Message for the Season & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of pursuing wealth building success at all times and in all seasons…


As the weather changes and we enter the fall season in earnest in North America, it is important that you grow from season to season and you put yourself in position to achieve more.


October is one of the favorite months of the creator of, as it is not only the month that the weather noticeably changes but also the month that the union of the creator of occurred with the love of his life–and that journey has led to a life of major change for the better.


All across the globe many are in search of a more effective way of managing their wealth building efforts and this site has been a major magnet over the years.  While there are many sources for wealth building advice, has been there for many seasons to assist those who desire lasting wealth building success a clearer path toward the success and positive change that they desire–in a manner that they could readily understand.


In this discussion will attempt to provide a “positive message for the season” as it relates to wealth building so that you will have no reason to achieve at a level that is less than your absolute best!


Pursue success efficiently when possible

At our goal has always been to provide inspiring and encouraging wealth building advice that will move you forward in a real, lasting and successful manner. is deeply committed to helping you achieve what you need or desire to achieve in an encouraging and inspiring manner so that you can pursue success in a more intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner!


Whether you desire to save more, retire early, donate to your favorite charity, take annual vacations that once were mere dreams, or any other goal, has been here to help you build your nest egg and achieve other wealth building objectives in a more clear and concise manner–where it benefited you and your family the most–for over 10 years NOW!


Adjust when there is a need to do so

You may need to look at where you currently are financially and make improvements when and where necessary.  There will be life events that force you to take actions that you have not planned for, and you want to respond to those events from a position of strength as best you can.


Do you have the proper income, know how to manage credit effectively, know how to comprehensively manage your finances and are you willing to make adjustments when and where appropriate so that you can achieve more, particularly when you lack the required knowledge?


By analyzing all of the above you can put yourself in position to achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Review so that you can truly grow

What makes this site so valuable is that the focus is on you!  You may have noticed that there are hundreds of pages that you have access to on this site, and that is one way that we share our success with you on this site, so that you too can attain the success that you desire. is excited and inspired by the success stories that have come in over the years as those stories have provided the fuel for the continued development and improvement of this site. knows from experience that every blog article created will have a positive effect on visitors in some part of the world–at some time.


By maintaining a balanced and well thought out approach in the application of wealth building solutions, you can arm yourself with helpful knowledge that can potentially protect you from creditors, scammers and others who desire to manipulate or cause you to make bad or inappropriate decisions at the various stages of your life.


You also want to look at ways that you can perform better as it relates to reviewing your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning so that you can make the needed advances so that you can improve your net worth and your path to the success that you desire.




The time and seasons are changing but are always right for you to enhance your wealth building knowledge so that you can move forward in a more efficient manner.  You don’t have to stand on the sidelines and watch others achieve success and sit idly by because you lack the courage or inclination to give it your absolute best. wants to ensure that you achieve more throughout your lifetime and wants to emphatically state to you that you can do so, as it has been done by many who thought they lacked what it took!  As a visitor to this site, you are more than just a visitor–you are an integral part of the success of this site, and you are a part of something bigger than “what was imagined” by the creator of at the inception or creation of this site. is here to enhance your wealth building efforts and is proud to serve you and other visitors, as our goal is to deliver empowering advice and success formulas throughout the changing seasons so that you can achieve what matters most to you and your family.


You no longer have to be a bottom feeder as you are now in position to convince yourself of the success that is already yours!


All the best to changing seasons and your everlasting success…


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Tempo & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of charting your wealth building pace (or tempo) at a level that is comfortable for you…


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FAQ’s & Wealth Building


In the current economy many are in search of a more effective way of managing their money and in many instances they don’t know where to start.  It is important that you have a “conceptual view” of what will be required of you as you manage your finances, and you also need a clear and cohesive approach in the management of your finances that will lead to you doing what you need to do at the pace that is right for you.


It is also important that you have a system or approach that you can “learn and apply at your own pace” and will get you the results that you desire or need to achieve as you map out new space.


In this discussion will address ways that you can comprehensively manage your finances at a pace and tempo that is appropriate for your unique learning style so that you can truly win your money management race.


Or another way of looking at it is will discuss how you can adjust or manage your tempo so that you can move about toward your goals with better flow and still learn and apply what you need to know so that you can sincerely grow–as you are on the go.


Now is the time that you “carve out your own space” so that you can win and soar in a manner that is at your pace.


Understand Personal Financial Statements

In the times that we now live in it is important that you manage your “tempo” so that you can more effectively manage your cash flow.


You also need to analyze your income and know the assets that you own and the liabilities that you have so that you can determine your net worth and know in more definite terms where you can go, as that can help you more effectively manage your tempo–or the speed (or lack thereof) that you move at.


And by doing so you can move about at a pace that is comfortable for you, and has the potential to put you in better position as it relates to reaching your financial goals and objectives in a timelier manner!


Understand Personal Credit

It is also important that you use the tempo that is uniquely yours, so that you implement steps that will allow you to manage your credit more effectively and truly put you in the know!


You want to know at all times without giving it much thought that you need to keep negative information off of your credit report, keep your utilization of your available credit at a reasonable level, know that time plays an important factor in the scoring of your credit, know the types of credit that you have or anticipate getting and understand the need to keep inquiries at a low level if you plan on making a major purchase or building up your credit score for usage for some other purpose in the near future.


Understand How to Comprehensively Manage Your Finances

It is also important that you use the tempo that is uniquely yours so that you implement steps that will allow you to manage your finances more effectively and truly put you in the know!


You must know how to look at and analyze your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education fund, estate planning/wills and retirement in a way that is more favorable for you, and you can use tempo as a major tool toward making your dreams come true.


Your goal is to have a “big picture” overview of what your finances encompass and a big picture view of what you can achieve in your future so that you can move at a pace that is comfortable for you.


Your goal is to dream big and “not” set limitations within your mind that will only set you back–and “not allow you” to implement the proper attack so that you can move about in a manner and style that others lack!


By doing so you put yourself in control of your tempo–and you control financially and otherwise–where you can go.




Tempo is the speed that you move at and in the financial realm of your life, you possess the ability to control or manage the speed that you move at within limits as you manage your finances.


You may need to re-set or adjust your tempo by getting more income which may take time, cutting expenses which may take time or doing a combination of the two which also may take time–and you can better set the tempo as to how you can move toward the goals that are most meaningful and significant to you by analyzing the three steps mentioned above in a proactive manner.


By getting out in front of your finances so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime, you are showing confidence in yourself and you are moving about at a tempo and pace that will reward you mightily during your lifetime–if you continue that activity on a consistent basis throughout your lifetime!


Even though taking the right action on a consistent basis in a timely manner should be your goal, you can choose to learn about financial statements, credit and all areas of your finances at the tempo that is right for you–so that you can truly pursue what you need to do.


It is important that you are motivated and inspired at a high level to achieve more in your life.  You also want a clear and concise route to see where you can and need to go and the process can be made easier if you at this time decide to manage your tempo–along with your cash flow–so that you can clearly see where you can go.


This blog, along with a number of books such as The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Credit & Finances and Wealth Building Now will show you how to improve your finances–and possibly manage the tempo in which you flow–so that you can later say–WOW!


You want to build a solid wealth building foundation right from the start by learning and applying the right information.  You must “set the tempo” in your life and make adjustments when life gets uncomfortable.


How will you respond when adversity occurs?  Growth or retreat!


It is important that you choose growth so that you can develop your character in a righteous manner so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Tempo or the speed in which you move to action at on a consistent basis is critical for your long-term success–and by moving at the right pace–you can perform at a level that is your absolute best!


All the best as “you” set the tempo and move at a pace that is more favorable to you and is also a pace that is your absolute best that you have inside–as you work toward making your dreams come true and experience a smoother ride…


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Innovation & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of making adjustments and using ingenuity to chart your own path toward success as you build wealth….


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FAQ 101 & Wealth Building


Just as the steamboat outlived its usefulness to a degree due to innovation, so too must you innovate and bring something new into the equation so that you can live “in” your usefulness as you formulate and implement your wealth building plans.


You must make it a point to outperform the benchmarks that are now at your fingertips that you can use to see how well or poorly you are doing as those benchmarks can be used as a measuring stick to see how well (or poorly) you are doing financially at this time–and in your future.


In this discussion will discuss ways that you can innovatively manage and improve your finances at the various stages of your life.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Personal Financial Statements in a Better Way

You want to get to a point where you can look at your financial statements and use them for your benefit in an innovative way.


Your finances and how you manage your finances are unique to you and getting a handle on your monthly and annual inflow and outflow of cash, and knowing what you currently own and what you currently owe in total at this particular moment in time–you can determine your net worth and use the knowledge gained in a more innovative way to create the successful future that you desire.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Credit in a Better Way

You want to always “be in control” of how you manage your credit and highly effective and innovative approaches that are offered by many sources are now available to you.


If you are truly determined, there is no excuse for you to mismanage your credit in this day and age, as the only impediment is your unwillingness to put forward the required effort that is needed to master your credit in a more innovative way.


You must be motivated on this day to manage your credit in a more innovative way so that future credit transactions can go your way.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Overall Finances in a Better Way

You also want to be in position at the earliest time possible to analyze and improve upon how you manage your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education fund, estate planning/wills and retirement planning!


You want to make improvements when and where you can, and by systematically analyzing your finances in a more detailed manner, that may allow you to achieve many or all of your goals that you sincerely want to achieve–especially when you plan.



It is important that you understand that there are better ways that you can think and act when managing your wealth building efforts throughout your lifetime.  You possess inside of you the mental fortitude to work more innovatively toward making your dreams come true.


It is important that you bring something new and rewarding into your life.  You have the ability to do that and much more and you can now activate that ability so that you can soar.


You really are the main factor for burrowing through obstacles like a tractor and bringing what you desire most into reality at this time so that you can live out more joyous moments with laughter!


Always realize that the power to deliver the wealth building results that you desire are in your hands.  You must focus on your strengths regardless of what is occurring around you and always know that the power to achieve what you desire resides inside of you.


You also want to realize that you may have to be innovative in your approach and not follow the same beaten path as others in order to tap into your true potential.


You must realize that in order to live a more abundant life in spirit and action it may require more of you in the form of effort.  You can then become a more positive force in influencing and helping your family, loved ones and others in your community.  Therefore, “innovatively approaching your future” is critical for making life better for not only you and your family–but society as well.


It is important for you to realize that the more you learn and the earlier you learn as it relates to your finances–the easier your financial management will be made over time!


It is important that you put into motion that which will lead to more success for you and your family.  Always realize that self-importance is not as important as you achieving for the benefit of others at certain times during your life (pun intended).


You want to realize at the earliest time possible that you are not the only one who needs to benefit from the success that you are pursuing, and by consciously realizing that you are taking action and moving toward something greater than yourself–you can find more strength–and not put your mind on a shelf!


The gift that you now possess is in a sense its own reward–your seed is now ready, and the soil (this site) is fertile and the gift that you now possess or will soon present to the world is invaluable–as a price tag can’t be placed on what you present to the world.


However, those who benefit from your gift will thank you, whether formally, informally or beyond your awareness!


Therefore, you want to manage your finances optimally so that you can more aggressively pursue your gift and provide comfort for those who are depending in part on you in assisting them toward making their dreams come true!


Financial freedom is when you realize that you are pursuing your true gift–and you can present your gift for the benefit of others in an unrelenting fashion if you improve your finances to the point where it allows you to pursue your gift in a more unrestricted way.


You want to have clarity about your gift and your vision of your future and walk in it (apply your gift to the fullest while you are here on earth).  Furthermore, you want to know that your finances are at the level that allows you to live out your life in a manner that you outlive your finances–now that is freedom!


The “joy and constant feel-good vibe” that you will receive daily are a by-product of applying your gift at your highest level.  Your gift from God is the uniqueness that you get, and others don’t!


As an example, is the material on this blog.  Although many can present credit and finance information and advice–only the creator of can present information and advice on wealth building that is conveyed to you in the manner that you are now reading and have never encountered in your life and move you forward toward your goals in a more definite manner on a more consistent basis.


You can choose to be exalted and apply your gift, or you can choose to be brought down by society, or conditions of the mind such as worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses.  Likewise, “you can choose” to apply your gift, and everything can be moving forward within your heart, mind and life!


Do justice toward yourself and your family by taking the right action at the right time and justice will come back to you and your family as a result of the action that you took–at the right time or at the time that is right for you.


It is important that you use “innovation and the ingenuity” that you possess or are willing to “bring into action” to forge new paths towards the success that you desire in all facets of your life.  By thinking inside and outside of the box you can come up with new ideas and never before seen ways of approaching and overcoming challenges that you will face in all areas of your life.


You don’t have to operate in desperation as that will often make you step out of your character–and you will achieve less.  Your goal is to gain a cohesive notion of synergy “within your mind” and by pursuing that goal it will help you immensely in achieving more and help you take the type of action that is in line with who you truly need or want to be and help you achieve the type of results that you really want to see!


