3 Steps to Wealth Building Success

Learn how you can take “3 steps” to achieve more as you build wealth…


As the year 2025 starts to come alive, you want to proactively put yourself and your family in position to thrive.


In this brief and to-the-point discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss ways that you can start and finish 2025 and beyond in winning fashion.


And with this being the “4th year since the homegoing” (January 9th, 2021) of the one who brought the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com into the world, and this date (January 9th, 2024) also being the date that former President James Earl (Jimmy) Carter is being laid to rest in his homegoing service,  this discussion takes on more meaning than most–as this discussion has been given even deeper thought than almost any other post.


It is imperative that you too give deeper thought to your future so that you can start or continue on a more serious path toward the wealth building success that you desire or deserve!


On the ground floor, or the fist level of your 3-story house (pun intended) is the building of your foundation, and that includes understanding your need to create a budget or cash flow statement, create an income statement, create a balance sheet and knowing your net worth at this time.


On level 2 or the second floor, is your mastery of your credit and how you effectively apply that mastery to your advantage throughout your lifetime.


On level 3 or the top floor is where you lay it all on the line in a comprehensive manner by conceptually understanding and having the ability to apply that understanding for your and your family’s greater benefit by seeing the full layout (blueprint of the success that you will achieve) as you are in position to have an unobstructed view of your future.


In the paragraphs that follow you will learn how you can “slow walk” or “run” (your choice) through all levels (learn at your own pace) and achieve more throughout your lifetime so that you can not only see success–you will know in definite terms what you need to do to make your dreams come true.


Level 1 or building of your foundation

It is very important that your foundation of wealth building is as sound as possible, as without a solid foundation the true building of wealth will not be sustainable–in the same manner as a house built on a faulty foundation will not sustain.


By knowing your true personal finance position at the earliest time possible, you set yourself and your family up for a more successful future at the various stages of your life.


Level 2 or mastery of your credit

Knowing your inflow and outflow of cash is very important, but so too is knowing how to manage your credit effectively on a consistent basis as there is a high correlation!


You must know how to use the 5 credit factors to your benefit throughout your lifetime.  By knowing the 5 credit factors, the three major credit bureaus, and the FICO and Vantagescore scoring models, you can set yourself and your family up for a lifetime of credit success if you use the knowledge gained in an appropriate manner.


Level 3 or comprehensively understanding your finances

An overall or comprehensive overview of your finances is in almost all cases far superior to having a piecemeal or isolated understanding of your finances.


By knowing that you must “effectively” address (and you actually do so) your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning–you are ensuring a more prosperous future for yourself and your family and you are looking at your future from a more advantageous point of view, in large part because you decided to approach your finances in a manner that is best for you, because you are sincere about making your dreams come true.




Your understanding of the three steps mentioned above can help you climb higher as you build wealth and more efficiently direct you towards the goals that you desire because you will have a better view!  As 2025 progresses, you want to know in clear terms the steps that you can take to achieve your goals in a more efficient manner because you know that your future is at stake.


Isn’t it time you beat, defeat, and treat what ails you financially in a more astute way–today so that the actions that you take will have the final say?


By implementing the 3 steps above in a sincere manner, you can start or continue on a path to achieving your goals in a more efficient manner.  You no longer have to approach your finances in an unsure manner or let anxiety dominate your mental space–as you can now approach your wealth building future with more grace and move about at your own pace.


Imagine solution(s) for yourself and others and then bring the solution(s) into existence, just as the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com has done–in large part by dreaming big and following up on that big dream with consistent action that has led to succeeding in a big way when it comes to helping others throughout the world build wealth in ways they never imagined!


Always remember that when your goals and objectives (especially when they are in writing) are aligned with your thoughts–your wealth building success occurs at a faster pace in almost all circumstances!


Did you know that God is transforming the gift in you in 2025 so that you can transform the gift in others at some time in their future?  Your gift must be put into action by you and used to uplift others.  Your gift is not meant to be harvested by only you, but is meant to serve the glory of God and help you and others achieve goals that are not odd.


Isn’t it time you learn and utilize a finance improvement system that makes sense?   Isn’t it time you achieve at a level that is your best, and reach a higher level of excellence?


Gear your mind up for consistent action in 2025 and always keep your most pressing dreams alive!


It is very important that throughout your life you don’t let others ( friends and family, financial professionals, attorneys, lenders of various types, credit card issuers etcetera) use what they do and know to influence you disadvantageously without you even knowing it, and subsequently getting you to use your own brain against your own best interest (by letting ads, artificial intelligence, marketing techniques, celebrities, athletes, entertainers, influencer’s, what appears hot at the moment, and in many cases superior informational knowledge that they possess and you don’t, adversely influence you) when you are in the process of managing your credit and finances or any other facet of your life!


Creditors and other financial professional always expect success because they know that their bottom line will be affected if they don’t succeed.  You too must expect success and know that you will succeed when it comes to building wealth because you have the right approach, an expectation of success, and a level of determination that is beyond reproach–because you understand fully that your and your family’s bottom line will be affected if you don’t get your lack of understanding of your finances corrected and use the knowledge gained in a more advantageous way for you and your family–not others!


All the best to your joyous new year, and continued wealth building success–as your journey toward excellence is in your hands as long as you don’t procrastinate and remain in the stands.


Get off the sidelines and out of the stands now!


The 3 Step Structured Approach will show you how…



NOTE: As the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com and someone who has over 20 years of experience in the personal finance industry, I know of no other system that provides YOU a comprehensive understanding of your finances that “you can control and use for your benefit” throughout your lifetime, than that of “the 3 Step Approach” that you now have the opportunity to utilize at this time for the greater benefit of yourself, your family, your loved ones and society at-large–now and even after you transition.


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Insecurity & Wealth Building

Learn why failure is not an option as you arrive in 2025 when it comes to building wealth and improving your health….


If you fail at taking control of your life and pursuing your wealth building efforts at a higher level of intensity, it can lead to dire consequences, including depression later in your life.   Financial stress is a leading cause of depression in the lives of many, however you don’t have to be included in the “many” if you determine at this time that you desire more in your life and you are willing to put forth the required effort.


It is important that you don’t FAIL in your efforts to address Fear, Anxiety, Insecurity and Loneliness in your life, if any or all of those factors are now a part of your life and are at an unhealthy level at this time.


And with this day (December 22nd, 2024) being the 4th year since the transition of the one who brought the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com into this universe, it is more important than ever that you not only enjoy the holiday season, but you do your best to make a successful 2025 and beyond possible by doing what you need to do, just as other visitors to this site are–and have done!


In this brief discussion the TheWealthIncreaser.com will try to end 2024 and bring in 2025 on an upbeat note, as many are now feeling insecure in many ways about what lies ahead in their future.


It is important that you control what is in your sphere, or control matters that are definitely under your control as you can reduce the insecurity that you may have in a more definite manner and achieve at a higher level in the coming years.







The above factors have caused pain and misfortune for many because they failed to approach their future with the proper focus and mental tools that were necessary to achieve optimally and use the available tools appropriately on a more consistent basis.


By letting fear and anxiety control you, and having an insecure feeling about your future it can possibly lead to loneliness and depression if not managed appropriately!


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will focus on ways that you can manage your finances and life at a higher level of excellence so that you and your family can prosper in 2025 and beyond.



You must use the potential that you have at this time to manage your time, money, and stress in a more beneficial manner and in a manner that gives the edge to you and your family–not others.  It is important that your mind dwells in places where all things are possible.



You have the capacity to manage your credit and finances in a more intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner by gaining the preparation and knowledge that you need to succeed at this time–not “after” you make costly mistakes.



