Character & Wealth Building

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In the times that we now live and operate in, many are bombarded with service that is less than stellar.  Additionally, many financial professionals and others fall far short of the service that they offer to perform or should perform for customers, clients or potential clients in various scenarios.


If you are at this time about to engage in a major transaction, you want to ensure proactively when possible that the service that you get will be acceptable to you and will provide you the needed direction so that you can sincerely make your dreams come true.


In this discussion will discuss ways that you can find a better way toward success where you are respected and you still reach the goals that you desire as those who you choose to engage with should operate at a high level as far as character is concerned.


Don’t Accept Less Than Desirable Service

It is not uncommon to face countless encounters of service that is less than desirable during your lifetime.  The question then becomes, once they were made aware of the undesirable service, how was the unacceptable service that was received remedied or corrected?


Did they take action to correct the situation to your satisfaction or did they leave you feeling unsatisfied?


The answer to that question alone will tell you if the company that you are engaging with is operating with a high level of integrity and character and is a company or individual that you should engage with during your lifetime.


Did they try to correct the situation or did they cause you to feel disheartened or “some kind of way” after the incident?


Even in the lifetime of the creator of, great service has often been received and if a mistake was made it was “more often than not” corrected in a satisfactory manner.


However, on occasion the creator of, received service that was less than satisfactory, and the service was not resolved appropriately.  The creator of, once purchased office lamps that went out (broke) several months after purchase and Office Depot at the location that the lamp was purchased at did not replace it, and when returned within several months did not result in a satisfactory resolution.  Since that time that store has never been visited by the creator of


Chic-Fil-A also comes to mind as it was a restaurant that was a favorite of the creator of (enjoyed not only there products and service, but also the efficiency in which they operated).  Even so, after receiving bad service in which the creator of notified the local owner, corporate office and did an online complaint, the creator of received no response.  Needless to say, since that day the creator of has not visited a Chic-Fil-A restaurant–nor are there any plans to do so in the future.


After purchasing a salad with the request for no chicken and no cheese, the creator of received Chicken and cheese on the order and when the order was returned the next day in an attempt to get the correct salad–the manager gave me a hard time and stated they would have to pull up the receipt and do other research because she was not sure that I purchased the salad at that location in order for me to get the salad that I clearly requested.


All of this drama was based on their mistake that “they made” and had already costed unnecessary time, gas and effort!


The owner of that Chic-Fil-A was notified by mail as he owns three locations in the area that the creator of often frequented and to this day there has been no response from the owner or anyone else (mailing was directed specifically to owner).  Not only was there a receipt, the creator of also had the date and time along with the debit card info to verify the purchase, and all of that was submitted online and in the mailing.  Furthermore, to think that someone would return a salad that had excess of what they desired at a different location is ludicrous and counter-intuitive if the time and effort to return the salad wasn’t involved.


Even though that was a bad experience, the creator of was not looking for anything special as the loss on the salad was conceded mentally, but the hope and expectation that Chic-Fil-A would better train their managers so that future encounters of this type would never occur was something that was expected.


Since that occurrence in early 2024 The creator of has not visited a Chic-Fil-A location, nor is there an intention to do so.  It was not unusual  to spend several hundred dollars a month at Chic-Fil-A on a consistent basis.


The point for stating that is you have choices and you don’t have to take what retailers and others dish out at you.  Since that time the creator of has not only avoided Chic-Fil-A but all fast food restaurants generally speaking, as that unfortunate event forced the creator of into deep thought and looking at other ways of eating out–and that introspection has led to utilizing raw foods and other healthier organic alternatives that saves several hundred dollars a month that can now be used to invest in index funds and other investments to achieve even more over the course of the coming years.


Other instances of having character while you invest in your future includes the actions of Bernie Madoff and Barry Minkow who displayed the best and worst of character during various stages of their life as both ended up convicted for various crimes involving public trust and manipulation of clients.


Even closer to home are the actions of a blogger who took the post of an article created by and “re-posted a large portion of the post virtually verbatim” without authorization or giving proper credit to the creator of  This plagiarist act illustrates the “lack of character” in clear terms.


The article dated November 19th of 2014, versus “so called” article of Alan Draper’s article dated December 31st of 2014 illustrates “lack of character” in ways that even the creator of can’t explain as plagiarism of a high nature occurred.   On the website this blogger (Cryptocurrency Analyst according to website) claims to have over 200 published articles—you be the judge as to the accuracy of that claim.