You must have and use Accountability–Integrity–Responsibility⇐⇒Boldness, Authenticity, Charisma and empowering Knowledge that you are pursuing–and occasionally unconventional approaches that are persuasive within your mind that are designed to encourage and inspire you to “do more” throughout your lifetime!


Or another way to look at your current predicament is that you must have the AIR at your BACK as you pursue what you desire most while chasing down your dreams!


All the best as you innovate, improve your finances, pursue your true gift or life purpose, and achieve major wealth building success…


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Insecurity & Wealth Building


Learn why you must approach your credit and finances with confidence and not feel insecure about your future regardless of what lies in the horizon…


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In the current economic and political environment many are on edge and a large number of people have an uneasy feeling about their future as well as uncertainty about where the world is headed as happenings around the world that are a real cause for concern continue to happen at a dizzying pace!


At this time “character” plays an important role in all facets of life, and the inspiration and motivation  that was received by the creator of of how you and others can improve upon character in your life and look for high character in those who you associate with in the previous post–provided positive momentum for many and helped inspire this discussion on insecurity–as this post was delayed by at least two weeks due to the effectiveness of the post on character and wealth building, as visitors from around the world gravitated toward that page and positive comments came in at a consistent pace over the past few weeks.


It is important that you see your future with clarity so that you can “produce more” while you are here on earth and are “yet alive” so that you can tell your own story in a more accurate and rewarding manner–where you receive the joy.


It is important that you fully realize your dreams and what you desire to see happen in a more secure manner by knowing in advance that what you desire will materialize.  You reduce “insecurity” in your life by seeking to achieve results that are meaningful to you and “having a reputation for doing what you say you will do” as a guiding principle in your life–and not realize your dreams after you transition–or because you failed to make the needed sacrifice!


It is important that you address insecurity as it relates to your finances in as timely a manner as possible, as you want to do all that “you can” to put yourself in position to live daily with more confidence as you must feel worthy of the success that you are pursuing.


You must hold yourself up in a manner where you expect success, and you must know that you are willing to expend the needed energy and effort to eliminate or reduce the insecurity that you may now feel so that you can live your life out in comfort.


Delusion should not rule the day in your life as you must base your future on who you are and who you can transform into–if you do what you need to do.


Chances are, right now, you are experiencing some type of insecurity–whether it be financial or otherwise and you must realize it is a part of the human equation.  Whether you now suffer from a lack of cash flow, poor credit management, a high debt load, and/or a lack of understanding about how to comprehensively manage your finances, these and other concerns of the heart and mind can all lead to you feeling insecure about your future, yet these concerns can be addressed effectively–if you have the will and motivation to confront your finances at this time.


And when you factor in what is happening in the “external environment,” your insecurity about what could possibly be ahead is magnified even more within your heart and mind and you may think that your path to success is hard to find.


Even if you feel insecure at this time, you can take actions that can lead to you having a more promising and uplifting view of your future where you manage risks more effectively and you reach meaningful goals that “you create in your mind” in a timely manner.


In this discussion will address a number of ways that you can manage uncertainty or insecurity more effectively so that you can approach your financial future with more confidence.


Although this page was delayed due to the unforeseen success of Character & Wealth Building and visitors from around the world positively responding to that page in astronomical numbers, hopefully this post will be worth the wait.  Even though this site is intentionally not Search Engine Optimized–visitors have poured in over time in a consistent manner and hopefully this post will be of real benefit to those who truly desire success.


It is the desire of that the delay in the creation of this post will not have a negative effect toward your wealth building but will allow you to address insecurity in your life in a positive and life changing manner at this time and throughout your lifetime!


Know Where You Now Stand

It is important that you take inventory within your mind and know where you now stand financially.  Just what is causing you to feel insecure–particularly as it relates to your finances.  Your self-awareness, self-esteem, self-discipline and self-worth is what must be improved upon and that will help your self-confidence and your ability to achieve meaningful financial goals much more likely to occur.


You also want to know your current cash flow position on a monthly and annual basis and have the knowledge and awareness of how you can manage your cash flow better.


Know Where You Can Go

It is important that you use your faith and an effective plan of action if you are to truly gain traction.  You must put a plan into place that forces or inspires you to “take action” on a more consistent basis so that you can win the majority of your races.


By doing so you can manage your credit better, manage your finances better, and have an overall feeling of well-being as you will be in better position to control your outcomes and thereby bring more security into your life, whether it be financial or otherwise.


Although the creator of often writes in a bold, authentic and in some cases blunt style, it is often done to challenge, encourage and inspire you to do more and is done in the spirit of love for humanity, so that you can do more and achieve more!


You must challenge yourself at this time to do much more in your life as your goal is to persuade yourself of your ability to do more and then actually do more, so that you can achieve your goals as you run up your score!


You can improve your financial understanding in an efficient manner, you can pay off burdensome debt in a timely manner, you can purchase your dream home, you can operate daily with character and it all starts to happen in a big way when you become fully committed to putting in the required effort on a more consistent basis.


Review in Order to Improve so You Can Grow

It is important that you have the mindset to occasionally review to see if you are truly on track toward making your dreams come true.


You cannot just exert effort towards your goals and not have an effective measuring stick to see how well or poorly you are doing.


You are the determining factor of the success that you will achieve and by reviewing how you are improving upon your monthly and annual cash flow, reviewing how you are managing your credit and reviewing how you are managing and improving your finances in all areas, you put yourself in position for continuous growth so that you can sincerely achieve more!



Your ability to see your future with more clarity will go a long way in reducing the insecurity that you may now have or might have at some point in your future.  By creating a focused plan to achieve more in your life you are leaving future uncertainty in the rear, and you will soon realize that the success that you desire is not only near–you make “yourself” the determining factor for the success that you desire–as by creating a plan and taking the right action–success will undoubtedly appear.


You must boldly approach your future with confidence, and you do that by knowing what to avoid and knowing what to confront at the appropriate time, or proactively!


Do you at this time know what you must avoid in order to grow and achieve more?


Do you at this time know what you must confront in order to grow and achieve more?


As long as you know that what you are learning allows you to grow and reap more than you sow, and you have sincerely decided to give it your best–you can achieve major success.  Isn’t the time right for you to have a mental awakening where you “dig deep” into your soul and sincerely decide to do more during your lifetime?


You must evolve and when given an opportunity to grow , you must overcome adversity so that you can truly go!


You must have unrelenting thoughts of overcoming adversity that will allow you to see opportunities and possibilities that may not have been present prior to you facing adversity.


Isn’t it time you achieve results that are beautiful and uplifting that will put you on a trajectory towards major success?


Isn’t it time you have joy, a humorous spirit and a feeling of “can do” as you remove or reduce insecurity in your life–and work toward making your dreams come true–so that you can live and do what you need or want to do–and not have to “unnecessarily” sacrifice?


Doing the right thing will never be the wrong thing if you have the right approach and your actions are beyond reproach!


I leave you with a poem that can hopefully reduce the insecurity and increase the joy in your life, as you reach higher and press harder towards the goals that you desire–so that you can avoid a financial fire!


Joy that is Rightfully Mine


As I pressed my way to a place that I wanted to go

An invitation to success was sent to me to put me in the know

Success now has an opportunity to come into my heart

On this day I am sincerely ready to start

I’m ready to start even though I know the timing is not right

I now know in my heart and mind that I have the strength to start tonight

I open up my heart and mind on this day

I am NOW more committed to preparing for success in a better way

Success has sent an invitation out to me, and I now know what to do

I am now fully committed to do what is necessary to make my dreams come true

An invitation to success is on the way—I joyfully accept that invitation—as my goal is to excel and always do my very best—starting today!

When the right action and the right timing collide–I NOW know that I will experience a smoother and more joyful ride!


Insecurity plays a role to a greater or lesser degree in all of us.  Now is the time that you reduce or manage the insecurity in your life in a more confident manner!


And just as the birth and arrival of the creator of’s first biological grandchild Rain Alaia (born early after 3 days of rain–name signifies abundance from above, happiness, beautiful, majestic) has brought a certain level of insecurity–joy still rules the day, as it is a sincere blessing to be alive and see her come my way and provide inspiration along with the anticipation of what she will once say, once she begins talking and success comes her way!


Several days after her arrival on planet earth and after a 12 hour drive, the creator of was inspired to create a page on Character & Wealth Building that has–and continues to inspire many in ways that was not anticipated, however her arrival undoubtedly played a major role in the creation and success of that post, and it is our desire that you succeed the most and one day give a toast at your own roast–because you not only decided not to coast but you took action at the level that was needed as a result of that post!


In life no one knows the future and uncertainty will always be in existence at some level, however you don’t have to let uncertainty or insecurity about your future dictate your daily well-being for the worse if you take steps to reduce that insecurity!


It is very important that you get out in front of your finances by analyzing what you can do in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner so that you and your family can live out your life in a more abundant manner and free up time so that you can enjoy life on your terms–not the terms of creditors and others who could care less about your existence other than the payments that you make to them.


Inaction or complacency–courage or fear–it is your choice!  Security or insecurity–it too is your choice–choose what is right for you and what you desire to happen in your future!  You take the right action by putting into motion the steps that you need to take to move you toward satisfaction as opposed to reaction!


Isn’t it time you address your insecurity with the fierce attack of now!   By taking the right action your path to success is already in place–and by frequenting this site you will win your race!


All the best as you joyfully put insecurity and fear to rest and act daily at a level that is your absolute best….


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Learn how you can use motivation to achieve more (a page that was accidentally “trashed” and was fortunately retrieved and is now a web favorite of many visitors) and further reduce insecurity in your life…


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Character & Wealth Building

Learn why character goes a long way in determining how you and others should operate throughout your lifetime…


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FAQ 101 & Wealth Building


Learn more about Thomas (TJ) Underwood the creator of this page…


In the times that we now live and operate in, many are bombarded with service that is less than stellar.  Additionally, many financial professionals and others fall far short of the service that they offer to perform or should perform for customers, clients or potential clients in various scenarios.


If you are at this time about to engage in a major transaction, you want to ensure proactively when possible that the service that you get will be acceptable to you and will provide you the needed direction so that you can sincerely make your dreams come true.


In this discussion will discuss ways that you can find a better way toward success where you are respected and you still reach the goals that you desire as those who you choose to engage with should operate at a high level as far as character is concerned.


Don’t Accept Less Than Desirable Service

It is not uncommon to face countless encounters of service that is less than desirable during your lifetime.  The question then becomes, once they were made aware of the undesirable service, how was the unacceptable service that was received remedied or corrected?


Did they take action to correct the situation to your satisfaction or did they leave you feeling unsatisfied?


The answer to that question alone will tell you if the company that you are engaging with is operating with a high level of integrity and character and is a company or individual that you should engage with during your lifetime.


Did they try to correct the situation or did they cause you to feel disheartened or “some kind of way” after the incident?


Even in the lifetime of the creator of, great service has often been received and if a mistake was made it was “more often than not” corrected in a satisfactory manner.


However, on occasion the creator of, received service that was less than satisfactory, and the service was not resolved appropriately.  The creator of, once purchased office lamps that went out (broke) several months after purchase and Office Depot at the location that the lamp was purchased at did not replace it, and when returned within several months did not result in a satisfactory resolution.  Since that time that store has never been visited by the creator of


Chic-Fil-A also comes to mind as it was a restaurant that was a favorite of the creator of (enjoyed not only there products and service, but also the efficiency in which they operated).  Even so, after receiving bad service in which the creator of notified the local owner, corporate office and did an online complaint, the creator of received no response.  Needless to say, since that day the creator of has not visited a Chic-Fil-A restaurant–nor are there any plans to do so in the future.


After purchasing a salad with the request for no chicken and no cheese, the creator of received Chicken and cheese on the order and when the order was returned the next day in an attempt to get the correct salad–the manager gave me a hard time and stated they would have to pull up the receipt and do other research because she was not sure that I purchased the salad at that location in order for me to get the salad that I clearly requested.


All of this drama was based on their mistake that “they made” and had already costed unnecessary time, gas and effort!


The owner of that Chic-Fil-A was notified by mail as he owns three locations in the area that the creator of often frequented and to this day there has been no response from the owner or anyone else (mailing was directed specifically to owner).  Not only was there a receipt, the creator of also had the date and time along with the debit card info to verify the purchase, and all of that was submitted online and in the mailing.  Furthermore, to think that someone would return a salad that had excess of what they desired at a different location is ludicrous and counter-intuitive if the time and effort to return the salad wasn’t involved.


Even though that was a bad experience, the creator of was not looking for anything special as the loss on the salad was conceded mentally, but the hope and expectation that Chic-Fil-A would better train their managers so that future encounters of this type would never occur was something that was expected.


Since that occurrence in early 2024 The creator of has not visited a Chic-Fil-A location, nor is there an intention to do so.  It was not unusual  to spend several hundred dollars a month at Chic-Fil-A on a consistent basis.