By leaving FearAnxietyInsecurity–andLoneliness in the rear, you can put yourself in position to live a more abundant life and you can get to a point where you can sincerely pursue your life purpose or what you were truly put on earth to do.  By pursuing your goals in a systematic way that works with your mind you can outsmart systems that may be working against you and “not” FAIL in your wealth building efforts or any facet of your life.



You have the potential and capacity to do more during your lifetime and now is the time that you tap into your mind and contemplate your future at a higher level and truly reach your life purpose or what you were sincerely put on earth to do.


If you FAIL to take action now, it could lead to added stress, possibly depression and you living out your life in despair because you failed to strive to pursue your goals at your highest level of excellence while you were of sound mind!  Why look back in regret when you at this time can make a sure bet?


You can now “alter your mind” using “PCP” in a good way by:


  • tapping into your full potential,


  • utilizing what you are capable of doing for your and your family’s greater benefit, and


  • pursuing your life purpose at your highest level of excellence.


You must realize at the earliest time possible that it is your responsibility to direct your life in a responsible manner and in a manner where the goals that you desire most will truly have a chance to materialize during your lifetime–starting in the year 2025 and throughout the years that you are alive.



Ultimate Success







It is important that you make a real commitment at this time to pursue the success that is already yours, if you believe it to be true and you respond to adversity by doing what you need or desire to do!  From this day forward you must “know” that you are on an unrelenting path toward success–and FAILure is not an option!


And just as the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com gained the preparation and knowledge over a number of years and has used “to whom much is given, much is required” and “be fruitful and multiply” to spread wealth building principles to those who desire real and lasting success to all 4 corners of the earthso too can you use your imagination to make great things happen for yourself and others–whether it be financial or otherwise.


Odds are you are on this blog because you desire a real path to wealth building success or you were referred by someone who desire that you get on a real path to success.   SEO optimization and marketing gimmicks are intentionally not a feature of this site as the goal of this site is for you to attain the success that you desire in an intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner–where you control your outcomes and the goals that you desire most are achieved in real-time.


If you at this time desire to pursue a more definite path toward success you must be fully committed! If you are not fully committed, you may become irritated, frustrated and feel on the inside that you can’t achieve what you need to achieve, therefore it is important that you fully believe, and you are determined to reach higher at this time!


If you are not ready to pursue a more lasting path toward wealth building success, you want to at least be true to yourself and say no to your mind and heart, so that you won’t waste energy pursuing that which you are not fully committed to doing at this time.


Always realize that if you possess the right knowledge (or are sincerely willing to learn) you can make moves and countermoves that can keep you on a path to success or reposition you for success–regardless of what lies ahead!



Insecurity or an uneasy feeling about the future lies inside all of us, however you don’t want to have the feeling of insecurity at an unhealthy level.  You must know in certain terms that your future is bright and the JOY that is available to you will be tapped into and enjoyed by you, as you can now see the light.


The False Evidence Appearing Real will no longer play a meaningful role in your life because as a result of visiting this blog, you have left fear, anxiety, insecurity, and loneliness in the rear–as you are now on a new grind as you unwind–and leave all failure behind!


By taking the steps outlined, you can put yourself in position to enjoy a more secure future–in large part because YOU made the decision to control your actions now to help ensure a brighter future for yourself and your family.


You can further reduce the insecurity that you may have by “knowing common credit mistakes to avoid” so that financial trouble doesn’t land in your neighborhood–like an asteroid!


Isn’t it time you use your creativity and inspiration and go from that which was not–to that which is?


I leave you with a poem as a tribute to the one who brought the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com into this world and as inspiration to help you reach higher as you pursue the goals that you desire:


All the Glory Belongs to God


All of the glory belongs to you

However, it is up to me to reach higher and achieve the goals that I desire


All of the glory belongs to you

However, it is up to me to do what I need to do to see my way through


All of the glory belongs to you

I must see and be at a level that is at my highest–inside of me


All of the glory belongs to you

I will give it my best to ensure that my dreams will come true


All of the glory belongs to you

And I know that if I don’t take the right action, I will not gain the right traction


All the glory belongs to you–my God

For I know wholeheartedly that the path toward success that I am now on for your glory, is not odd


As you pursue wealth building and life success, you must always be willing to exert effort at a level that is your absolute best!


All the best, as now is not the time to rest, as you can now leave fear in the rear–and know with more certainty that the failure (success) that you sincerely desire is definitely near…


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Detours & Wealth Building

Learn how detours that you experience during your lifetime could be the springboard that you need, if you sincerely desire to succeed…


Purchase The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Credit & Finances


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Learn What is Inside Wealth Building Now…


FAQ’s  &  Wealth Building


In life there will be many turns and twists, and unexpected happenings will occur on occasion that will throw you in ways and directions that you never imagined.  However, those same events could be the voice of God getting you to prepare your mind and heart for something bigger than you ever imagined.


Although a straight-line or upward path to wealth building success is the desire of many, the hard reality is that there will be zigs and zags along the way.  The route that you want to take in your life may not be possible at the time that you want to drive–and the success that you desire or need to attain, could appear fleeting!


When there are twists and turns in your life, you may be on a divine flow that will take you where you really need to go.  You must dream bigger, expect more and do more in times of uncertainty!  You may have to go through a number of wrongs before you get to a number of rights.  You don’t have to be discouraged–never give up on your dream(s)–as a lot has or can happen that is unseen and a lot of things that you didn’t see is what has gotten you here and can take you far or near!


It is important that you realize that strength, favor and endurance lie inside of you and it is your decision as to whether you want to tap into it.


You must “know” that you are equipped, empowered, authentic and the future that you desire is yours for the taking if you know it to be true and you are willing to do what you need to do.  You can have the AIR at your BACK, and you can get your wealth building efforts on track if you are now ready to attack!


The birth of something bigger–favor, opportunity and success lie inside of you if you are now willing to give it your absolute best!


It is important that you realize that the adversity that you face, have faced or may face in your future may be strategic and not meant for your detriment if you look at adversity from the right angle and you see the adversity as a benefit and not something that will hold you back.


Your attitude or how you view your situation is a key component for you to achieve at a higher level.


In life there will be things that you can’t change

You can’t change that which you don’t have “control over” and are unable or unwilling to confront.  You want to come to that realization at the earliest time possible and not waste energy and time on matters that you know you can’t change.


At the same time, you want to be clearly aware of what you can’t change as that will play a part in your future success.  You can’t change the prime interest rate!  You can’t change the interest rate that you are paying on your mortgage or credit card generally!  You can’t change who is in office politically at this time!


Still you want to be aware of the possible movement in interest rates, the political environment that you are in and potential happenings in the political, regulatory, economical, societal, technological and legal areas in the community that you live, work or frequent!


However, you can increase your understanding that you can’t change those things and use your awareness and energy to operate in areas where you can make a change–whether it be for your benefit, your family’s benefit or the benefit of the larger society that you live in, work in or visit.


You do not need to spend energy on matters that you know you can’t change as that is self-defeating effort being expended with no real return that favors you, your family or society at large!


In life there will be things that you can change, but you are reluctant to do so for varying reasons

You can change some things, but you are often unwilling to do so for varying reasons.  Whether you lack the determination, feel it is too difficult, feel the timing is not right or any other reason, you don’t want to waste energy on things that you are unwilling to change whether you are in control or not.


You may feel that you can run for political office to change conditions in your community, but YOU know that you won’t!  You know you can change your bad habits, but you won’t!  You know that you need to increase your understanding of your finances–but you won’t!


