Learn how you can take “3 steps” to achieve more as you build wealth…
As the year 2025 starts to come alive, you want to proactively put yourself and your family in position to thrive.
In this brief and to-the-point discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss ways that you can start and finish 2025 and beyond in winning fashion.
And with this being the “4th year since the homegoing” (January 9th, 2021) of the one who brought the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com into the world, and this date (January 9th, 2024) also being the date that former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter is being laid to rest in his homegoing service, this discussion takes on more meaning than most–as this discussion has been given even deeper thought than almost any other post.
It is imperative that you too give deeper thought to your future so that you can start or continue on a more serious path toward the wealth building success that you desire or deserve!
On the ground floor, or the fist level of your 3-story house (pun intended) is the building of your foundation, and that includes understanding your need to create a budget or cash flow statement, create an income statement, create a balance sheet and knowing your net worth at this time.
On level 2 or the second floor, is your mastery of your credit and how you effectively apply that mastery to your advantage throughout your lifetime.
On level 3 or the top floor is where you lay it all on the line in a comprehensive manner by conceptually understanding and having the ability to apply that understanding for your and your family’s greater benefit by seeing the full layout (blueprint of the success that you will achieve) as you are in position to have an unobstructed view of your future.
In the paragraphs that follow you will learn how you can “slow walk” or “run” (your choice) through all levels (learn at your own pace) and achieve more throughout your lifetime so that you can not only see success–you will know in definite terms what you need to do to make your dreams come true.
Level 1 or building of your foundation
It is very important that your foundation of wealth building is as sound as possible, as without a solid foundation the true building of wealth will not be sustainable–in the same manner as a house built on a faulty foundation will not sustain.
By knowing your true personal finance position at the earliest time possible, you set yourself and your family up for a more successful future at the various stages of your life.
Level 2 or mastery of your credit
Knowing your inflow and outflow of cash is very important, but so too is knowing how to manage your credit effectively on a consistent basis as there is a high correlation!
You must know how to use the 5 credit factors to your benefit throughout your lifetime. By knowing the 5 credit factors, the three major credit bureaus, and the FICO and Vantagescore scoring models, you can set yourself and your family up for a lifetime of credit success if you use the knowledge gained in an appropriate manner.
Level 3 or comprehensively understanding your finances
An overall or comprehensive overview of your finances is in almost all cases far superior to having a piecemeal or isolated understanding of your finances.
By knowing that you must “effectively” address (and you actually do so) your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning–you are ensuring a more prosperous future for yourself and your family and you are looking at your future from a more advantageous point of view, in large part because you decided to approach your finances in a manner that is best for you, because you are sincere about making your dreams come true.
Your understanding of the three steps mentioned above can help you climb higher as you build wealth and more efficiently direct you towards the goals that you desire because you will have a better view! As 2025 progresses, you want to know in clear terms the steps that you can take to achieve your goals in a more efficient manner because you know that your future is at stake.
Isn’t it time you beat, defeat, and treat what ails you financially in a more astute way–today so that the actions that you take will have the final say?
By implementing the 3 steps above in a sincere manner, you can start or continue on a path to achieving your goals in a more efficient manner. You no longer have to approach your finances in an unsure manner or let anxiety dominate your mental space–as you can now approach your wealth building future with more grace and move about at your own pace.
Imagine solution(s) for yourself and others and then bring the solution(s) into existence, just as the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com has done–in large part by dreaming big and following up on that big dream with consistent action that has led to succeeding in a big way when it comes to helping others throughout the world build wealth in ways they never imagined!
Did you know that God is transforming the gift in you in 2025 so that you can transform the gift in others at some time in their future? Your gift must be put into action by you and used to uplift others. Your gift is not meant to be harvested by only you, but is meant to serve the glory of God and help you and others achieve goals that are not odd.
Isn’t it time you learn and utilize a finance improvement system that makes sense? Isn’t it time you achieve at a level that is your best, and reach a higher level of excellence?
Gear your mind up for consistent action in 2025 and always keep your most pressing dreams alive!
It is very important that throughout your life you don’t let others ( friends and family, financial professionals, attorneys, lenders of various types, credit card issuers etcetera) use what they do and know to influence you disadvantageously without you even knowing it, and subsequently getting you to use your own brain against your own best interest (by letting ads, artificial intelligence, marketing techniques, celebrities, athletes, entertainers, influencer’s, what appears hot at the moment, and in many cases superior informational knowledge that they possess and you don’t, adversely influence you) when you are in the process of managing your credit and finances or any other facet of your life!
Creditors and other financial professional always expect success because they know that their bottom line will be affected if they don’t succeed. You too must expect success and know that you will succeed when it comes to building wealth because you have the right approach, an expectation of success, and a level of determination that is beyond reproach–because you understand fully that your and your family’s bottom line will be affected if you don’t get your lack of understanding of your finances corrected and use the knowledge gained in a more advantageous way for you and your family–not others!
All the best to your joyous new year, and continued wealth building success–as your journey toward excellence is in your hands as long as you don’t procrastinate and remain in the stands.
Get off the sidelines and out of the stands now!
The 3 Step Structured Approach will show you how…
NOTE: As the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com and someone who has over 20 years of experience in the personal finance industry, I know of no other system that provides YOU a comprehensive understanding of your finances that “you can control and use for your benefit” throughout your lifetime, than that of “the 3 Step Approach” that you now have the opportunity to utilize at this time for the greater benefit of yourself, your family, your loved ones and society at-large–now and even after you transition.
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