The point for stating that is you have choices and you don’t have to take what retailers and others dish out at you.  Since that time the creator of has not only avoided Chic-Fil-A but all fast food restaurants generally speaking, as that unfortunate event forced the creator of into deep thought and looking at other ways of eating out–and that introspection has led to utilizing raw foods and other healthier organic alternatives that saves several hundred dollars a month that can now be used to invest in index funds and other investments to achieve even more over the course of the coming years.


Other instances of having character while you invest in your future includes the actions of Bernie Madoff and Barry Minkow who displayed the best and worst of character during various stages of their life as both ended up convicted for various crimes involving public trust and manipulation of clients.


Even closer to home are the actions of a blogger who took the post of an article created by and “re-posted a large portion of the post virtually verbatim” without authorization or giving proper credit to the creator of  This plagiarist act illustrates the “lack of character” in clear terms.


The article dated November 19th of 2014, versus “so called” article of Alan Draper’s article dated December 31st of 2014 illustrates “lack of character” in ways that even the creator of can’t explain as plagiarism of a high nature occurred.   On the website this blogger (Cryptocurrency Analyst according to website) claims to have over 200 published articles—you be the judge as to the accuracy of that claim.


As you can readily see “after reviewing both of the blog posts” mentioned above, character is very important in all facets of your life—and at all times and particularly in these changing societal times that we now live in!  On 7/20/2024 the creator of requested on their website contact pages that Alan Draper and take the page down or give proper credit to the author who created the page, and as of 7/28/2024 there has been no response or requested action to give proper credit.


The following request was sent to them:

Before republishing an article, it is important to obtain permission from the author or the owner of the copyright.  When republishing an article, it is important to include proper attribution to the author. This includes the author’s name, the title of the article, the publication in which the article appeared, and the date of publication.


In your article you fail to give proper attribute as you did not create this article.  My article dated November 19th,  2014 versus “so called” creator Alan Draper’s article dated December 31st, 2014 shows that you did not give proper attribute.  Please remove the article or give proper attribute.


Page in question:

Page that was plagiarized:


Request to delete or give proper attribute was sent to Alan’s page and the company page at busines2community—no response from either!


Although legal action could be taken to resolve this blatant example of plagiarism, the creator of will not do so at this time, as the reservoir of knowledge and creativity as it relates to blogging about wealth building is unlimited and will continue as long as visitors from around the world see real benefit and continue to improve their finances in a more efficient way!


Another brief example is that of Papa John’s pizza, as on the surface it appeared to be a well run company, however behind the scenes many in their customer base were spoken about in a derogatory and disrespectful manner (in a conference call when it appeared no one was looking) by the founder.


Character is how you act or respond when no one is looking, appears to be looking or when you know you have an advantage over others, and you use that advantage inappropriately (or if you are of high character–you use that advantage appropriately)!


It is imperative that you operate at a high level of character, and you associate with those who are of high character on a consistent basis–even when others don’t, if you desire to achieve more success throughout your lifetime!



Even though you may receive poor service from retailers, financial advisors and others, you don’t have to remain inept and take what they dish out if “you determine that it is unacceptable to you” and is contrary to how you want to be treated during your lifetime on earth.  By having that attitude you can do what you need to do throughout your lifetime in a more rewarding and uplifting manner and not be taken advantage of unfairly (particularly with your blessings by you accepting the bad behavior unconditionally)!


It is important that you value yourself and know that you mean something–even if that meaning is only to yourself and no one else.  You must know that you are worthy of respectable service and you must know that even though those who disrespect you or give you less than desirable service and will still make millions or billions in the absence of your patronage–you will (and must) remain steadfast in your stance and not accept less than acceptable treatment from retailers and others, regardless of the economic climate or predicament that you find yourself in!


Although you won’t be missed by them (retailers, large financial companies, and others), you will have a more joyful spirit and you will achieve much more because you have decided to go through life in a more righteous manner and with the unrelenting determination that your dollars, time, and other resources will be respected by those who you decide to engage with when spending your hard earned dollars.


Even though there is the possibility that the submission to the owner, corporate and website submission was never received by Chic-Fil-A–the creator of assumes otherwise and has decided after serious thought to not patronize them despite having a liking for the food and service in the past and spending several hundred dollars monthly at various locations on a fairly consistent basis.


The fact that a retailer, financial professional and others, don’t make a real commitment to correct an unfavorable situation that you may be involved in should give you serious cause for concern!


Even though all businesses and individuals will make mistakes or provide service that is less than stellar–it is how they respond in the aftermath that is critical.  Even though our company is small relative to the competition–we have always given it our best effort to correct an unpleasant experience by those who have chosen to do business with us and there is no reason why a multi-million dollar or multi-billion dollar company can’t do the same!


There is something that is beautiful within a person or business entity (that often can’t be explained in words) when they correct an unpleasant situation or a bad experience that may be experienced by you (and others) that they correct or make right consistently.  That is the type of activity that will lead to greater success for that business or entity and word of mouth endorsement will often do wonders for them, mainly because they decided to treat their customers, clients and those who they engage with in a righteous manner.


The key point of this discussion is that if you plan appropriately, even after receiving bad or less than desirable service, you can turn what appears to be a negative or adverse situation into one that can lead to you attaining more wealth in the process–while not being disrespected along the way!


Even though the creator of “can’t control the actions of others or even the character that they display” on an ongoing basis–the atmosphere can be created for higher level achievement by you in your life and lead to you operating at a higher level of character on a more consistent basis by you taking a stronger stance and being more aware of how you treat yourself, how you treat others and how you allow (or disallow) others to treat you!


You can decide right now to operate at a higher level of excellence and change the trajectory of your life so that you can avoid financial strife throughout your life and not have to unnecessarily sacrifice!


You must be more than interested in operating with a high level of character, you must be fully committed to operating daily at a level that is your absolute best.


All the best as you battle less than stellar service–and you still decide to give it your absolute best to achieve lasting success…


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Individual Retirement Accounts Unmasked & Wealth Building

Learn all that you need to know about IRA’s so that you can maximize the use of them and Build Wealth more efficiently so that you can do more of what you desire during your retirement years…


CAUTION: 30-minute read


Nasdaq Historical Returns

The Nasdaq stock market comprises two separate markets, namely the Nasdaq National Market, which trades large, active securities and the Nasdaq Smallcap Market that trades emerging growth companies.

Russell 2000 Historical Returns

The Russell 2000 Index is a stock market index that measures the performance of the 2,000 smaller companies included in the Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 2000 is managed by London’s FTSE Russell Group, widely regarded as a bellwether of the U.S. economy because of its focus on smaller companies in the U.S. market.

S & P 500 Historical Returns

The S&P 500 Index is a basket of 500 of the largest companies of both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the NASDAQ.  The Standard and Poor’s 500, or simply the S&P 500, is a stock market index tracking the stock performance of 500 of the largest companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States.

Dow Jones Historical Returns

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a stock market index that tracks 30 large, publicly-owned blue-chip companies trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq. The Dow Jones is named after Charles Dow, who created the index in 1896 along with his business partner, Edward Jones. Also referred to as the Dow 30, the index is considered to be a gauge of the broader U.S. economy.

New York Stock Exchange

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is a New York City-based public marketplace for trading stock. It is the largest stock exchange in the world based on market capitalization of its listed securities and dates back to 1792.


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IRAs are an important tool for building wealth for those who are employed and particularly those who lack an employer sponsored plan where they work.  Just what are the rules and guidelines as it relates to IRA’s, and how can you use them to maximize your retirement accounts if you now qualify for the utilization of them as you build your retirement nest egg?


It is important that you unmask and learn all that you can about IRAs and how you can use them for creating wealth for you and your loved ones in all ways possible, proactively when possible.  Improving your wealth in ways that could be of significant benefit to you and your family can be made easier if you unmask or learn all that you can about IRAs proactively as opposed to after the fact (after your earned income years come to an end).


You want to ensure that you look at IRAs and determine if they can be of value to you as you build wealth and not allow blind spots to cause you to miss out on important facets of IRA utilization that you could possibly miss out on and make your retirement years less enjoyable!


Over the years has discussed many financial matters with consumers. No topic seems to be as misunderstood or improperly grasped by consumers on a consistent basis than that of the topic of IRAs.


It is important that you simplify your understanding of IRA’s—and particularly as it relates to taxation—so that you can make an informed and well thought out decision—if you are considering IRAs in your financial portfolio for retirement or other purposes.


IRA Basics

With a traditional IRA—you get a tax benefit up front in the form of a tax deduction on your personal tax return.


You would pay taxes on your distributions at “ordinary income” tax rates upon withdrawal and if done before age 59.5 and no exception applied–a 10% early withdrawal penalty would also apply.  With a ROTH IRA you get no tax deduction up front, however “all contributions” and “qualified” distributions are tax free.


Qualified distributions are distributions after age 59.5 or those that are made due to an exception or other guidelines that are outlined in the tax code.


If you own—or anticipate owning a Traditional IRA or a ROTH IRA, and you make a “non-qualified” distribution, you may have to pay federal income taxes on withdrawals—and in some cases be socked with a 10% penalty on top of the income tax bill.


In this discussion will look at a number of ways that you can utilize a ROTH IRA or a Traditional IRA to build wealth more effectively.


The goal of this discussion is to keep conciseness–and to the point actions at the center, however conciseness and to the point on IRAs can be difficult.  Key points will be reiterated (repeated) in an attempt to enhance your understanding.


Broad Stock Market History Charts



Dow Jones Industrial

S & P 500

Russell 2000


Key Points that you need to know about IRA’s 


Important questions that you need to ask yourself include:


*Do I even qualify


You qualify if you have “earned income” and that income doesn’t exceed certain thresholds that are established by law.  The amount of the contribution limit and the thresholds are adjusted upward annually, generally speaking.


You can fund an IRA if you have a 401 (k) plan or other retirement plan through your employer. Having a workplace retirement account could make you “ineligible to deduct traditional IRA contributions” on your taxes annually.  Funding a 401 (k) could help you reduce your taxable income so that you can directly fund a Roth IRA.  Many employers also offer an employee match with 401k plans so you want to give the match option considerable attention.


Single Limits


The IRA contribution limits are the combined maximum you can contribute annually across all personal IRAs. This means if you have a Traditional IRA and/or a Roth IRA, you “cannot” contribute more than this limit across both accounts in a year.


You also cannot contribute more to your IRAs than the income you earn each year! 


If your income is lower than the contribution limit, your annual IRA contribution may be limited to your earned income.  For example, if your earned income is $5,500, your maximum contribution limit is $5,500 total–whether you contribute to a traditional, ROTH or both.


If you are the only breadwinner in your household and you meet the income limits, you may be eligible for a spousal IRA which are separate IRAs for you and your spouse or for the non-working spouse if they are the only one who qualifies.

Traditional Spousal IRA

A Traditional Spousal IRA allows the working spouse to make tax-deductible contributions on behalf of the non-working spouse, and the contributions grow tax-deferred, which means taxes are paid only upon withdrawal.


A spousal IRA is a strategy that allows a working spouse to contribute to an individual retirement account (IRA) in the name of a non-working spouse with no income or very little income. This is an exception to the provision that an individual must have earned income to contribute to an IRA.


Note: Your contributions may be limited to what your spouse makes if you have no income and are contributing to a spousal IRA.


  • Tax-Deductible Contributions: Contributions to a Traditional Spousal IRA may be tax-deductible, depending on the couple’s modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) and whether the working spouse participates in an employer-sponsored retirement plan.


  • Tax-Deferred GrowthInvestments in a Traditional Spousal IRA grow tax-deferred, meaning taxes are not due until withdrawals are made.


  • Withdrawal Rules and Taxes: Withdrawals from a Traditional Spousal IRA are generally subject to income tax. Additionally, a 10% early withdrawal penalty may apply if withdrawals are made before age 59½, with some exceptions.


ROTH Spousal IRA

A Roth Spousal IRA allows for non-deductible contributions, which grow tax-free and can be withdrawn tax-free under certain conditions.

  • Non-deductible Contributions: Contributions to a Roth Spousal IRA are not tax-deductible.


  • Tax-free growth and withdrawals: Investments in a Roth Spousal IRA grow tax-free, and qualified withdrawals are also tax-free.


  • Withdrawal Rules and Taxes: Qualified withdrawals from a Roth Spousal IRA are tax-free, provided that the account has been open for at least five years, and the account holder is at least 59½ years old or meets other qualifying criteria.


If you want to save more for retirement than your IRA contribution limit allows this year, consider contributing more to your workplace retirement plan, like a 401(k) or 403(b).


If you don’t have access to a workplace plan, check to see if you’re eligible to open and contribute to a self-employed 401(k) or SEP IRA, each of which may allow you, as the employer, to save up to $66,000 in 2023 and $69,000 in 2024.


An additional $7,500 can be saved in either years 2023 and 2024 if you have a 401(k) or 403(b) plan and are age 50 or older.  However, catch-up contributions are not permitted  in SEP plans whether a 401k or IRA.