The reasons why you won’t change what you need to change or possibly change is endless and your lack of action could lead to you finding yourself in a real financial mess.


In life there will be things that you can absolutely change–and you must change

You want to determine at the earliest time possible in your life stage that there are things in life that you have total control over (or can get to a point where you will have total control over) and you can use that control to achieve more throughout your life.


This is an area that you want to “really focus in on” and be prepared to expend the needed energy as the potential to change your life for the better and achieve meaningful goals are in your hands.  You control right now the ability to decide to pursue wealth building in a new or more excellent way and start or continue on a more serious path toward success today.


You control the success that you want to pursue, and you control the path that you can take to make your dreams come true.


You control the ability right now to:


1. Create a budget or cash flow statement at a minimum


2. Master your credit at this time


3. Effectively manage your overall finances throughout your lifetime


By controlling and making the needed changes in your life you are showing maturity and a more focused approach toward achieving the success that you desire because that success that YOU desire is in your hands–if you at this time know that “you have the control” to change your future–and you are willing to do so with unwavering commitment.



Isn’t it time you move in alignment with what you truly believe and move more aggressively toward what you say you want or need to achieve?


Always realize that if your discretionary income is not at an acceptable level, you may need to cut your expenses, get more income or do a combination of the two–if you are sincere in making your dreams come true!  By doing so you put yourself in a more favorable position to drive on the right highway that will lead to the success that you desire.


You must from this day forward “talk to yourself” about the magnitude of your solution–not the magnitude of your problem.  You can never change what you tolerate that is of a negative nature!  If you tolerate poor performance in the management of your finances, poor performance is exactly what you will get!


You don’t have to be limited by the political, regulatory, economic, societal, technological and legal happenings regardless of where you reside, if you determine now that you can get out in front of your finances and create the future that you desire–NOW, so that you no longer need to hide, but you can put yourself in position to experience a smoother ride.


You must approach the management of your finances in a disciplined way as that will allow you to apply the 3 steps mentioned above on a more consistent basis so that you can truly reach your most pressing goals–starting today.


By proactively addressing your cash flow, credit–and all areas of your finances in a more disciplined way, you CAN put yourself on a surefire path to success–if you are now at this time willing to give it your absolute best.


Always realize that the path that you are currently on may not be the best path for you–or the route that takes you toward what you need or desire to do to make “your” dreams come true.  In life detours will occur and you don’t have to let detours deter your ultimate success if you have the right approach, and you are determined to press forward at all times!


It is important that you are seeing your future with clarity as by seeing what lies ahead it will provide valuable insight and lead to the development of your mind, body and soul in a more efficient manner.


And by having the mindset to overcome obstacles and move around detours in a winning fashion–and really get things done by using the discipline that you now have or will soon develop, you can use a systematic approach to achieve major success throughout your lifetime!


All the best to your unlimited wealth building success as you navigate around detours and achieve at a level that is your absolute best…


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Innovation & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of making adjustments and using ingenuity to chart your own path toward success as you build wealth….


Purchase Wealth Building Now today…

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Learn What is Inside Wealth Building Now…


FAQ 101 & Wealth Building


Just as the steamboat outlived its usefulness to a degree due to innovation, so too must you innovate and bring something new into the equation so that you can live “in” your usefulness as you formulate and implement your wealth building plans.


You must make it a point to outperform the benchmarks that are now at your fingertips that you can use to see how well or poorly you are doing as those benchmarks can be used as a measuring stick to see how well (or poorly) you are doing financially at this time–and in your future.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss ways that you can innovatively manage and improve your finances at the various stages of your life.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Personal Financial Statements in a Better Way

You want to get to a point where you can look at your financial statements and use them for your benefit in an innovative way.


Your finances and how you manage your finances are unique to you and getting a handle on your monthly and annual inflow and outflow of cash, and knowing what you currently own and what you currently owe in total at this particular moment in time–you can determine your net worth and use the knowledge gained in a more innovative way to create the successful future that you desire.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Credit in a Better Way

You want to always “be in control” of how you manage your credit and highly effective and innovative approaches that are offered by many sources are now available to you.


If you are truly determined, there is no excuse for you to mismanage your credit in this day and age, as the only impediment is your unwillingness to put forward the required effort that is needed to master your credit in a more innovative way.


You must be motivated on this day to manage your credit in a more innovative way so that future credit transactions can go your way.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Overall Finances in a Better Way

You also want to be in position at the earliest time possible to analyze and improve upon how you manage your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education fund, estate planning/wills and retirement planning!


You want to make improvements when and where you can, and by systematically analyzing your finances in a more detailed manner, that may allow you to achieve many or all of your goals that you sincerely want to achieve–especially when you plan.



It is important that you understand that there are better ways that you can think and act when managing your wealth building efforts throughout your lifetime.  You possess inside of you the mental fortitude to work more innovatively toward making your dreams come true.


It is important that you bring something new and rewarding into your life.  You have the ability to do that and much more and you can now activate that ability so that you can soar.


You really are the main factor for burrowing through obstacles like a tractor and bringing what you desire most into reality at this time so that you can live out more joyous moments with laughter!


Always realize that the power to deliver the wealth building results that you desire are in your hands.  You must focus on your strengths regardless of what is occurring around you and always know that the power to achieve what you desire resides inside of you.


You also want to realize that you may have to be innovative in your approach and not follow the same beaten path as others in order to tap into your true potential.


You must realize that in order to live a more abundant life in spirit and action it may require more of you in the form of effort.  You can then become a more positive force in influencing and helping your family, loved ones and others in your community.  Therefore, “innovatively approaching your future” is critical for making life better for not only you and your family–but society as well.


It is important for you to realize that the more you learn and the earlier you learn as it relates to your finances–the easier your financial management will be made over time!


It is important that you put into motion that which will lead to more success for you and your family.  Always realize that self-importance is not as important as you achieving for the benefit of others at certain times during your life (pun intended).


You want to realize at the earliest time possible that you are not the only one who needs to benefit from the success that you are pursuing, and by consciously realizing that you are taking action and moving toward something greater than yourself–you can find more strength–and not put your mind on a shelf!


The gift that you now possess is in a sense its own reward–your seed is now ready, and the soil (this site) is fertile and the gift that you now possess or will soon present to the world is invaluable–as a price tag can’t be placed on what you present to the world.


However, those who benefit from your gift will thank you, whether formally, informally or beyond your awareness!


Therefore, you want to manage your finances optimally so that you can more aggressively pursue your gift and provide comfort for those who are depending in part on you in assisting them toward making their dreams come true!


Financial freedom is when you realize that you are pursuing your true gift–and you can present your gift for the benefit of others in an unrelenting fashion if you improve your finances to the point where it allows you to pursue your gift in a more unrestricted way.


You want to have clarity about your gift and your vision of your future and walk in it (apply your gift to the fullest while you are here on earth).  Furthermore, you want to know that your finances are at the level that allows you to live out your life in a manner that you outlive your finances–now that is freedom!


The “joy and constant feel-good vibe” that you will receive daily are a by-product of applying your gift at your highest level.  Your gift from God is the uniqueness that you get, and others don’t!


As an example, is the material on this blog.  Although many can present credit and finance information and advice–only the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com can present information and advice on wealth building that is conveyed to you in the manner that you are now reading and have never encountered in your life and move you forward toward your goals in a more definite manner on a more consistent basis.


You can choose to be exalted and apply your gift, or you can choose to be brought down by society, or conditions of the mind such as worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses.  Likewise, “you can choose” to apply your gift, and everything can be moving forward within your heart, mind and life!