As you can readily see “after reviewing both of the blog posts” mentioned above, character is very important in all facets of your life—and at all times and particularly in these changing societal times that we now live in!  On 7/20/2024 the creator of requested on their website contact pages that Alan Draper and take the page down or give proper credit to the author who created the page, and as of 7/28/2024 there has been no response or requested action to give proper credit.


The following request was sent to them:

Before republishing an article, it is important to obtain permission from the author or the owner of the copyright.  When republishing an article, it is important to include proper attribution to the author. This includes the author’s name, the title of the article, the publication in which the article appeared, and the date of publication.


In your article you fail to give proper attribute as you did not create this article.  My article dated November 19th,  2014 versus “so called” creator Alan Draper’s article dated December 31st, 2014 shows that you did not give proper attribute.  Please remove the article or give proper attribute.


Page in question:

Page that was plagiarized:


Request to delete or give proper attribute was sent to Alan’s page and the company page at busines2community—no response from either!


Although legal action could be taken to resolve this blatant example of plagiarism, the creator of will not do so at this time, as the reservoir of knowledge and creativity as it relates to blogging about wealth building is unlimited and will continue as long as visitors from around the world see real benefit and continue to improve their finances in a more efficient way!


Another brief example is that of Papa John’s pizza, as on the surface it appeared to be a well run company, however behind the scenes many in their customer base were spoken about in a derogatory and disrespectful manner (in a conference call when it appeared no one was looking) by the founder.


Character is how you act or respond when no one is looking, appears to be looking or when you know you have an advantage over others, and you use that advantage inappropriately (or if you are of high character–you use that advantage appropriately)!


It is imperative that you operate at a high level of character, and you associate with those who are of high character on a consistent basis–even when others don’t, if you desire to achieve more success throughout your lifetime!



Even though you may receive poor service from retailers, financial advisors and others, you don’t have to remain inept and take what they dish out if “you determine that it is unacceptable to you” and is contrary to how you want to be treated during your lifetime on earth.  By having that attitude you can do what you need to do throughout your lifetime in a more rewarding and uplifting manner and not be taken advantage of unfairly (particularly with your blessings by you accepting the bad behavior unconditionally)!


It is important that you value yourself and know that you mean something–even if that meaning is only to yourself and no one else.  You must know that you are worthy of respectable service and you must know that even though those who disrespect you or give you less than desirable service and will still make millions or billions in the absence of your patronage–you will (and must) remain steadfast in your stance and not accept less than acceptable treatment from retailers and others, regardless of the economic climate or predicament that you find yourself in!


Although you won’t be missed by them (retailers, large financial companies, and others), you will have a more joyful spirit and you will achieve much more because you have decided to go through life in a more righteous manner and with the unrelenting determination that your dollars, time, and other resources will be respected by those who you decide to engage with when spending your hard earned dollars.


Even though there is the possibility that the submission to the owner, corporate and website submission was never received by Chic-Fil-A–the creator of assumes otherwise and has decided after serious thought to not patronize them despite having a liking for the food and service in the past and spending several hundred dollars monthly at various locations on a fairly consistent basis.


The fact that a retailer, financial professional and others, don’t make a real commitment to correct an unfavorable situation that you may be involved in should give you serious cause for concern!


Even though all businesses and individuals will make mistakes or provide service that is less than stellar–it is how they respond in the aftermath that is critical.  Even though our company is small relative to the competition–we have always given it our best effort to correct an unpleasant experience by those who have chosen to do business with us and there is no reason why a multi-million dollar or multi-billion dollar company can’t do the same!


There is something that is beautiful within a person or business entity (that often can’t be explained in words) when they correct an unpleasant situation or a bad experience that may be experienced by you (and others) that they correct or make right consistently.  That is the type of activity that will lead to greater success for that business or entity and word of mouth endorsement will often do wonders for them, mainly because they decided to treat their customers, clients and those who they engage with in a righteous manner.


The key point of this discussion is that if you plan appropriately, even after receiving bad or less than desirable service, you can turn what appears to be a negative or adverse situation into one that can lead to you attaining more wealth in the process–while not being disrespected along the way!


Even though the creator of “can’t control the actions of others or even the character that they display” on an ongoing basis–the atmosphere can be created for higher level achievement by you in your life and lead to you operating at a higher level of character on a more consistent basis by you taking a stronger stance and being more aware of how you treat yourself, how you treat others and how you allow (or disallow) others to treat you!


You can decide right now to operate at a higher level of excellence and change the trajectory of your life so that you can avoid financial strife throughout your life and not have to unnecessarily sacrifice!


You must be more than interested in operating with a high level of character, you must be fully committed to operating daily at a level that is your absolute best.


All the best as you battle less than stellar service–and you still decide to give it your absolute best to achieve lasting success…


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