Traditional IRA income limits for 2023 and 2024

Unlike with a Roth IRA, there’s no income limit for those who can contribute to a traditional IRA!  However, your deduction may be limited or disallowed if you contribute to a retirement plan on your job.


Your income (as well as your spouse’s) affects “whether you can deduct your traditional IRA contributions” from your taxable income for the year!


If you and your spouse do not have access to a workplace retirement savings plan, then you can deduct the full amount of your IRA contributions, up to the contribution limit!


If you and/or your spouse are covered by a workplace plan, your eligible deduction limit may be decreased based on your tax-filing status and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).


Your Modified Adjusted Gross Income is how much you earn each year considering certain adjustments.  It’s a smart idea to consult a tax professional if you have any questions about how much of your IRA contributions you can deduct if you still have questions after reading this article.


And remember, even if you cannot deduct any of your traditional IRA contributions, the money you invest in a traditional IRA may benefit from compounding and “can grow tax-deferred” until you withdraw it.


And you won’t have to pay income taxes on any contributions you previously did not deduct from your taxes!


The tables below can help you figure out how much of your traditional IRA contribution you may be able to deduct based on your income, tax-filing status, and your and your spouse’s access to a workplace retirement plan.


The key point is that even if you have a plan at work you and/or your spouse may still be able to contribute to a Traditional IRA and deduct the contribution (up to a limit) annually even if you are covered by a plan at work if you meet the annual IRA income limits based on your MAGI.


If you are not covered by a plan you (and possibly your spouse) can contribute up to the contribution limit for that year.  If you are married and you or your spouse have a plan at work, your contribution deduction would be limited if your income was greater than $220,000 to $240,000 for tax year 2024 and would phase out all together at income over $240,000.


Keep in mind you can still contribute up to the annual limit, however you could not deduct the contribution on your tax return.  Additionally, when you are taxed, the “contributions that were not deductible would not be taxable” however, the earnings would be taxed at your ordinary income rate.


If you or your spouse were covered by a plan at work, your annual earning limits would be lower as far as deducting your contributions ($123,000 to 143,000) then phaseout for tax year 2024.


Keep in mind that IRA deduction limit numbers normally change on an annual basis.


Traditional IRA deduction limits

2023 IRA deduction limit — You are covered by a retirement plan at work
Filing status Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) Deduction limit
Single individuals ≤ $73,000 Full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
> $73,000 but < $83,000 Partial deduction (calculate)
≥ $83,000 No deduction
Married (filing joint returns) ≤ $116,000 Full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
> $116,000 but < $136,000 Partial deduction (calculate)
≥ $136,000 No deduction
Married (filing separately)1 < $10,000 Partial deduction
≥ $10,000 No deduction

Source: “IRA deduction limits,” Internal Revenue Service, August 29, 2023.

2023 IRA deduction limits — You are NOT covered by a retirement plan at work
Filing Status Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) Deduction limit
Single, head of household, or qualifying widow(er) Any amount A full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
Married filing jointly with a spouse who is not covered by a plan at work Any amount A full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
Married filing jointly with a spouse who is covered by a plan at work $218,000 or less Full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
> $218,000 but < $228,000 A partial deduction (calculate)
≥ $228,000 or more No deduction
Married filing separately with a spouse who is covered by a plan at work < $10,000 Partial deduction
≥ $10,000 No deduction

Source: “IRA deduction limits,” Internal Revenue Service, August 29, 2023.

2024 IRA deduction limit — You are covered by a retirement plan at work
Filing status Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) Deduction limit
Single individuals ≤ $77,000 Full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
> $77,000 but < $87,000 Partial deduction
≥ $87,000 No deduction
Married (filing joint returns) ≤ $123,000 Full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
> $123,000 but < $143,000 Partial deduction
≥ $143,000 No deduction
Married (filing separately)1 < $10,000 Partial deduction
≥ $10,000 No deduction

Source: “401(k) limit increases to $23,000 for 2024, IRA limit rises to $7,000,” Internal Revenue Service, November 1, 2023.

2024 IRA deduction limits — You are NOT covered by a retirement plan at work
Filing Status Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) Deduction limit
Single, head of household, or qualifying widow(er) Any amount A full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
Married filing jointly with a spouse who is not covered by a plan at work Any amount A full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
Married filing jointly with a spouse who is covered by a plan at work $230,000 or less Full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
> $230,000 but < $240,000 A partial deduction
≥ $240,000 or more No deduction
Married filing separately with a spouse who is covered by a plan at work < $10,000 Partial deduction
≥ $10,000 No deduction

Source: “401(k) limit increases to $23,000 for 2024, IRA limit rises to $7,000,” Internal Revenue Service, November 1, 2023.


What happens if you contribute too much to your IRA?

If you contributed too much (more than the annual contribution limit) to your IRA, you have up until when your taxes are due to remove any excess contributions as well as any investment gains those contributions may have made.


Those investment gains will have to be reported on your taxes!


If you don’t catch your excess contributions by your tax deadline, you may have to pay a 6% tax penalty on the excess amount each year until you remove those funds from the account.


Key points about Traditional IRAs:

  • You can contribute up to the annual limit to a traditional IRA


  • Only a certain amount can be deducted annually on your taxes and that amount is based on your filing status and income range


  • If you have a retirement plan at work your deduction will be limited


  • If you don’t have a retirement plan a work you can get a full deduction up to the limit


  • If you are married and your spouse is covered, you are entitled to a partial deduction that phases out, and if your income is too high ($240,000 or more from year 2024 and forward) you are not eligible for a deduction (your deduction phases out)


  • You have up until April 15th of the tax filing season to contribute to your IRA for the previous year (i.e., 2024 contributions can be made up until April 15th of 2025–if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, you may have additional day(s) to contribute)


  • If you over-contribute to your IRA, you may have to pay additional taxes on the gains that are a result of your over contribution


  • An exception for withdrawal may allow you to avoid the 10% early retirement penalty.  Tuition, 1st time home buyer qualification (no personal residence ownership in past 2 years) and other exceptions are available that will possibly allow you to avoid the penalty.  Limits and technicalities may apply


  • You may be able to “double dip” and get the benefit of a retirement savers credit as well as the deduction on your federal tax return if you meet the income criteria and other guidelines

Unlike Roth IRAs, you can contribute up to the maximum contribution limit to a traditional IRA “regardless of your income” if your earned income is higher than that year’s contribution limit (currently $7,000) that is normally adjusted from year to year.


Your ability to “deduct traditional IRA contributions from your tax bills” are dependent on your income and your workplace retirement plan, and/or your spouse’s!


If you want to save even more for retirement than the IRA contribution limit, you can consider contributing to your workplace retirement plan (if you have one), such as a 401(k) or 403(b) at a level that allows you to live comfortably, yet reach your retirement goals.  If you don’t have access to a workplace plan, you can look into whether you’re eligible to contribute to a self-employed 401(k) or SEP IRA, if you are self-employed or you have a sideline gig that is showing a profit.


Roth IRA income and contribution limits for 2023 and 2024

How much can you contribute to a Roth IRA—or if you can contribute at all—is dictated by your income, specifically your household’s modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)!


This is your adjusted gross income (gross income minus tax credits, adjustments, and deductions), with some of those credits, adjustments, and deductions added back in.


Depending on your MAGI and your tax filing status, you are either eligible to contribute to your Roth IRA up to the full IRA maximum, contribute only a partial amount, or contribute nothing at all.


Note: If you’re ineligible to contribute to a Roth IRA, you can still contribute to a traditional IRA up to 100% of your income, or the annual contribution limit!


Calculating your MAGI and balancing contributions to multiple IRAs can be complicated, so consult a financial professional if you have any questions around your eligibility to contribute and you have an uneasy feeling, even after this discussion.


If you are married and make $150,000 a year in MAGI and you have a retirement plan on your job, you can contribute $7,000 to a spousal Traditional IRA (you would be eligible for full deduction) or $7,000 to a spousal ROTH IRA (you would be eligible for the full “contribution”) because you meet the income and tax filing guidelines for a ROTH IRA.


You could choose to contribute $3,500 annually to a spousal Traditional IRA and deduct the $3,500 on your taxes yearly if you qualified and upon withdrawal after age 59.5 you would pay taxes at your ordinary income tax rate–and also contribute $3,500 to a spousal ROTH IRA that would be non-deductible but would grow tax free and you would owe no taxes upon withdrawal within parameters.


Roth IRA income requirements for 2023
Filing status Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) Contribution limit
Single individuals < $138,000 $6,500
≥ $138,000 but < $153,000 Partial contribution
≥ $153,000 Not eligible
Married (filing joint returns) < $218,000 $6,500
≥ $218,000 but < $228,000 Partial contribution
≥ $228,000 Not eligible
Married (filing separately)1
< $10,000 Partial contribution
≥ $10,000 Not eligible

“Amount of Roth IRA Contributions That You Can Make for 2023,” Internal Revenue Service, August 29, 2023.

Roth IRA income requirements for 2024
Filing status Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) Contribution limit
Single individuals < $146,000 $7,000
≥ $146,000 but < $161,000 Partial contribution
≥ $161,000 Not eligible
Married (filing joint returns) < $230,000 $7,000
≥ $230,000 but < $240,000 Partial contribution
≥ $240,000 Not eligible
Married (filing separately)2
< $10,000 Partial contribution
≥ $10,000 Not eligible

Source: “401(k) limit increases to $23,000 for 2024, IRA limit rises to $7,000,” Internal Revenue Service, November 2023.


The IRS’s annual IRA contribution limit covers contributions to all personal IRAs, including both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs.


But as we touched on above, your income may limit whether you can contribute to a Roth. You want to determine at the earliest time possible whether a Roth IRA, traditional IRA—or both—are right for you.


Learn about Fidelity IRAs and more about other types of IRAs…


What happens if you contribute too much to your Roth IRA?

If you contributed too much to your Roth IRA, you have until the tax filing deadline to fix the mistake. You must remove all excess contributions as well as any investment earnings. Those earnings will have to be reported as investment income. If you remove any excess contributions after you file your taxes, you may need to file an amended tax return.


If you over contributed to your Roth IRA due to your income limit, you can re-characterize your Roth IRA contributions to a traditional IRA.  Just make sure you do not contribute more than the combined IRA maximum.


If you re-characterized, you’ll definitely want to check and see if you’re now eligible for any income tax deductions.


You could also apply your excess contributions to tax year 2023.  But first verify what you roll over will be eligible within 2023’s limits.


If you don’t catch your excess contributions when you file your taxes, you may have to pay a 6% penalty on those contributions each year until they are removed from the account.  Visit the to learn more about contribution limits and for more information on tax penalties for IRAs.


  • Your contribution limit is based on your income and filing status


  • You may be eligible to contribute a partial amount or nothing at all


  • If you are married and your spouse is covered, you are entitled to a partial deduction that phases out, and if your income is too high ($240,000 or more from year 2024 onward)–you are not eligible for a deduction


  • If your income is too high, you may not be able to contribute to a ROTH


  • You can possibly roll over traditional IRA contributions and earnings to a ROTH–be sure you plan for the payment of taxes well in advance so that you have no surprises


  • An exception for withdrawal may allow you to avoid taxation on the earnings, therefore both contributions and earnings could be withdrawn where an exception applied.  Tuition, 1st time home buyer qualification (no personal residence ownership in past 2 years) and other exceptions are available that will possibly allow you to withdraw tax free.  Limits and technicalities may apply.


How much should you contribute to your IRAs?


To give you some historical context, IRA contribution limits in 2011 and 2024 will be contrasted:


Income Limitation


Single Limits

In 2011 the income cutoffs for a traditional IRA where you can get the full deduction was $56,000 and partial deduction is $65,999 if you are single.


In 2011 the income cutoffs for a ROTH IRA where you can get the full contribution was $107,000 and partial contribution was $122,000 if you are single.


Married Limits

In 2011 the income cutoffs for a traditional IRA where you can get the full deduction was $90,000 and partial deduction was $109,999 if you are married.


In 2011 the income cutoffs for a ROTH IRA where you can get the full contribution was $169,000 and partial contribution was $179,000 if you are married.


Keep in mind that the above figures represent the “income cutoff” that is based on your AGI or Adjusted Gross Income—not Total Income!


Having a plan in place for your retirement can help you reach your financial goals and give you peace of mind that you are on the right track. To help create a retirement plan, consider consulting with a financial professional to map out your financial future or if you are comfortable, you can create your own path to retirement success.


It can be a challenge to determine how much to save in your IRA, as you need to know your retirement number in advance of saving or investing.  As a general guideline, you want to save at a minimum 10% of your pre-tax income each year (including any employer contributions) for retirement.  The higher you go after that is even better as the actual percentage will depend on your unique personal and family profile and your retirement or other goals that you may have in mind.

$1,000 Monthly Withdrawal Rule for Retirement…

$1,000 Tax-Free Retirement Account Withdrawal Allowance under SECURE ACT 2.0

That 10% or more includes savings in any other retirement accounts or savings plans, like 401(k)s, Thrift Plans or 403(b)s–as well as pension and other income that you may receive in the future.  In short, your “retirement number” that is unique to you and what you desire most in your life, will help guide you on the right amount that you need to save and invest to reach your goals.