Do justice toward yourself and your family by taking the right action at the right time and justice will come back to you and your family as a result of the action that you took–at the right time or at the time that is right for you.


It is important that you use “innovation and the ingenuity” that you possess or are willing to “bring into action” to forge new paths towards the success that you desire in all facets of your life.  By thinking inside and outside of the box you can come up with new ideas and never before seen ways of approaching and overcoming challenges that you will face in all areas of your life.


You don’t have to operate in desperation as that will often make you step out of your character–and you will achieve less.  Your goal is to gain a cohesive notion of synergy “within your mind” and by pursuing that goal it will help you immensely in achieving more and help you take the type of action that is in line with who you truly need or want to be and help you achieve the type of results that you really want to see!


You must have and use Accountability–Integrity–Responsibility⇐⇒Boldness, Authenticity, Charisma and empowering Knowledge that you are pursuing–and occasionally unconventional approaches that are persuasive within your mind that are designed to encourage and inspire you to “do more” throughout your lifetime!


Or another way to look at your current predicament is that you must have the AIR at your BACK as you pursue what you desire most while chasing down your dreams!


All the best as you innovate, improve your finances, pursue your true gift or life purpose, and achieve major wealth building success…


Purchase Wealth Building Now today…



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Insecurity & Wealth Building


Learn why you must approach your credit and finances with confidence and not feel insecure about your future regardless of what lies in the horizon…


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FAQ 101 & Wealth Building


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In the current economic and political environment many are on edge and a large number of people have an uneasy feeling about their future as well as uncertainty about where the world is headed as happenings around the world that are a real cause for concern continue to happen at a dizzying pace!


At this time “character” plays an important role in all facets of life, and the inspiration and motivation  that was received by the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com of how you and others can improve upon character in your life and look for high character in those who you associate with in the previous post–provided positive momentum for many and helped inspire this discussion on insecurity–as this post was delayed by at least two weeks due to the effectiveness of the post on character and wealth building, as visitors from around the world gravitated toward that page and positive comments came in at a consistent pace over the past few weeks.


It is important that you see your future with clarity so that you can “produce more” while you are here on earth and are “yet alive” so that you can tell your own story in a more accurate and rewarding manner–where you receive the joy.


It is important that you fully realize your dreams and what you desire to see happen in a more secure manner by knowing in advance that what you desire will materialize.  You reduce “insecurity” in your life by seeking to achieve results that are meaningful to you and “having a reputation for doing what you say you will do” as a guiding principle in your life–and not realize your dreams after you transition–or because you failed to make the needed sacrifice!


It is important that you address insecurity as it relates to your finances in as timely a manner as possible, as you want to do all that “you can” to put yourself in position to live daily with more confidence as you must feel worthy of the success that you are pursuing.


You must hold yourself up in a manner where you expect success, and you must know that you are willing to expend the needed energy and effort to eliminate or reduce the insecurity that you may now feel so that you can live your life out in comfort.


Delusion should not rule the day in your life as you must base your future on who you are and who you can transform into–if you do what you need to do.


Chances are, right now, you are experiencing some type of insecurity–whether it be financial or otherwise and you must realize it is a part of the human equation.  Whether you now suffer from a lack of cash flow, poor credit management, a high debt load, and/or a lack of understanding about how to comprehensively manage your finances, these and other concerns of the heart and mind can all lead to you feeling insecure about your future, yet these concerns can be addressed effectively–if you have the will and motivation to confront your finances at this time.


And when you factor in what is happening in the “external environment,” your insecurity about what could possibly be ahead is magnified even more within your heart and mind and you may think that your path to success is hard to find.


Even if you feel insecure at this time, you can take actions that can lead to you having a more promising and uplifting view of your future where you manage risks more effectively and you reach meaningful goals that “you create in your mind” in a timely manner.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will address a number of ways that you can manage uncertainty or insecurity more effectively so that you can approach your financial future with more confidence.


Although this page was delayed due to the unforeseen success of Character & Wealth Building and visitors from around the world positively responding to that page in astronomical numbers, hopefully this post will be worth the wait.  Even though this site is intentionally not Search Engine Optimized–visitors have poured in over time in a consistent manner and hopefully this post will be of real benefit to those who truly desire success.


It is the desire of TheWealthIncreaser.com that the delay in the creation of this post will not have a negative effect toward your wealth building but will allow you to address insecurity in your life in a positive and life changing manner at this time and throughout your lifetime!


Know Where You Now Stand

It is important that you take inventory within your mind and know where you now stand financially.  Just what is causing you to feel insecure–particularly as it relates to your finances.  Your self-awareness, self-esteem, self-discipline and self-worth is what must be improved upon and that will help your self-confidence and your ability to achieve meaningful financial goals in a more definitive manner.


You also want to know your current cash flow position on a monthly and annual basis and have the knowledge and awareness of how you can manage your cash flow better.


Know Where You Can Go

It is important that you use your faith and an effective plan of action if you are to truly gain traction.  You must put a plan into place that forces or inspires you to “take action” on a more consistent basis so that you can win the majority of your races.


By doing so you can manage your credit better, manage your finances better, and have an overall feeling of well-being as you will be in better position to control your outcomes and thereby bring more security into your life, whether it be financial or otherwise.


Although the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com often writes in a bold, authentic and in some cases blunt style, it is often done to challenge, encourage and inspire you to do more and is done in the spirit of love for humanity, so that you can do more and achieve more!


You must challenge yourself at this time to do much more in your life as your goal is to persuade yourself of your ability to do more and then actually do more, so that you can achieve your goals as you run up your score!


You can improve your financial understanding in an efficient manner, you can pay off burdensome debt in a timely manner, you can purchase your dream home, you can operate daily with character and it all starts to happen in a big way when you become fully committed to putting in the required effort on a more consistent basis.


Review in Order to Improve so You Can Grow

It is important that you have the mindset to occasionally review to see if you are truly on track toward making your dreams come true.


You cannot just exert effort towards your goals and not have an effective measuring stick to see how well or poorly you are doing.


You are the determining factor of the success that you will achieve and by reviewing how you are improving upon your monthly and annual cash flow, reviewing how you are managing your credit and reviewing how you are managing and improving your finances in all areas, you put yourself in position for continuous growth so that you can sincerely achieve more!



Your ability to see your future with more clarity will go a long way in reducing the insecurity that you may now have or might have at some point in your future.  By creating a focused plan to achieve more in your life you are leaving future uncertainty in the rear, and you will soon realize that the success that you desire is not only near–you make “yourself” the determining factor for the success that you desire–as by creating a plan and taking the right action–success will undoubtedly appear.


You must boldly approach your future with confidence, and you do that by knowing what to avoid and knowing what to confront at the appropriate time, or proactively!


Do you at this time know what you must avoid in order to grow and achieve more?


Do you at this time know what you must confront in order to grow and achieve more?


As long as you know that what you are learning allows you to grow and reap more than you sow, and you have sincerely decided to give it your best–you can achieve major success.  Isn’t the time right for you to have a mental awakening where you “dig deep” into your soul and sincerely decide to do more during your lifetime?


You must evolve and when given an opportunity to grow , you must overcome adversity so that you can truly go!


You must have unrelenting thoughts of overcoming adversity that will allow you to see opportunities and possibilities that may not have been present prior to you facing adversity.


Isn’t it time you achieve results that are beautiful and uplifting that will put you on a trajectory towards major success?


Isn’t it time you have joy, a humorous spirit and a feeling of “can do” as you remove or reduce insecurity in your life–and work toward making your dreams come true–so that you can live and do what you need or want to do–and not have to “unnecessarily” sacrifice?


