it removed, add positive credit to your report and learn about the guidelines lenders use to rate credit.
You will also learn about automated underwriting that is widely used today in all types of transactions involving the use of credit–including some of the most common credit decisions such as credit cards, auto loans, and home loans.
That inside knowledge alone will put you in a better position for success when it comes to managing your transactions that involve credit.
Chapter 7 Credit Resources that You Must Be Aware of if You Desire to Achieve MORE
In chapter 7 you will learn about credit resources that can help you address all areas of your credit concerns that you may have throughout your lifetime so that you can achieve more and save valuable time in the process.
To close out the chapter you will learn about letters that you can possibly use (or serve as a guide) with creditors and the credit reporting agencies so that you can get a feel of what will be required of you if your credit is at a point where you need to clean up your credit due to poor or non-existent money management in your past.
These are actual letters that have been utilized against creditors and the credit bureaus to achieve real outcomes.
Chapter 8 Using Credit Cards Wisely as You Build Wealth
In chapter 8 you will learn how to use credit wisely so that you can build wealth in a way that serves your and your family’s best interest. You will learn how you can use zero percent credit card promotions and reward cards to achieve beneficial outcomes on a consistent basis.
Chapter 9 Practical Management of Your Finances
In chapter 9 you will learn about practical ways that you can manage your finances better. You will learn in great detail what makes up your personal finances, how to set and reach your financial goals more efficiently, how the proper buying and selling of real estate affects your finances along with options for those who find themselves in a difficult financial position at this time.
College funding options will also be presented so that you can avoid or reduce the likelihood of borrowing for your or your children(s) educational costs in the future.
Chapter 10 Life Stages & Financial Planning
In chapter 10 you will learn how you can benefit financially by having a real understanding of where you are at in your financial life stage.
You will learn about the “4 life stages” so that you can look at your past, present and future from a different angle so that you can see your finances and future with more clarity.
You will also learn about the asset accumulation stage of your life in great detail and you will learn about home buying and selling in a way that works in your favor.
Furthermore, you will learn a number of car buying strategies, learn about expanded credit reports, insurance as it relates to credit, employment as it relates to credit, secured credit cards as it relates to credit and ways that you can use reward cards more effectively.
Chapter 11 The SIMPLE Approach to Managing Your Credit & Finances
In chapter 11 you will integrate all that you have learned in the previous 10 chapters into a cohesive approach that you can use in a SIMPLE way to achieve at an optimal level as it relates to your credit and finances for the rest of your life.
You will have the skills and knowledge at this point of how you can stabilize, improve and maintain your credit during your lifetime, manage your monthly bills in a way that not only puts you in control but reduces your daily stress, plan for success in a smarter way and prepare your mind for new ways of learning that can take your achievement even higher.
You will learn 2 foolproof ways to achieve what you desire in a 3 step process that will be illuminated in your mind and you will have thoroughly mastered at this point and can use at the time of your choosing.
You will also at this point know the importance of properly establishing an emergency fund and you will know all areas of your finances that will be affected by your credit and/or credit score such as your auto purchase, credit card application(s), employment, home purchase, insurance selection, rental property and everything else (the 4th bureau)!
Most importantly you will know how to execute all that you have learned in 1-2-3 Credit & Me on a consistent basis so that you can achieve more and do what you desire during your lifetime in a more definitive manner.
You will soon be saying 1-2-3, now I can truly see!
Appendix A, B and C provides additional information about the author along with “10 success principles” that came to mind as the author was finalizing this book.
For less than the amount that you will pay for lunch today you can purchase 1-2-3 Credit & Me in e-book format and read on your phone, I-pad or kindle reader and totally transform the direction in your life as it relates to the effective management of your credit and finances from this day forward.
All in all you will receive 308 pages of content (that can totally transform your life) in e-book format from amazon.com for only $9.95!
Updated ©2023 Hardback edition (333 pages) now available and sold by Amazon.com for $22.95…
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