Consulting with a financial professional can help you figure out a strategy that works best for your goals and what you want to see occur in your future.


In 2011 the income cutoffs for a traditional IRA where you can get the full deduction was $56,000 and partial deduction was $65,999 if you were single.


In 2024 the income cutoffs for a traditional IRA where you can get the full deduction is $146,000 and partial deduction is $161,000 if you are single.


As you can see, over that 13 year period the amount adjusted upward by $90,000!


In 2011 the income cutoffs for a ROTH IRA where you can get the full contribution was $107,000 and partial contribution was $122,000 if you were single.


In 2024 the income cutoffs for a ROTH IRA where you can get the full contribution is $230,000 and partial contribution is $240,000 if you are single.


As you can see, over that 13-year period the amount adjusted upward by $123,000!


Married Limits

In 2011 the income cutoffs for a traditional IRA where you can get the full deduction was $90,000 and partial deduction was $109,999 if you are married.


In 2024 the income cutoffs for a traditional IRA where you can get the full deduction is $230,000 and partial deduction is $240,000 if you are married.


As you can see, over that 13-year period the amount adjusted upward by $140,000 for the Traditional IRA.


In 2011 the income cutoffs for a ROTH IRA where you can get the full contribution was $169,000 and partial contribution was $179,000 if you are married.


In 2011 the income cutoffs for a ROTH IRA where you can get the full contribution was $230,000 and partial contribution was $240,000 if you are married.


As you can see, over that 13-year period the amount adjusted upward by $61,000 for the ROTH!


Keep in mind that the above figures represent the “income cutoff” that is based on your AGI or Adjusted Gross Income—not Total Income!


Contribution Limits



The annual contribution limit for 2011 was $5,000 if you were single and had earned income ($6,000 if you were over age 50).


By contrast:


The annual contribution limit for 2024 is $7,000 if you were single and have earned income of at least the contribution limit ($8,000 if you are over age 50).



The annual contribution limit for 2011 was $10,000 if you are married and have earned income ($12,000 if you are both over age 50).


The annual contribution limit for 2024 was $14,000 if you are married and have earned income of at least the contribution limit ($16,000 if you are both over age 50).


Always remember that if your earned income is “less than” the contribution limit—your contribution is limited—to your earned income!


Deadline to Contribute

Also keep in mind that you have until the tax deadline (April 15, 2025) to fund your IRA for 2024 and be sure that you understand that with a traditional IRA—your contributions are in pre-tax dollars (deducted on your tax return if you qualify) and your withdrawals are taxable at your ordinary income tax rate at the time of withdrawal.


You want to always know that you can make 2024 contributions up until the April 15th deadline in 2025, and you can make 2025 contributions up until the 2025 tax filing deadline of April 15, 2026. 


In future years the tax deadline of April 15th is normally the deadline unless the date falls on a weekend or federal holiday.


If you file for an extension, the cutoff date for contributions remains April 15th of the tax year or the next business day if the 15th is on a weekend or holiday!


With a ROTH IRA you pay your taxes upfront, however you or those who inherit your IRA—will owe no taxes on withdrawals but would be required to make RMDs.  Depending on your tax bracket—the ROTH is often the best choice in the long run—for many.


*Again the 2024 Contribution limits are $7,000, or if you are age 50, $8,000


*Know that Income Limits Apply when investing using IRAs as there is a minimum that you must earn to qualify–and a maximum that will eventually phase you out.  With a traditional, you can continue to contribute after the phaseout, however you would not be able to deduct the contribution.


Can I convert from a Traditional to a ROTH IRA

You can convert from a Traditional to a ROTH regardless of your income.  Be aware that you might have a large tax bite!


You want to plan and strategize the conversion to help minimize your taxes in a very serious way as there can be serious tax consequences if you fail to do so!


If you do not yet have an IRA—you can set up one at any time, if you qualify and the process is fairly simple.


You can also convert to a ROTH IRA at any time—just be aware of your taxes that you will have to pay—prior to doing the conversion–not AFTER!


Converting is particularly important if you anticipate being in a higher tax bracket in your retirement years.  With 2024 tax rates from the TCJA scheduled to end at the end of 2024—you would face a maximum tax rate of 35%.


Depending on your age and income streams—it can often be difficult to determine whether you will be in a higher or lower tax bracket during your retirement years, but you want to make the best educated guess possible to assist in your planning at this time.


IRAs & College Planning

  • Regardless of whether you have a Traditional or Roth IRA, there is a penalty-free way to use your retirement savings to pay for your education, your children’s, or your grandchildren’s education.  IRA withdrawals used for qualified education expenses at an eligible institution are “exempt” from the penalty.


  • Higher education is expensive, and if loans are taken out to pay for school, it may take 10 to 30 years to repay a student loan when you borrow, depending on the amount and your repayment schedule. While direct higher education expenses qualify for penalty-free withdrawals from a traditional individual retirement account (IRA), the payment of student loans and interest don’t.

    Be aware that early withdrawals from a Traditional IRA—if you’re not yet age 59½—used to pay for student loans are subject to a 10% penalty, plus any deferred income taxes owed.


  • Early withdrawals from a ROTH IRA, however, may be free from penalties as long contributions—and not gains—are touched before age 59½.


  • It’s important to determine whether using IRA funds to pay off student loans is viable for your situation as everyone’s financial profile is unique, therefore you want to proactively run the numbers to see if it makes good sense financially as well as you psychologically being comfortable about your decision.


ROTH accounts could also work for you in college planning—and as an added bonus if your child has enough to go to college with other means—such as your current income, financial aid, scholarships etcetera—you could avoid using the ROTH (or traditional for that matter) for your child’s education—and continue building up the account for (your and your spouse’s) retirement years.


Withdrawals of your “contributions” would be tax free.  There would be no 10% early-withdrawal penalty on “earnings” if you use the money for “educational” expenses.


Even with a ROTH, if you were under age 59.5 and you held the account for less than five years. you would owe tax on the “earnings” at your ordinary income tax rate plus a 10% penalty for early withdrawal unless an exception was applicable.


Regardless of how you use your contributions, they would be tax free if withdrawn from your ROTH account for any reason!


Traditional IRA & Home Purchase

You can take funds out penalty free to purchase your home whether you have a ROTH and/or Traditional IRA.


You can also invest in Self-Directed IRAs and Invest in Real Estate.


ROTH IRA & Home Purchase

You can take funds out penalty free to purchase your home whether you have a ROTH and/or Traditional IRA.


You can also invest in Self-Directed IRAs and Invest in Real Estate.


If you plan on using a traditional or ROTH for your home purchase–or investing for retirement using real estate investing, make sure you have a well thought out strategy.


Be sure you have your retirement goals in place and a strategy to get to the “number” that you need to reach—dollar wise—to live at your pre-retirement levels at a minimum–where possible.


For example, if your “number” was $500,000 and you were age 65, you would be able to withdraw $20,000 per year for approximately 30 years assuming a modest rate of return.


You would also need to factor in your Social Security and any other income that you would receive monthly.


If tapping into your ROTH for your child’s educational expenses would prevent you from getting to your “number”—you would have to increase the ROTH contributions—or other Retirement Account contributions—or pursue another educational and/or retirement funding strategy for you or your loved one.


If you plan on using a Traditional or ROTH account for educational funding be sure to start well in advance.  ROTH accounts have a dollar contribution per year limit—and a little higher if you are over age 50.


Traditional IRAs allow you to contribute regardless of your income, and what you can “deduct annually” is limited!


If you are married your spouse can also contribute up to the annual amount limits, or a little higher per year if age 50 or older if qualifications are met.


Always Remember—in order to Contribute to “Any” IRA You Must Have “Earned” Income!


Keep in mind that in order to contribute to a ROTH you must have earned income (employer or self-employed) and there are income limits of Modified Adjusted Gross Income for Single and for Married Filing Jointly that are adjusted annually.


An example of what you can achieve using IRA contributions:


If you contribute just $5,000 annually from the time your child is born, you would have $90,000 in “contributions” alone.  Assuming you had a modest annual return, your total account value could be over $200,000 by the time your child attended college.


If your spouse also contributed the total “contributions” would be over $180,000 and the account value could be over $400,000 by the time your child attended college.


IRA Investment Choices

Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, CDs, real estate, precious metals, blockchains and many other financial accounts can be a part of your IRA if set up and structured properly.


IRA’s & Alternative Investments

If you open a self-directed IRA with a custodian willing to deal with alternative assets—you could invest in real estate, gold bullion, tax liens, racehorses and other more speculative and/or exotic investments.


However, you cannot invest in art or life insurance with your IRA account(s)!


It is not always wise to invest in more speculative IRA holdings—even though you are legally allowed to do so.  When dealing with IRA’s that offer more exotic types of investments—you can often run into those who are con-artists and very smooth in their articulation of what they are offering—and the returns you could possibly get may be unrealistic.  You want to have a real understanding of what you invest in and choose your account custodians in a wise and prudent manner.


Due to the large number of baby-boomers converting their 401k’s and other retirement accounts to an IRA—con artists and other unscrupulous players feel they have a ripe and lucrative market that they can tap into for years.


You must be very careful if you are even considering any out-of-the-ordinary type of investments.


Also, realize that there are even more inherent risks when investing in non-traditional ways.


You will have market risk if you invest in gold or real estate.  You must also use funds that are inside of the IRA—for renovations and upgrades that you want to do to real estate you own inside of an IRA!  You will have the risk of horses getting sick or dying—if you invest in racehorses…and so on.


If you are determined to invest in alternative—out-of-the-ordinary type of investments—a better option may be to consider doing so (inside of an IRA) with a mutual fund that invests in a broad range of investments and has a five-to-10-year track record of success.


If your goal is to invest in real estate—consider a mutual fund (REITs) that invests in a broad range of properties!


By doing so you will reduce your risk from being conned by fraudsters—and reduce other risks that were mentioned above.


Understanding the IRA rules and guidelines before and after you transition

Traditional IRAs will face taxation upon transfer to beneficiaries and will be taxed at transfer–based on life expectancy of beneficiary.  A ROTH can be transferred tax free with no minimum withdrawals required annually to your spouse, other beneficiaries will face mandatory withdrawals.


Traditional IRA

With a traditional IRA, you would set it up with an IRA custodian and contribute to it in the manner that you chose to do so—for example weekly, monthly or yearly.  You have up until the tax deadline of the current year to make contributions for the previous year.


Let’s say you contribute $5,000 by the April 15th, 2025, filing deadline.  If you filed your return on April 17th, 2025, you could deduct it on your 2024 tax return on form 1040.  If you were in the 35% tax bracket you could save roughly $1,750 on your taxes if you were able to utilize the full deduction.


If you had already filed your return before April 15th, 2025, you could amend your 2024 return—or you could decide to make the $5,000 contribution after April 15th, 2025–and deduct the 2025 contribution on your 2025 income tax return.


The correct choice for you would depend on your expected contributions or goals.  To maximize your contributions—you would choose the first option.


Taxation at Withdrawal


Traditional IRA

If you were to withdraw funds prior to age 59 ½ you would have a 10% early withdrawal penalty and the withdrawal would be taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.


If you were to withdraw funds after age 59 ½ you would “not” have a 10% early withdrawal penalty and the withdrawal would be taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.


Keep in mind that withdrawals were once mandatory at age 70 ½ now the age is 73 with a Traditional IRA.


Roth IRA

With a ROTH IRA “you would pay your taxes on your contributions up front” and then contribute to your IRA.


Your earnings would grow tax free and your “contributions” that you later decide to withdraw would be tax free—because you have already paid taxes on them!


You cannot deduct your contributions on your personal income tax return!


Once you reach age 59 ½ and have contributed for at least five years, you can receive your earnings—or investment gains tax free.




Deadline to Contribute to Traditional & ROTH IRAs

Also keep in mind that you have until the tax deadline (April 15 generally) to fund your IRA annually—and be sure that you understand that with a traditional IRA, your contributions are in pre-tax dollars (deducted on your tax return if you qualify)—and your withdrawals are taxable (normally after you retire).


With a ROTH IRA, you pay your taxes upfront, however you or those who inherit your IRA—will owe no taxes on withdrawals.  Depending on your tax bracket a ROTH IRA is often the best choice in the long run for many.


If you’re 59.5 or older and have had at least one Roth IRA that has been open for more than five years, withdrawals from any of your Roth IRAs are called “qualified” withdrawals.


Your qualified withdrawals would be free of any federal income tax or penalty.  The “five-year period” for qualified withdrawals starts on January 1 of the first tax year for which you make a Roth contribution.


If you established your first Roth IRA on April 15, 2021—and the contribution was for the 2021 tax year, your five-year period would start on Jan. 1, 2020.


You could begin taking qualified withdrawals at any time after Jan. 1, 2025.  You could also take tax-free qualified withdrawals from any and all Roth IRAs that you own by then—as long as you’re 59 ½ or older.