Doing the right thing will never be the wrong thing if you have the right approach and your actions are beyond reproach!


I leave you with a poem that can hopefully reduce the insecurity and increase the joy in your life, as you reach higher and press harder towards the goals that you desire–so that you can avoid a financial fire!


Joy that is Rightfully Mine


As I pressed my way to a place that I wanted to go

An invitation to success was sent to me to put me in the know

Success now has an opportunity to come into my heart

On this day I am sincerely ready to start

I’m ready to start even though I know the timing is not right

I now know in my heart and mind that I have the strength to start tonight

I open up my heart and mind on this day

I am NOW more committed to preparing for success in a better way

Success has sent an invitation out to me, and I now know what to do

I am now fully committed to do what is necessary to make my dreams come true

An invitation to success is on the way—I joyfully accept that invitation—as my goal is to excel and always do my very best—starting today!

When the right action and the right timing collide–I NOW know that I will experience a smoother and more joyful ride!


Insecurity plays a role to a greater or lesser degree in all of us.  Now is the time that you reduce or manage the insecurity in your life in a more confident manner!


And just as the birth and arrival of the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com’s first biological grandchild Rain Alaia (born early after 3 days of rain–name signifies abundance from above, happiness, beautiful, majestic) has brought a certain level of insecurity–joy still rules the day, as it is a sincere blessing to be alive and see her come my way and provide inspiration along with the anticipation of what she will once say, once she begins talking and success comes her way!


Several days after her arrival on planet earth and after a 12 hour drive, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com was inspired to create a page on Character & Wealth Building that has–and continues to inspire many in ways that was not anticipated, however her arrival undoubtedly played a major role in the creation and success of that post, and it is our desire that you succeed the most and one day give a toast at your own roast–because you not only decided not to coast but you took action at the level that was needed as a result of that post!


In life no one knows the future and uncertainty will always be in existence at some level, however you don’t have to let uncertainty or insecurity about your future dictate your daily well-being for the worse if you take steps to reduce that insecurity!


It is very important that you get out in front of your finances by analyzing what you can do in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner so that you and your family can live out your life in a more abundant manner and free up time so that you can enjoy life on your terms–not the terms of creditors and others who could care less about your existence other than the payments that you make to them.


Inaction or complacency–courage or fear–it is your choice!  Security or insecurity–it too is your choice–choose what is right for you and what you desire to happen in your future!  You take the right action by putting into motion the steps that you need to take to move you toward satisfaction as opposed to reaction!


Isn’t it time you address your insecurity with the fierce attack of now!   By taking the right action your path to success is already in place–and by frequenting this site you will win your race!


All the best as you joyfully put insecurity and fear to rest and act daily at a level that is your absolute best….


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Learn how you can use motivation to achieve more (a page that was accidentally “trashed” and was fortunately retrieved and is now a web favorite of many visitors) and further reduce insecurity in your life…


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Character & Wealth Building

Learn why character goes a long way in determining how you and others should operate throughout your lifetime…


Purchase Wealth Building Now today…

Read a Sample Chapter in Wealth Building Now…

Learn What is Inside Wealth Building Now…


FAQ 101 & Wealth Building


Learn more about Thomas (TJ) Underwood the creator of this page…


In the times that we now live and operate in, many are bombarded with service that is less than stellar.  Additionally, many financial professionals and others fall far short of the service that they offer to perform or should perform for customers, clients or potential clients in various scenarios.


If you are at this time about to engage in a major transaction, you want to ensure proactively when possible that the service that you get will be acceptable to you and will provide you the needed direction so that you can sincerely make your dreams come true.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss ways that you can find a better way toward success where you are respected and you still reach the goals that you desire as those who you choose to engage with should operate at a high level as far as character is concerned.


Don’t Accept Less Than Desirable Service

It is not uncommon to face countless encounters of service that is less than desirable during your lifetime.  The question then becomes, once they were made aware of the undesirable service, how was the unacceptable service that was received remedied or corrected?


Did they take action to correct the situation to your satisfaction or did they leave you feeling unsatisfied?


The answer to that question alone will tell you if the company that you are engaging with is operating with a high level of integrity and character and is a company or individual that you should engage with during your lifetime.


Did they try to correct the situation or did they cause you to feel disheartened or “some kind of way” after the incident?


Even in the lifetime of the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com, great service has often been received and if a mistake was made it was “more often than not” corrected in a satisfactory manner.


However, on occasion the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com, received service that was less than satisfactory, and the service was not resolved appropriately.  The creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com, once purchased office lamps that went out (broke) several months after purchase and Office Depot at the location that the lamp was purchased at did not replace it, and when returned within several months did not result in a satisfactory resolution.  Since that time that store has never been visited by the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com.


Chic-Fil-A also comes to mind as it was a restaurant that was a favorite of the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com (enjoyed not only there products and service, but also the efficiency in which they operated).  Even so, after receiving bad service in which the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com notified the local owner, corporate office and did an online complaint, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com received no response.  Needless to say, since that day the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com has not visited a Chic-Fil-A restaurant–nor are there any plans to do so in the future.


After purchasing a salad with the request for no chicken and no cheese, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com received Chicken and cheese on the order and when the order was returned the next day in an attempt to get the correct salad–the manager gave me a hard time and stated they would have to pull up the receipt and do other research because she was not sure that I purchased the salad at that location in order for me to get the salad that I clearly requested.


All of this drama was based on their mistake that “they made” and had already costed unnecessary time, gas and effort!


The owner of that Chic-Fil-A was notified by mail as he owns three locations in the area that the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com often frequented and to this day there has been no response from the owner or anyone else (mailing was directed specifically to owner).  Not only was there a receipt, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com also had the date and time along with the debit card info to verify the purchase, and all of that was submitted online and in the mailing.  Furthermore, to think that someone would return a salad that had excess of what they desired at a different location is ludicrous and counter-intuitive if the time and effort to return the salad wasn’t involved.


Even though that was a bad experience, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com was not looking for anything special as the loss on the salad was conceded mentally, but the hope and expectation that Chic-Fil-A would better train their managers so that future encounters of this type would never occur was something that was expected.


Since that occurrence in early 2024 The creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com has not visited a Chic-Fil-A location, nor is there an intention to do so.  It was not unusual  to spend several hundred dollars a month at Chic-Fil-A on a consistent basis.


The point for stating that is you have choices and you don’t have to take what retailers and others dish out at you.  Since that time the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com has not only avoided Chic-Fil-A but all fast food restaurants generally speaking, as that unfortunate event forced the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com into deep thought and looking at other ways of eating out–and that introspection has led to utilizing raw foods and other healthier organic alternatives that saves several hundred dollars a month that can now be used to invest in index funds and other investments to achieve even more over the course of the coming years.


Other instances of having character while you invest in your future includes the actions of Bernie Madoff and Barry Minkow who displayed the best and worst of character during various stages of their life as both ended up convicted for various crimes involving public trust and manipulation of clients.


Even closer to home are the actions of a blogger who took the post of an article created by TheWealthIncreaser.com and “re-posted a large portion of the post virtually verbatim” without authorization or giving proper credit to the creator of TheWealthincreasor.com.  This plagiarist act illustrates the “lack of character” in clear terms.


The article dated November 19th of 2014, versus “so called” article of Alan Draper’s article dated December 31st of 2014 illustrates “lack of character” in ways that even the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com can’t explain as plagiarism of a high nature occurred.   On the Business2Community.com website this blogger (Cryptocurrency Analyst according to website) claims to have over 200 published articles—you be the judge as to the accuracy of that claim.