Let’s say you opened a second Roth IRA account in 2021 by converting a Traditional IRA, you could take tax-free qualified withdrawals from that account too—after Jan. 1, 2025—as long as you’re at least age 59 1/2.


What Happens if You Take Withdrawals Before Age 59 ½?

If you take a ROTH distribution before age 59 ½, it would be considered a “non-qualified” withdrawal—unless an exception applies.


A non-qualified withdrawal or distribution may be subject to federal income tax and a 10% penalty tax!


As far as the IRS is concerned, non-qualified withdrawals come first from your annual Roth “contributions”—not your “investment gains or earnings.”


If you take out contributions only–you “would not pay taxes on the contributions” as you have already paid taxes on that portion of your ROTH IRA!


Always remember that withdrawals from your “contributions” are always tax-free and penalty-free with a ROTH IRA.


To figure out how much of your account is “qualified” you would add up your annual contributions to all Roth IRAs set up in your name (do not use any accounts in your spouse’s name).


To prove you don’t owe any income tax or penalty, you’ll have to fill out Part III of IRS Form 8606 (Nondeductible IRAs) and file it with your Form 1040 during the tax filing season.


If you converted from a Traditional IRA to a ROTH IRA—non-qualified withdrawals are deemed to come from ROTH conversion contributions “after” you determine what your contributions are.


To figure out how much is non-qualified due to conversion—you would add up all conversion contributions from converting a traditional IRA or a retirement plan payout to all Roth IRAs set up in your name (again—do not use any accounts in your spouse’s name).


Withdrawals from the conversion are federal-income-tax-free, but you could still get hit with a 10% penalty—unless an exception applies.


Keep in mind that age 59.5 is generally the required age for starting to receive IRA distributions without getting hit with the federal 10% premature withdrawal penalty tax.  With a Traditional IRA (whether you continue to work or not), there are some circumstances under which you can receive your IRA funds even earlier without the penalty.


The 10% penalty applies unless you qualify for an exception:

Exceptions for Early Distributions from an IRA or a Traditional & ROTH IRA include:

• You had a “direct rollover” to your new retirement account

• You received a lump-sum payment but rolled over the money to a qualified retirement account within 60 days

• You were permanently or totally disabled

• You were unemployed and paid for health insurance premiums

• You paid for college expenses for yourself or a dependent

• You bought a house (can be for children or grandchildren—dollar limits apply)

• You paid for medical expenses exceeding 7.5% of your adjusted gross income

• The IRS levied your retirement account to pay off tax debts.

• It has been more than five years since the conversion contribution (the five-year period starts on Jan. 1 of the year when the conversion contribution occurred)


Lesser-Known Exceptions:

Annuitize Your IRA—one way to take money from your traditional IRA without incurring the 10% penalty is to “annuitize” your account.  The way this works is that for five years, or until you turn age 59 1/2 (whichever is longer), you take annual cash withdrawals based on your life expectancy, as predicted by the IRS.

Withdraw Roth Contributions—the Roth IRA allows penalty and tax-free withdrawals of “contributions” for any reason.  However, once you’ve taken out that money, you don’t have the option of replacing it.

Take a 60-Day Loan—you can withdraw funds from your IRA for up to 60 days tax-and penalty-free as long as you return the funds to an IRA by the end of the 60-day period.  The IRS looks at this as a non-taxable rollover.

Just make sure that the funds are back in an IRA within the 60 days, otherwise it will be treated as a withdrawal that is subject to taxes and penalties if you are under age 59 1/2!

Also, if you follow this strategy, you can only do it once within a 12-month period for the account in question.


Special Penalty-Free Withdrawal Situations:

First-time home purchase—up to $10,000 for you, your spouse, your children or even your grandchildren.

Qualified education expenses—for you, your spouse, your children or even your grandchildren. Approved expenses include post-secondary education, tuition, books, supplies and, if the student is enrolled at least half-time, room and board.

Disability—to qualify for a disability exemption, you must prove that you are incapable of working.

Un-reimbursed medical expenses—expenses must exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.

Health insurance for the unemployed—only after 12 consecutive weeks of collecting unemployment benefits.


Use caution before you dip into an IRA or any Retirement Account:

Before you start dipping into your retirement stash, you may want to explore other options including a standard bank loan.


If you must withdraw funds from an IRA, avoid paying taxes by withdrawing “contributions” from your Roth IRA first.


Be sure to tap a tax-deductible IRA last.  Above all, you generally want to use these tax-sheltered accounts as a last resort–unless you have planned upfront to use them–possibly where an exception applies.  And before you raid your retirement savings, make sure you are leaving enough to support your actual retirement–as you want to know your “retirement number” upfront.


Key Points to Remember:

  • ROTH IRAs have a five-year rule that applies in three situations:


  • 1) if you withdraw account earnings,


  • 2) if you convert a traditional IRA to a Roth,


  • 3) or if a beneficiary inherits a Roth IRA.


• Traditional IRA withdrawals used for higher education are 10% penalty free but taxable at your ordinary income rate

• Funds in a ROTH that are withdrawn for higher education would be taxed on earnings only—not original contributions

• Funds in a ROTH that have been there for five or more years would be taxed on earnings only—not original contributions

• Funds in a ROTH that have been there for less than five years would be taxed on earnings only—not original contributions

At this time there is a $10,000 maximum withdrawal of IRA funds for a home purchase—whether Traditional or Roth!

• Traditional IRA withdrawals used for disability or death are 10% penalty free but taxable at your ordinary income rate

• A Roth IRA used for death or disability held in account for less than five years would have no penalty but would be taxed on earnings—not original contributions

• A Roth IRA used for death or disability held in account for more than five years would have no penalty –and would have no taxes

  • If you meet the income guidelines and otherwise qualify–you could receive a savers credit (line 4 schedule 3) on top of your traditional IRA deduction

There are no required distributions for a Roth IRA while the original account holder is alive. However, after the account owner dies, their beneficiaries must empty the account according to the rules at the time of death: five years if the account owner died before 2020, and 10 years if he or she died after 2020. An inheriting spouse also has the option of taking RMDs based on their own life expectancy.


However, death of a ROTH account owner doesn’t totally get you (the beneficiary) off the hook with regard to the five-year rule.  If you, as a beneficiary, take a distribution from an inherited Roth IRA that wasn’t held for five tax years, then the earnings will be subject to tax.


Withdrawals when an exception does not apply:

Traditional IRA withdrawals would have a 10% penalty UNLESS YOU ARE AGE 59.5 OR OLDER—and would be taxable at your ordinary income rate

• Funds in a Roth IRA for less than 5 years would have a 10% penalty on earnings—not contributions—and would be taxed on earnings at ordinary income rates—original contributions would be non-taxable

• Funds in a Roth IRA for more than 5 years would have a 10% penalty on earnings—unless you are age 59 ½ or older—and would be taxed on earnings at ordinary income rates—unless you are age 59 ½ or older—original contributions would be non-taxable regardless of age

• Finally, any further non-qualified withdrawals from Roth accounts set up in your name (after you’ve tapped all your contributions) are deemed to come from earnings or investment gains.

• Non-qualified withdrawals from earnings are 100% taxable prior to age 59.5 and meeting the the 5 year rule.  You or your tax professional would fill out Part III of Form 8606 to calculate the taxable amount from this layer, and enter that on Form 1040.

• In addition, the 10% penalty applies, unless you’re eligible for an “exception.” If you owe the penalty tax, fill out Form 5329 and enter the penalty on line 8 of Form 1040.


What if I am age 59 ½ but I fail to meet the five-year test:

Any Roth IRA withdrawal taken before passing the five-year mark would be considered a non-qualified withdrawal.  As such, it may be subject to income tax and a 10% penalty tax.


In this case, non-qualified withdrawals are generally handled in the same order as above:

1)—first from annual contributions

2)—then from conversion contributions

3)—and lastly from investment gains or earnings.


Most importantly you want to know that, non-qualified withdrawals from investment gains are subject to income tax, and, if you’re under 59.5, the 10% penalty (unless you’re eligible for an exception) would apply.


You or your tax professional would fill out Part III of Form 8606 to calculate the taxable amount from investment gains and enter that figure on Form 1040.  If you owe the penalty tax, fill out Form 5329 and enter the penalty on line 8 of Form 1040.


If you qualify for the home purchase exception: If you’ve passed the five-year test but you’re under 59.5, a special exception allows tax-free and penalty-free Roth withdrawals in order to buy a principal residence.


However, there’s a lifetime $10,000 limit on this deal, and you must use the money within 120 days of the withdrawal.  The home buyer can be you or certain relatives (including children and grandchildren).  However, the buyer must not have owned a principal residence within the two-year period ending on the purchase date.


Final Thoughts on Taxation & IRA’s

While the tax rules for “Traditional” and “ROTH” contributions and withdrawals may seem complicated, your custodian (or your tax professional) will clear up much of your confusion by completing Part III of Form 8606 after you receive tax documents from your custodian.


In addition, you will receive a form 1099-R from your IRA custodian or trustee shortly after the end of any year in which you take withdrawals.


By providing this form to your tax professional—or utilizing the form yourself if you do your own taxes–you can complete your taxes in an efficient manner.


As for contributions—you mainly have to keep the income cutoffs in mind if you have income that is in the income cutoff limitation ranges.  Your contribution limit is easy to remember—as it will be $7,000—or $8,000 as of 2024 if you are age 50 or older, and the number could change slightly from year to year.


The 1099-R would show the total amount of withdrawals for the preceding year and your tax with-holdings (and the IRS gets a copy) so if you took any “non-qualified withdrawals”—the IRS will expect to see a Form 8606 included with your return.


With a traditional IRA—you get a deduction up front on your tax return if you qualify, and you pay taxes on your distributions at “ordinary income” tax rates in later years after you retire (or before if you took a early distribution and there would be an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty)—whereas, with a ROTH you get no deduction up front, however all “qualified” distributions are tax free if you meet the 5 year rule and age 59.5.


Be sure to go to our individual retirement account page where you can find other helpful ways in which you can use IRA’s to reach your and your family’s retirement and other goals.


For income tax preparation you can utilize the tax professional of your choice—or if your tax situation is not very complicated you can choose to do your taxes yourself!


Many retirees who reach age 70 ½ were required to begin to make withdrawals from their retirement accounts in accordance with the IRS guidelines.  In 2023 the age was moved up to 73–giving you more time for your traditional IRA account to grow, if you have no need for the funds prior to age 73.


As for your annual taxes once you start receiving your traditional IRA distributions, those who are not working would normally pay their taxes (estimated taxes) in AprilJuneSeptember and the following January on a continuous cycle until their transition or the funds in the account ran out.   For those who continue to work after age 73, they may be able to avoid paying estimated taxes by withholding their taxes at the appropriate level on their W-2.  Still others who are not working could comply with their withholding requirement by having taxes withheld on their social security income or W2P.


To avoid the IRS penalty for “underpayment of taxes” you have the option of paying 100% of your previous year taxes through estimated payments (previous year tax divided by 4) in April—June—September and the following January or you can pay 90% of your current year taxes. 


You can also choose to have your taxes “voluntarily” withheld by adjusting your W-4P for your pension income that goes on your 1099R that you would get during the tax season.


Even your social security benefits can be “voluntarily” withheld by you electing to have taxes withheld (use form W-4V) at varying percentages such as 7%, 10%, 15% or 25% of your monthly benefits.


If you receive income from your Traditional IRA, you have more flexibility.  You can choose to have no withholding, otherwise 10% will be withheld by law.  At the other end of the spectrum, you could tell your IRA custodian to withhold 100%.


IRA distributions are considered made evenly, regardless of when you receive them during the year.


You could choose to receive your IRA distributions yearly if you are able to live off of your other income sources—say November or December and have an amount withheld that could cover the taxes that you owe from all of your other taxable income (must be over age 70 ½–now age 73).


To effectively use this strategy (avoid the underpayment of taxes penalty) your RMD or required minimum distribution must be large enough to cover your taxes that would be owed.


You would avoid having with-holdings on your other income, avoid writing a check for estimated taxes every 3 months or so–and make your life less stressful by doing so.



The strategy that you use with your IRA account(s) will affect not only you, but potentially your heirs as well.


It is important that you give serious attention to how you will receive your retirement income after you turn age 70 ½–now age 73 as of 2023, and you have the opportunity to structure your income in a way that can minimize your tax bite or make the payment of your taxes more convenient.


 Non-spouse Beneficiaries

Also give serious consideration of what will happen to your retirement income after you transition. 


If you are married the process is simpler, however if you have non-spouse heirs in the picture you don’t want to trigger a large tax bill for them by not knowing what may occur after you transition.


Non-spouse beneficiaries of “any age” who want to stretch the IRA over their own “life expectancy” must start the RMDs the year following the year the owner of the IRA transitioned.


Non-spouse heirs will have to pay tax on distributions of deductible contributions and earnings from a traditional IRA!


Even though non-spouse ROTH IRA owners will not feel a tax bite, they still must begin taking RMDs.  If they fail to do so a 50% penalty could apply on the amount that should have been withheld for the year.


If you miss the RMD for the year in question, you can still possibly avoid the penalty by emptying the account within 5 years of the owner’s death.


However, death doesn’t totally get you off the hook with regard to the five-year rule.  If you, as a beneficiary, take a distribution from an inherited Roth IRA that wasn’t held for five tax years, then the earnings will be subject to tax.


The size of your ROTH IRA and the age of your intended beneficiary will come into play and you must plan accordingly at this time to help minimize or eliminate the penalty for your intended beneficiary(s).


Also realize that non-spouse beneficiaries cannot roll an inherited IRA over into their own IRA!


If you are a spouse, and you inherit an IRA you must take RMDs based on your life expectancy.


A separate account must be set up with a title that includes the deceased name and the fact that the account is for a beneficiary(s).   Also have the non-spouse heir name successor beneficiaries on the newly titled account(s).


If a number of non-spouse heirs are involved, it is important that they “split the IRA” so that the money can continue to grow tax deferred, otherwise the age of the oldest beneficiary will be used to calculate RMDs which would shorten the growth period of the IRA.


To be valid the split must occur by December 31st of the year following the IRA owner’s transition!


If you decide to leave your IRA with a charity or multiple non-spouse beneficiaries including a charity or other non-person entity that entity must receive their share by September 30th following the year of the owner’s transition.


If that share isn’t paid out, you will create a problem if a non-spouse beneficiary(s) is involved.


The entity must be paid out and the account must be split (mentioned above) otherwise your beneficiaries have to empty the account within 5 years if the owner transitioned before his or her required beginning date for taking distributions.


If the owner died after their RMD date the beneficiary(s) must take annual RMDs based on the deceased life expectancy, as noted in IRS tables.


If a trust is involved the process works a little differently as the IRA custodian must receive a copy of the trust by October 31st of the year following the year the owner transitioned.


If the IRA custodian does not receive a copy of the trust in a timely manner the trust will be considered a non-designated beneficiary and the payout rules mentioned above would apply to the trust.


Although a lot about RMDs has been discussed, it is important that you process and apply what may be relevant or potentially relevant to you and your family at this time.


Be sure to discuss required minimum distributions and tax strategy and plan with your family and other professionals in ways that you can have favorable outcomes.


By doing so you can lessen your taxes, make your heirs life less stressful, build your wealth more efficiently and transfer your wealth after you transition in a manner that is best for all parties involved.




IRA’s play a critical role in the United States for workers who lack a retirement account that is sponsored by their employer and is a major tool for those who are in the know and are willing to use the power of compounding and investing consistently over time for their benefit.


Whether a Traditional or a ROTH, IRA’s can play an important role for those who qualify and help them live out their retirement years with more dignity.  By starting early and combining the returns with retirement accounts, other investments and social security income, it could provide the needed edge that allows better living for you and your spouse in your retirement years.


The bottom line is that IRAs—both ROTH and Traditional are an important tool to help you reach your retirement and other goals and should be given strong consideration by you if your goal is to improve your living conditions for yourself and your family to a high level in possibly a more “tax efficient” manner.


With a traditional IRA—you get a deduction up front on your tax return, and you pay taxes on your distributions at “ordinary income” tax rates—whereas, with a ROTH you get no deduction up front, however all “qualified” distributions are tax free.


A Properly Funded IRA Can Enhance Your Future Living Conditions


If you have addressed your finances in a comprehensive manner and are in financial position to do so—IRAs should be a part of your financial strategy to help you and your family attain the future goals that you desire.


Be sure you use realistic projections and you invest consistently using a portfolio that fits your investment style. You can also consider target-date funds inside of an IRA.


By starting early in your “life stage” you can set yourself and your family up for real success—in a relatively painless manner.


You must not only be good or excellent in the management and understanding of your IRA, but you must also be able to tell someone else about IRAs.  It is your connection and your presentation to others that is at stake and is critical for your successful spreading of how to use IRAs and other wealth building techniques to not only reach your highest heights, but help others reach theirs as well.


Isn’t it time to get your IRA and other Retirement Planning under way–today?


All the best to your IRA success…


Note: This discussion is not intended to be financial or legal advice and the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.  Even though all reasonable action was taken to ensure accuracy, accuracy cannot be guaranteed.


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Fraud Prevention & Wealth Building

Learn more about fraud prevention and how you can avoid the unwise use of credit…


As you build wealth in the current economy with technology improvements and data breaches occurring on a consistent basis, you want to know how to guard against the breaching of your data and do all you can on the front end to prevent data breaches or respond more effectively in the event of a data breach that involves your identifying information.


You also want to be aware of credit and finance promotional offers that you may be bombarded with at the various stages of your life as many offer credit to unsuspecting consumers at high rates of interest or terms and conditions that work for their (credit issuer’s) best interest–and not yours.


And just as you must be aware of how you build wealth from an internal point of view, you also need to be aware of fraudsters and scammers who are all around you (external or outside point of view), if you sincerely desire to achieve at a higher level than most.


In the last post in which the creator of submitted to the internet universe, the inspiration that was received at the time of that post was thought by the creator of to be a post that could help many, however the first week was unusually slow as visitors trickled in, however most recently visitors have taken a liking to the post and it is now helping many build wealth in a more thoughtful, engaging and eye-opening manner as visitor comments continue to come in on a constant basis about how the page has led them to analyze and approach the management of their finances in a different way and put them on a more prosperous path toward wealth building.


In this discussion will discuss what you can do to guard against fraud in various forms and also discuss why you must be more aware of unscrupulous creditors and others who are working day and night to entice you into making decisions that “are not” good for you and your family.


By utilizing credit monitoring, freezing of your credit and fraud alerts–you can better protect your finances and achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Credit monitoring allows you to review the accounts on your credit reports from one or more of the 3 national credit reporting agencies.  You can go to (877-322-8228) to get a free report from each bureau once per year or you can purchase a copy.  Keep in mind that bank accounts and payday loans that could be opened up using your identifying information would not be picked up by most monitoring services.


Whether you utilize free sites or paid sites–in this day and time you want to monitor your accounts, either by self-monitoring or a paid service:



PO Box 1000

Chester, PA 19016-1000




PO Box 740241

Atlanta, GA 30374-0241




PO Box 2002

Allen, TX 75013-9701



Freezing your credit allows you to freeze your credit file so that no new credit can be opened in your name “without” the use of a PIN or (Personal Identification Number) that is issued to you when you initiate a freeze.


The goal of freezing your credit is to prevent potential credit grantors from access to your credit report without your consent.


You must temporarily lift the freeze in order for creditors to gain access.  You will in essence have a “delay” in your ability to obtain credit.  If you were looking to buy a house and get a home mortgage–there would be a delay but generally not be of consequence.  By law credit freezes are available at no cost to you, however you must contact each credit bureau individually to implement the freeze.


Lifting of Freeze–online or by phone the credit reporting agency must do so within 1 hour–by mail 3 business days.


Implementing a freeze–online or by phone the credit reporting agency has 1 business day after receiving your request–by mail 3 business days.


NOTE: The IRS also offer an Identity Protection PIN or IP PIN that you can utilize to help safeguard against the fraudulent filing of your taxes.


If you are now or in the future become the victim of a data breach you may want to consider freezing your credit:



PO Box 160

Woodlyn, PA 19094




PO Box 105788

Atlanta, GA 30348-5788




PO Box 9554

Allen, TX 75013-9554



Fraud alerts will allow you to place an “initial” or “extended” fraud alert on your file(s) at no cost.


Upon seeing a fraud alert a business is required to take steps to verify your identity “before” extending new credit.  If you are a victim of ID theft you can extend the alert for up to 7 years!  By contacting one bureau and placing the alert–they will notify the other 2 bureaus.


You also have the option to put an initial fraud alert on your account that is valid for one year if you desire additional protection on top of monitoring and freezing of your credit:



PO Box 2000

Chester, PA 19016-2000




PO Box 105069

Atlanta, GA 30348-5069




PO Box 9554

Allen, TX 75013-9554



By utilizing credit monitoring, freezing of your credit and fraud alerts–you can better protect your finances and achieve more in a safer way.  They are cost effective ways that you can use to prevent, respond to or minimize the effects of fraud in your life. 


Although setting up fraud alerts and freezing your credit will take time, it will be worth every minute if you can prevent unauthorized activity on your financial accounts.  Credit monitoring (make sure all 3 credit bureaus are being monitored with the service you select) will also take a few minutes a week of your time and it too can be time well spent.


You can now set up credit alerts and other alerts with your creditors, bankers and others whom you have a financial relationship with that will provide alerts and monitor your information on the world wide web, including the dark web.


Other Options:


Contact the FTC & Your State AG’s Office 

If you find information on your credit report that appears fraudulent or you feel information on you have been misused, you can also contact your local law enforcement and the FTC and your states Attorney General’s office.  Be sure to get a copy of the police report as the report can potentially relieve you of the debt obligation created by the fraudster with your creditor(s).


Federal Trade Commission


FTC Consumer Response Center

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20580

1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338)


The above contact data for the 3 credit bureaus and the FTC are current as of 06/21/2024


Learn More about Consumer Reporting Agencies that You Need to be Aware of…


If you suspect Investment Fraud:


Call—800-732-0330 SEC Commission or go to


To obtain background information on a broker or brokerage firm call 800-289-9999 or go to


How to choose a Financial Advisor…

Investments & Personal Finance Page…

Investment Simplification & Wealth Building


On your personal taxes you can help prevent fraud by getting an IP PIN that will help prevent the fraudulent filing of taxes by a fraudster as they will need to know your PIN even if they have your other identifying data.


Credit Solicitations & Wealth Building

In the current economy credit offers abound and if you are new to credit or lack the needed credit management skills, you can find yourself victim to unscrupulous creditors.


It is not uncommon for college graduates, undergraduates and others to receive offers from various creditors, and many jump at those offers with no real concern for their future obligations (they fail to begin with the end in mind).  Many creditors offer to loan you money or provide actual checks that you can cash immediately that are tempting and could put you on the hook of paying interest at rates over 30%.


Other offers may appear more reasonable such as 8% or less, however they too can put you in a more dire position if you jump at the offer and you do not have a comprehensive overview of your finances.  Still others will offer you credit cards of varying credit limits–even if you have no need or desire to utilize credit or have a credit file.


You want to look at the fine print of all offers that you are considering and know the details of your engagement on the front end–not after the fact.


Do your acceptance of credit offers line up with your goals and do you have mastery over credit so that credit issuers don’t have mastery over (they know you don’t know what you need to know) you, because you lack mastery over credit?


You want to know your APR, Finance Charge, Amount Financed and your Total Payments prior to engagement with creditors, as by knowing that information you can determine how bad (or good) the offer really is.


In many instances you have better options, and you want to pursue those options “prior to” making a bad decision or a decision that you will later regret due to lack of preparation, high pressure, lack of knowledge, time limit pressure and other negative occurrences whether created by you or outside forces!




The cloudy and cluttered view that you have of your credit and financial future ends now!


Learn why now is the time that you end your foggy view of your credit and finances and achieve at your highest level of excellence…


You want to guard against identity theft and other occurrences or potential occurrences of a negative nature in your credit and financial life.


Even the federal government in the United States are taking steps to reduce fraud as they now (2024 and beyond) require many small employers  that are LLC’s or Corporations to provide certain (BOIR) beneficial ownership information reporting, so that illicit pass-through activity and reporting can be better traced.  This reporting is required by FinCen and the deadline for reporting is January 1, 2025.


Phone and email fraudsters are out in abundance and their goal is to get you to provide personally identifiable data or click on dangerous links whether text or email.  Other fraudsters and scammers will attempt to gain your trust and get you to provide usernames and passwords so that they can access your data and ultimately breach your accounts.


If you desire a more comprehensive approach in the management and protection of your credit and finances, consider purchasing 1-2-3 Credit & Me and take life changing control of your finances from this day forward in a way that can put you on a path to achieving all of your goals in a more definitive way.


You already know the importance of “looking within yourself” and improving in areas that you are weak.


You also need to look externally (political, regulatory, economic, societal, technological and legal happenings where you reside) to see moves that you can make that will serve your better interests.  In the societal realm, you may have unscrupulous players who may be out to scam you out of your hard-earned cash.


In the event that your data is breached and your identifying information is under the care of a company or industry, many will notify you of the breach and often provide free credit monitoring for a year or more if you sign up–and if you find yourself a victim and the service is offered, you want to strongly consider it, particularly if you do not have a paid service at the time of the breach.


If you are elderly, you want to be particularly cautious about financial moves that you anticipate making!


You don’t have to put yourself in position to be taken advantage of by creditors, lenders, scammers and others–as you deserve a better approach when it comes to the management of your credit and finances, and you now have those approaches at your fingertips, if you are now ready to take action of a proactive nature!