As you can readily see “after reviewing both of the blog posts” mentioned above, character is very important in all facets of your life—and at all times and particularly in these changing societal times that we now live in!  On 7/20/2024 the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com requested on their website contact pages that Alan Draper and Business2Community.com take the page down or give proper credit to the author who created the page, and as of 7/28/2024 there has been no response or requested action to give proper credit.


The following request was sent to them:

Before republishing an article, it is important to obtain permission from the author or the owner of the copyright.  When republishing an article, it is important to include proper attribution to the author. This includes the author’s name, the title of the article, the publication in which the article appeared, and the date of publication.


In your article you fail to give proper attribute as you did not create this article.  My article dated November 19th,  2014 versus “so called” creator Alan Draper’s article dated December 31st, 2014 shows that you did not give proper attribute.  Please remove the article or give proper attribute.


Page in question: https://www.business2community.com/strategy/re-focusing-mind-success-steps-financial-success-01110603

Page that was plagiarized: https://www.thewealthincreaser.com/re-focusing-your-mind-for-success-5-steps-that-you-can-take-to-work-towards-your-financial-success/


Request to delete or give proper attribute was sent to Alan’s page and the company page at busines2community—no response from either!


Although legal action could be taken to resolve this blatant example of plagiarism, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com will not do so at this time, as the reservoir of knowledge and creativity as it relates to blogging about wealth building is unlimited and will continue as long as visitors from around the world see real benefit and continue to improve their finances in a more efficient way!


Another brief example is that of Papa John’s pizza, as on the surface it appeared to be a well run company, however behind the scenes many in their customer base were spoken about in a derogatory and disrespectful manner (in a conference call when it appeared no one was looking) by the founder.


Character is how you act or respond when no one is looking, appears to be looking or when you know you have an advantage over others, and you use that advantage inappropriately (or if you are of high character–you use that advantage appropriately)!


It is imperative that you operate at a high level of character, and you associate with those who are of high character on a consistent basis–even when others don’t, if you desire to achieve more success throughout your lifetime!



Even though you may receive poor service from retailers, financial advisors and others, you don’t have to remain inept and take what they dish out if “you determine that it is unacceptable to you” and is contrary to how you want to be treated during your lifetime on earth.  By having that attitude you can do what you need to do throughout your lifetime in a more rewarding and uplifting manner and not be taken advantage of unfairly (particularly with your blessings by you accepting the bad behavior unconditionally)!


It is important that you value yourself and know that you mean something–even if that meaning is only to yourself and no one else.  You must know that you are worthy of respectable service and you must know that even though those who disrespect you or give you less than desirable service and will still make millions or billions in the absence of your patronage–you will (and must) remain steadfast in your stance and not accept less than acceptable treatment from retailers and others, regardless of the economic climate or predicament that you find yourself in!


Although you won’t be missed by them (retailers, large financial companies, and others), you will have a more joyful spirit and you will achieve much more because you have decided to go through life in a more righteous manner and with the unrelenting determination that your dollars, time, and other resources will be respected by those who you decide to engage with when spending your hard earned dollars.


Even though there is the possibility that the submission to the owner, corporate and website submission was never received by Chic-Fil-A–the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com assumes otherwise and has decided after serious thought to not patronize them despite having a liking for the food and service in the past and spending several hundred dollars monthly at various locations on a fairly consistent basis.


The fact that a retailer, financial professional and others, don’t make a real commitment to correct an unfavorable situation that you may be involved in should give you serious cause for concern!


Even though all businesses and individuals will make mistakes or provide service that is less than stellar–it is how they respond in the aftermath that is critical.  Even though our company is small relative to the competition–we have always given it our best effort to correct an unpleasant experience by those who have chosen to do business with us and there is no reason why a multi-million dollar or multi-billion dollar company can’t do the same!


There is something that is beautiful within a person or business entity (that often can’t be explained in words) when they correct an unpleasant situation or a bad experience that may be experienced by you (and others) that they correct or make right consistently.  That is the type of activity that will lead to greater success for that business or entity and word of mouth endorsement will often do wonders for them, mainly because they decided to treat their customers, clients and those who they engage with in a righteous manner.


The key point of this discussion is that if you plan appropriately, even after receiving bad or less than desirable service, you can turn what appears to be a negative or adverse situation into one that can lead to you attaining more wealth in the process–while not being disrespected along the way!


Even though the creator of TheWealthIncreaseer.com “can’t control the actions of others or even the character that they display” on an ongoing basis–the atmosphere can be created for higher level achievement by you in your life and lead to you operating at a higher level of character on a more consistent basis by you taking a stronger stance and being more aware of how you treat yourself, how you treat others and how you allow (or disallow) others to treat you!


You can decide right now to operate at a higher level of excellence and change the trajectory of your life so that you can avoid financial strife throughout your life and not have to unnecessarily sacrifice!


You must be more than interested in operating with a high level of character, you must be fully committed to operating daily at a level that is your absolute best.


All the best as you battle less than stellar service–and you still decide to give it your absolute best to achieve lasting success…




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Mental Awakening & Wealth Building


Learn why a financially alert mind provides you the ability to grind and the freedom to unwind at this time…


This discussion is intended to provide you a mental awakening as you work toward “investorship” and attaining a financially alert mind as you pursue a serious path toward building wealth in a more efficient manner!  It is imperative that you operate daily with a financially alert mind–and not just financial literacy if you desire to go to a place that you need–or want to be.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of using your mind in an optimal manner as you build your wealth and pursue the dreams that you desire most.  Successful financial planning “starts with a thought” and the decision by you to work diligently toward making your dreams come true.


Unlike others who go about their life daily without a mental awareness of what they are doing and knowledge of where they are going–you will position your mind for better success if you are at this time willing to give it your absolute best.


Know Your Thought Process

Whether you fall into Gen Alpha (born after 2010), Z or Zoomers (born between 1997 to 2010), Millennials (born between 1981 to 1996), X (born between 1965 and 1980), Baby Boomers (born between 1945 and 1964), the Silent generation (born 1928 to 1945) or the Greatest generation (1901 to 1927), there are actions that you can take to reach higher than you can see, and it all starts with giving deep thought about the future that you desire and who you truly want to be.


It is very important that you are aware of the way that you think on a daily basis, as your thoughts are critical as you work toward wealth building success!


You must be undeniable as you put your wealth building plan into action as “permanent” failure is not an option at any time when you are pursuing your wealth building goals!  Your wealth building efforts must be offensive, not defensive–if you desire to achieve at an optimal level!  Your understanding of your money management personality, thinking about the right things on a consistent basis and going after your goals with more enthusiasm or fire, will allow you to reach higher and achieve much of what you desire!


You must create the success that you desire and not just defensively react–after the fact!  You must think about ways to get more income, cut expenses or do a combination of the two so that you won’t slack, but you will attack your finances so that you can stay in the black and not live daily with lack!


It is important that you create something that you and others have never seen before, and you use your mind in more empowering ways so that you can truly build wealth and attain meaningful and significant goals that will move you and your family forward.


Implement the Right Plan of Action

Your goal is to utilize credit and wealth building strategies in  a way that is most advantageous to you, improve your financial focus, possibly find ways to get other income, have a contingency plan or emergency fund in case things don’t work out, address your insurance (including disability, health, life, key person etc.), investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning in a way that serves your best interest.


You must also season and marinate in your mind what you must do to make your life and financial dreams come true, and “knowing and implementing” the right plan of action that is uniquely created for you can lead you toward the success that you desire.


You want to without a doubt create one of the most empowering financial plans possible that addresses what you desire to achieve and also review from time to time and have a—just in case strategy—or default strategy in case your plans don’t work out!


Your financial plan should complement how you approach the management of your finances and direct you in a more focused way towards goals that are good for you and your family.


Review to Ensure that You are on a Definite Path Toward Making Your Dreams Come True

Always remember that by reflecting on your past you can plan better, do better—and review better.

Adversity has its advantages if you are determined to get through adversity and recognize that major success is ahead!

Are you dissatisfied with being stagnant?  Are you justifying your failure by inactivity, blaming others, blaming your income–or lack thereof, blaming your knowledge–or lack thereof, for your wealth building shortcomings?


You must realize that failure is not final—and now is the time that you get renewed and dream big again and cultivate a money management personality that will lead to continuous success throughout your lifetime!


Once you master the actions that you need to take on a consistent basis, you can reproduce those successful actions over and over and duplicate success throughout your lifetime.

You must have the vision of a deal maker and not associate with—shakers—breakers—takers and fakers!

You must create a plan of attack that you desire and not react after the fact!

By applying what you are learning in this discussion in a sincere manner, you can achieve exponential growth in your wealth building understanding and achieve far more in your life.

You are only as strong as you think you are, weak, wrong or incomplete thoughts will not take you where you need to be, as you must focus in on the goals that you now see.

Your goal is to row (take the right action) so that you will know and grow and achieve results that will show!

A “just in case or default strategy” allows you to continue to move toward your dreams in an uninterrupted way as you will still pursue your goals at a high level with some adjustments along the way.

Many want to see results before they learn what they need to do in advance of achieving those results (preparing their mind and heart with the knowledge that they need to succeed) and that can lead to frustration for some when the results that they desire never happen.

Your challenge at this time is to plan, do, review and work diligently toward making your dreams come true!  By doing so you put yourself in position to make the needed adjustments that will get you back on track or help you improve your wealth building attack.




Your desire to successfully build wealth is contingent upon your ability to utilize your mind at a higher level of urgency as you move toward who you were truly meant to be.

Your wealth building efforts don’t have to provide 100% certainty, but you must utilize passion and pursue your goals in a more vigorous manner.

A financially alert mind makes you more self-aware of what you need to address.

Learning about investorship helps put you on a path that is not a blip.

The universe honors character and other qualities—you will succeed.

Character and giving it your absolute best is more important than achieving wealth building success.

Your gift makes room for giving, and a high level of character will take you toward better living.

You must manage your risks throughout your life so that you won’t live in strife.

A job loss, pay cut, car breakdown, plumbing issues, HVAC issues and any other form of adversity should not deter your wealth building efforts in any way.

Get your mental awareness where it needs to be starting today–a new mental awakening is what your actions and thoughts should now portray!


You must transform or renew your mind from the inside out–and find new and more effective ways of thinking about matters that are of importance to you!


Regardless of where you fall generationally, whether you are a member of the Greatest generation (1901 to 1927), the Silent generation (1928 to 1945), Baby Boomers (born between 1945 and 1964), X (born between 1965 and 1980), Millennials (born between 1981 to 1996), Zoomers (born between 1997 to 2010) or Gen Alpha (born after 2010) you must conclude that you can do more, and you will do more!


This discussion is designed to get you on a more consistent path toward using your mind and heart in a more reliable way so that you can think and act in a manner that truly serves your and your family’s best interest.


Success must always be your expectation and you must know that you will get out of your situation or solve your equation (your financial dilemma).


Your elevation of your mind when responding to devastation based on your unique situation can help you more effectively reach your destination as you create a new presentation that will not lead to your degradation.


Always realize that your mental awareness (or what is going through your mind and heart at this time and/or any time in your future) is under your control and you can effectively direct your thoughts and do more from this day forward–and achieve more!


The choices that you make throughout your life will in large part determine your future.  Although there will always be times of unplanned struggle, you must realize that you have been blessed with a “mind and heart” and you are now in position to do far more to build wealth than you were prior to visiting this page.


Is what you want to achieve in your future what you deserve or are you putting forth less than optimal effort that is leading you on a path to achieving a lesser version of you–because you failed to act and do what you needed to do–to make what you desired most come true?


You must think and act proactively and not think and act re-actively, if you really desire to be all that you can be and more than what you now see!


You must get to a point where self-motivation directs your actions and improved decisions are made that will truly guide you to your destination–because you are not waiting on others to give you the ok to improve your situation!


All the best as you become “mentally awake” and learn once and for all how you will achieve lasting wealth building success–as your landing on this page was not a mistake…



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Reliability & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important that you and those who you interact with are reliable when it comes to building wealth…


As you move about throughout life it is important that you do what you plan to do and you also interact with those who do what they say they will do.  Or another way of looking at it is, you must be reliable in doing what you need or want to do and you must associate with those who are reliable in doing what they need or want to do whether on their behalf or yours.


And with the transition of Joe Madison (The Black Eagle) on January 31st of this year, it is more important than ever that you do something positive to transform your finances.  What are you going to do about it is one of his favorite quotes and it is important that you ask yourself “what are you going to do about it” when it comes to your finances–and life!


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will focus on why you must have a reliable track record of doing what you say you will do and you also associate with those who will do the same in their life.


You must reliably create personal finance statements

It is important that you realize that effective management in the financial realm of your life starts with you analyzing your finances on a monthly and yearly basis, determining what you own and what you owe (your net worth) and determining from this day forward that you will do all you can to understand your finances in a way that is more rewarding for you and your family–not creditors!


You must reliably master your credit

If you are like many, there will come a time in your life that you will have to (or you will choose to) utilize credit to live at a higher level.


If you choose to utilize credit in a more effective way, you will need to master the 5 credit factors that include keeping your credit positive by reliably paying “on” time, utilizing your available credit appropriately, reliably paying off your credit “over” time, utilizing various types of credit (your credit mix) based on your goals and doing your best to keep hard inquiries into your credit file at a minimum if you are trying to improve your credit and utilize your credit for a major transaction in the short-term (next year or so).


You must reliably understand your overall finances

Your determination to understand and utilize personal finance statements, have mastery over how you manage your credit and understanding your financial responsibilities with heightened awareness in the following areas such as insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning, is what will potentially set you apart from your peers as you progress through the various stages of your life.



You cannot go through life making mistake after mistake, let worry, anxiety and fear rule you, or become frustrated because you are unwilling to put in the required effort when others who are truly determined are willing to do so because they have a strong desire and are highly committed to making their big dream happen in real time.


You must make it  a priority to associate with those who are reliable and will come through for you on a consistent basis in good and bad times.  And you must know that those who are reliable have a plan in place for success and they have already made up their mind to perform at a level that is their absolute best.


You must persuade yourself of the success that you will achieve and you must have a track record of being reliable as you reach higher and higher towards the goals that are uniquely your own–and what you sincerely desire!


All the  best as you reliably pursue success…


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Exposure & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of being exposed to the right financial management systems at the right time…


In life we all have unique environments, exposures, experiences and the way that we pursue excellence, and it is important that we learn all that we can from those x-factors so that we can direct our future actions in a manner that is more beneficial for ourselves and those whom we come into contact with on a consistent basis.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will focus on the importance of why you must be exposed to financial systems in general–and exposed to financial systems that you can readily learn and apply in your daily life to be more specific–that will truly take you towards your goals that are most significant and meaningful to you and your family–in a very efficient manner.


We all want to do things that bring us joy, however from time to time we must dive into topics that are uncomfortable.  For many, personal finance or the management of their finances can be a burdensome or uncomfortable process, however it no longer has to be!


By being “exposed” to the right financial knowledge you can cover all of your bases and have a comprehensive approach in the management of your finances that can lead to you building wealth more effectively at the various stages in your life so that you can do more of what brings joy into your life.


What you need to know financially

You need to know just what does personal finance entail–and how broad or wide a net you must cast–as most people have no idea of the magnitude or lack thereof, of financial planning in an all-encompassing way.


At a basic level and for starters you need to know your monthly intake and outflow of cash–as that is what all of the other areas of your finances will be based on–and will flow from.


In easy-to-understand format, you must know how to:


1) Utilize personal finance statements appropriately 

By properly utilizing personal financial statements you can open up a new view of what you can do to make your dreams come true.  Why live your life in confusion and strife when you can choose to truly enjoy your life?


You can use a personal cash flow statement to learn where you now stand with your finances on a monthly basis, you can use an income statement to determine where you stand on a yearly basis, and you can use a personal balance sheet to determine where you stand as far as your assets, liabilities and net worth are concerned.


By having exposure to these statements, you put yourself far ahead of the average consumer.


However, exposure “without action” will lead you where you are currently at!


2) Gain mastery of how you manage your credit

Do you know that you must keep negative information off of your credit report at all times in the most effective way that you can based on your financial ability to do so and your credit awareness that you will soon learn.


By understanding that:


Negative information must be kept off of your credit report

Utilization of your available credit must be at a reasonable level

Time length of open accounts is an important concern

Type of accounts are important

Inquiries must be kept at a reasonable level


You then put yourself in position to manage your credit in a more effective and efficient manner at the various stages of your life.


3) Comprehensively understand your finances in the following areas





Emergency fund

Education planning

Estate Planning/Wills, and

Retirement planning


You must understand all of the above from a position of strength, meaning you are in control of how you manage your Insurance, Investments, Taxes, Emergency fund,  Education planning, Estate Planning/Wills, and Retirement planning– not others who most likely don’t have your best interests in mind!


By just being exposed to the 3 steps above–you are far ahead of the average consumer who for the most part has no real understanding of what personal finance encompasses–let alone the ability to use the knowledge of what personal finance encompasses to their and their family’s greater benefit.


What you need to do financially

Now that you have knowledge of what you need to know (pun intended) you must take the right steps and put into action the results of your cash flow statement or budget at a minimum.  Whether you have a monthly surplus or a monthly deficit you are now in position for more effective planning from this point forward.


If you are comfortable with numbers, you may also want to create an income statement and balance sheet so that you can determine your net worth at this time–and improve upon your net worth and the building of wealth in the coming years.


The creation of a “properly funded emergency fund” will go a long way in helping you increase your net worth in future years!


You must also gain mastery over how you manage your credit by knowing how to utilize your knowledge of the 5 credit factors–as that knowledge can prevent you from getting into a difficult financial hole where climbing out is difficult or highly unlikely (you may need to consider filing bankruptcy as a real option).


Finally, you must know how to select the appropriate insurance products and investment options along with doing, tax planning, education planning, estate planning and retirement planning in a manner that is more advantageous for you and your family–not creditors or others who have no real concern for your lasting success.


The importance of reviewing what you do financially

Now that you have a comprehensive overview of your finances and you have been exposed to all that you need to know (and do) to work toward making your wealth building goals come true–you “must” be aware of your need to review!


You must review your personal finance statements, including your emergency fund to make sure you are adequately protected.  You must review your understanding of the 5 credit factors so that you can make the right or at a minimum–a good decision as it relates to your use of credit during the period of your life where you plan on utilizing credit.


You must review your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills, and retirement planning on a routine basis to see where improvements can be made.


Regardless of your past experiences, the environment in which you grew up in–and the positive or negative exposures in your life, you are now in position to change all of that to your advantage–and by being exposed to personal finance in a way that you can readily understand and utilize–you are now ready to take your prize.  Use your vision to see–and continuous review to reach toward excellence and who you were put on earth to be!




It is important that you are exposed to all areas of financial planning that you need to do throughout your life at the earliest time possible.  By doing so you can get out in front of potential disruptions and proactively plan your future in a manner that is more advantageous for you and your family.


You can put yourself in position where you can live with confidence and the success that you desire will not only occur–it will be expected because you have put in the required work in advance!  You no longer have to approach your financial future with doubt, uncertainty and a feeling of “can’t do”–as by visiting this page and site you have positioned yourself in a major way to make your dreams come true.


Your willingness to be exposed to the right financial management systems at the right time could be what sets you apart and leads to you achieving many, if not all of the goals that now reside in your heart.


All the best as a result of your willingness to be “exposed to financial systems” that can lead to lasting success…



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Learn why you must always expect success…

10 Questions you must ask prior to your retirement…

What will I receive from Social Security on a monthly basis…

Retirement Cautions

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid


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Using Your Imagination In The Right Manner Can Improve Your Finances (realty-1-strategic-advisors.com)

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Precision & Wealth Building

Learn what you must do to precisely improve your finances…


It is important that you attack your finances with precision as a major goal–as by doing so you can achieve so much more.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of precisely analyzing and improving upon your finances in all areas.


And just as it is important that all of the tools that are necessary for the successful launch of a rocket is in place, so too is it important that you have the mental tools that will take you where you desire to go as you manage your credit and finances.


You must aim high if you are to exceed the sky

It is important that you formulate goals at this time that are significant and meaningful to you so that you can move to action more energetically and do what you need to do.  You must be as diligent as you can as you pursue all of your goals and particularly your wealth building goals.


Your goal is to set meaningful goals and have a serious intention on achieving what you desire most.  You must also have the willingness and determination to operate in excellence as you work toward your goals and by aiming high you put yourself on track to do just that.


What do you desire in the immediate-term, the short-term, the intermediate-term and the long-term?


These are the types of questions that you must ask, if the goals that you are aiming for are to become a reality!


You must put together a plan for achievement that has a timeline and is measurable

You must also put together written plans in key areas that you want to address and have a timetable for reaching those goals as a point of reference to see how well (or poorly) you are moving toward achieving those goals.


Whether you desire to manage your finances on a monthly and annual basis with more precision, manage your credit with more precision or manage any or all areas of your finances with more precision–you put in motion the steps to make it happen by not only formulating the goals that you desire most–but also by having a timetable for accomplishment so that you can determine how well or poorly you have performed (hit your target).


You must review, in the event that your precise goals go off track and must be created anew

Even if you fail to precisely reach your goals in the planned time frame, you must still have the determination to continue and move forward.  You may have to reformulate your goals and the timetable for achievement–however you must still know that those goals will be achieved!


From time-to-time you must also re-calibrate your mind so that you can see your future from a different vantage point or angle.


By doing so you can come up with new ideas and expand your creative energy and find ways of achieving your goals in a manner that is more enlightening and energetic–as you will gain more energy as a result of something that you came up with or created.




By attacking all areas of your finances in a precise manner you have already won–it’s already done–and it is the action steps that you put in place and will follow at a determined level, that will make it all happen!


Your decision to formulate goals that you believe in at this time–and pursue those goals with a high level of energy and enthusiasm is what can take you precisely where you need to be as you strive to achieve new goals so that you can truly be who you were meant to be.


And always remember that when you occasionally go off target (adversity raises its ugly head) you must still give it your best and expect success!


All the best as you precisely do what you need to do to make your dreams come true…


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Gain more precision about the goals that you desire to achieve most by visiting:


About more on precision

About this site (realty-1-strategic-advisors.com)

About this site (the-best-atlanta-real-estate-advice.com)

About this site (TheWealthIncreaser.com)


Learn whether you have the clarity and focus that is needed to manage your finances in a comprehensive manner…


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