To help prevent fraud, you want to implement common sense actions that you can take yourself to prevent scams such as:


*Filter unwanted emails to your spam folder and block unwanted calls and texts and do updates and use the latest internet search browser when possible!

*Don’t give in to anyone pressuring or threatening you into giving them your personal information!

*Hang up phone or don’t respond to requests for information or money on contacts (calls, emails, text messages etcetera) that you did not initiate!

*Even if you are contacted by a business that you recognize, don’t give out your personal or financial info to anyone!

*If anyone says you must act immediately, stop and ask–is this how a company that I wish to do business with should act?  If you feel uneasy, there is a good chance that you are right!

*Instead of clicking links in emails and text messages or calling numbers that you did not request, use a company’s real contact information from their “official” website!

*If someone tells you to keep a secret or say something suspicious and you are not comfortable, stop the conversation and discuss what has occurred with a trusted family member or someone else you trust!

*Be sure to consider multi-factor authentication with your banking, investment, retirement and other financial accounts–particularly those with large balances or high credit limits!

*Be on the lookout for those who pretend to be someone you know, offer you a prize or the ability to help you or a family member get out of trouble, pressure you to act before you have had time to think it over and ask you to pay in a specific manner whether by payment app, wire, gift card or check!


You want to remain vigilant and be alert for incidents of fraud by reviewing account statements and monitoring free or paid credit reports that are available.  Look for accounts or creditor inquiries that you did not initiate or recognize and make sure all of your data in your credit files from all three credit reporting agencies are accurate.


Also be alert for suspicious calls and emails and never give out identifying information unless you initiate the call or email and you are certain of who you are communicating with!


Always realize that you have rights under the fair credit reporting act (FCRA) which governs the collection and use of information about you by consumer reporting agencies.  You can learn more about your rights under the FCRA by going to:


In addition to being alert for fraudsters and scammers, you also want to be aware of marketing activity that may be aimed at you that promotes reward and other credit cards, retail cards, personal loans and other promotions of varying types as they can in many cases lead you astray–and off of your well planned path that you need or plan to take.  You want to determine as best you can on the front end if the promotion that is offered fits in with your goals–whether they be your short, intermediate, or long-term goals.


Generally, if you have 5 or 6 credit cards that would possibly be sufficient for building and maintaining your credit as long as you are managing them effectively over time on a consistent basis—ultimately it all depends on your goals.  If you have credit card debt and desire to pay the debt off efficiently with lower interest going to the credit issuer, let’s say you have credit card debt of $4,000 and you get a zero percent promotion offer and you generally know that you can qualify based on your credit score–you still want to run the numbers upfront to determine if there is a real benefit for you.


Can I pay off the $4,000 with the discretionary income that I have available in the 18 month zero percent interest payment promotional period or window and still meet all of my other obligations on a monthly basis? 


To eliminate the debt of $4,000 you would have to pay roughly $220 per month for the next 18 months!


In addition, if you apply for a new card you generally won’t know the credit amount that you would be approved for in advance and you would normally have a 3% or 4% transfer fee, meaning if you were to transfer $4,000 of debt, your new balance with the credit issuer would be $4,120 at a 3% transfer rate or $4,160 at a 4% transfer rate.


If you were paying interest monthly at 20% on a $4,000 balance prior to the transfer, your monthly interest would be roughly $80 per month–meaning in 2 or 3 months you would have paid more than the transfer fee–giving you a real opportunity to pay off your remaining balance in roughly 18 months at zero percent interest–saving you well over $1,000 whether the transfer fee was 3% or 4%–therefore there is a serious advantage for you to transfer in this scenario if you have the “discretionary income” and credit score that qualifies you for the promotional credit card with a credit limit of $4,000 or higher–and even less–depending on your goals!


You also must be disciplined and highly motivated to pay off the debt in an efficient manner!


Once that payoff of $4,000 has ended after 18 months, you could choose to invest that $220 that you have become accustomed to living without for say–10, 20, or 30 years and have a nice windfall in a relatively painless way!


In closing, realize that unscrupulous actors are all around you and particularly as it relates to your finances and the building of wealth, however there is no reason for you to fear your financial future if you get out in front of your finances.  It is your responsibility to put yourself in a winning financial position so that you can’t be easily taken advantage of as it relates to your finances!


By understanding the life stages of your finances and looking at your finances in a comprehensive way at the earliest time possible, you can put yourself in position for greater success and better guard against fraudulent actors that will eventually come your way at some point in your life.


All the best to avoiding fraud, being susceptible to non-beneficial marketing techniques and otherwise turning your finances into a mess…


Purchase 1-2-3 Credit & Me and totally take control of your credit and financial life…


Purchase Wealth Building Now today…

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Self-Awareness & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of “knowing yourself” as you embark on your wealth building journey…


Frequently Asked

Learn about Wealth Building Now new book…

1-2-3 Credit & Me (Frequently Asked Questions)


If you are someone who desire to build wealth more effectively and efficiently, it is important that you not only have an effective plan that will take you to where you need or plan to go, you must also know your personality–or have an awareness of how you mentally approach life–or another way of stating it is, you must know yourself and how you operate “internally” in the various facets of your life whether the wind is at your back or you are encountering a major storm.


It is important that “you take time” out of your busy life to look inward and determine where you are now at in a sincere manner so that you can enhance areas that you are weak–and utilize areas in which you are strong in a more effective manner, so that you can build wealth more effectively throughout your lifetime.


Are you an effective money manager and are you aware of how you approach the management of your finances and do you feel good about yourself on a consistent basis, value your life and what you know you will accomplish, know your self-worth and how you can build wealth optimally, and have confidence in your future in spite of all that may be happening around you?


In this discussion will go into detail about the qualities that you need to have or improve upon, based on the success of many past clients and the qualities that they demonstrated while building wealth in varying economic environments.


It is important that you demonstrate a high level of focus as you pursue the improvement of your finances and you also want to have a real handle on how you are aware of and manage the following:



How do you see and feel about yourself?  Your self-esteem must be at a high level as you must see on the inside of you someone who looks good, feels good and does good in the world–and you must know that you are and will continue to be a positive force for the advancement of humanity.


When you have high self-esteem you see yourself as having value, you set the bar high and you not only expect more of yourself, you will actually achieve more!  You also never let others mistreat you or knowingly take advantage of you in any facet of your life!



How do you value yourself?  Do you see yourself as someone who can set goals and accomplish them?  What do you expect to happen in your financial future?  Do you expect others to be the breadwinner and do what you are responsible for doing, while you sit on the sidelines–or do you plan to be active in making the wealth building future that you desire happen in real time?


Do you at this time value your financial management skills or do you feel they are lacking?  Do you expect creditors and others to have the edge over how you manage your finances and do you expect to negotiate from a position of weakness or strength?



How do you see yourself within?  What do you expect from yourself and others as a result of pursuing your goals and dreams at your highest level?  Are you looking at your worth based on the effort that you are willing to expend or are you cautiously optimistic with no plan in place and no real understanding of what you need to do?


It is imperative that you feel worthy of whatever you desire to occur in your future and you must know that you are “worthy” of whatever “you” think you are worthy of.



If you have high self-esteem, you value yourself and what you know you will accomplish, and you feel worthy of the success that you are about to achieve, you will put yourself in great position to have the confidence that you need to succeed as you pursue the various wealth building goals that you may have.


Whether it is creating a budget or cash flow statement, determining your income on an annual basis, creating a balance sheet so that you can know your assets and liabilities so that you can determine your net worth, mastering your understanding of credit, and understanding and improving upon your finances in all areas–you must feel confident that you can do all of that and more, and you must put into action what is necessary so that you can soar!



What you accept of a negative nature from others can lower your value, esteem, and worth within your mind and heart and you will be less likely to achieve more–and truly set yourself apart!  You don’t have to accept detrimental or hostile treatment from creditors and others who are in your life.


You don’t have to sacrifice or engage in transactions from a point of weakness and achieve less because you failed to give it your absolute best!


You can now see the light and you now have the opportunity to take the necessary steps to build your wealth right!  Even if you are on a positive path toward success, you may need to re-focus your efforts toward success so that you can truly put forth your best.  By being keenly aware of what your responsibilities are as you approach your wealth building efforts, you put yourself in real position to making it happen in real time.


By having a high level of self-esteem, valuing your life at your highest level, and knowing that you are worthy of whatever “you” think you are worthy of, you will put yourself in position to have the confidence to put together a plan and pursue that plan in an unrelenting fashion because you will have cultivated those important qualities at such a high level that success will be the only possible outcome!


Always remember that “you are accountable to yourself” for your and your family’s future, you must have integrity at all times, and you must honestly pursue what you desire to occur because you know wholeheartedly that it is your responsibility to create the future that you desire for yourself and your family–and no one else’s.


It is important that you do so in an inspiring and uplifting manner–and not be pulled down by others who do not have your best interest in mind!


You must measure yourself based on “who you really are internally” and not by the degrees or titles that you may have or hold.  In order to maximize your self-improvement  and build wealth more efficiently, you must be aware of how you operate daily and particularly how you manage your finances on a consistent basis.


You must own peace, freedom, creativity, and clarity “within your mind” and you must know that you are enough and you can and will put a plan in place that will allow you to see your future clearly and build wealth at the level that you desire.


Your accomplishments over your lifetime may be impressive and appeal to others, but your achievement should be all about appealing to you and what you desire–as you must set the bar higher–and you want to take your achievement to a level that is acceptable to you–not others who in reality are not as impressed as you may think, by what you do.


You must know that you are worth your time, energy and effort that you are expending or will soon expend, and you will do what you need to do to make what you desire most happen in your life at this time!


Above all, you must love yourself and the path that you are on, and realize wholeheartedly that how you internally see, hold, and base your approach to your life here on earth, is critical for your long-term success and improving your self (and net) worth.


You will never know what is inside of you (your potential) if you don’t put a demand on what is inside of you!  You must rise up with boldness, have a high level of self-awareness, have a high level of self-esteem, have a high level of self-worth, have a high level of self-confidence and you must know in definite terms that you are aware that you are a valuable addition to the human community, and you plan to advance society while you are here on earth.


You can choose to play it safe by going through life by not being aware of what is going on in your financial life, or you can choose to talk yourself into success by being more aware of your future and using what you now have and will work to improve upon to take the right action–consistently throughout your lifetime.


Isn’t it time you tap into your hidden talents and achieve at a higher level?  Isn’t it time that you release all of your gifts and potential while you are yet alive.  Isn’t it time you have a new thirst for success and isn’t it time you give it your absolute best?


Isn’t it time that you turn something that you were put on earth to do from ordinary to extra-ordinary?


All the best as you commit to a higher level of success by giving it your absolute best….


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Read a Sample Chapter of Wealth Building Now…

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This page created in honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary–Roosevelt & Shirley–may you have many more celebrations…


Copyright© 2014–2024––All Rights Reserved



Bottom Feeders & Wealth Building

Learn why you must expect the best as you pursue success…


Read Sample Chapter in Wealth Building Now–NEW BOOK...

What’s inside of Wealth Building Now…


In this discussion will lighten the mood some from the blog posts over the last few months that were somewhat technical, and now discuss why those who fail to give it their best must transform their mindset  in a manner that can lead to greater success–and end the type of behavior that is holding them back, if they desire to achieve more in the coming years as they attack more aggressively to get their finances back on track.


There are many who let worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses control their daily actions in a detrimental way.  If that type of behavior applies to you, now is not the time to panic as you can learn much of what you need and can do to start or continue on a more definite path that can lead you towards making your wealth building dreams come true. is not for those with a short attention span, but for those searching for meaning in a sincere and real way as far as building wealth more efficiently and effectively at the various stages of their life is concerned.


Even though Investment Simplification, Retirement Simplification, Social Security Simplification and Bond Simplification posts over the last few months “tested the patience” of many visitors (20 plus minute reads on all of the posts), those who focused in on–and comprehended the posts at their highest level now have a “new awakening” of how they can achieve lasting success, based on the responses of many visitors to those posts.


In particular, the bond simplification post has helped many, as a number of visitors stated that it was the best explanation of bonds that they could readily grasp that they had ever read!


Now is the time that you too address the “reality of now” in your life so that you can avoid financial strife.


In this discussion, those who are not giving it their absolute best for various reasons will be described as “bottom feeders” (tongue-in-cheek) and if that type of behavior applies to you (actually it applies to all of us on some days), it is important that you don’t take it personally, as the goal for all who come across this page is to get them to do more and achieve more while they are here on planet earth.


It is important that you have the mindset to develop a financially alert mind as opposed to just being financially literate as that will allow you to see more, be more, and do more so that you can truly soar!


Even if you may be living paycheck to paycheck and feeling the effects of inflation at this time and you know that what you are experiencing is real in a definite way–so too must you know that compounding too is real–and putting together a plan that you can utilize to achieve more can also be made real by you–therefore you want to make the best decisions and manage both inflation and compounding to your best advantage–now that is the real deal!


While others (whether consciously or unconsciously) promote worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses, your heart and mind needs to promote “comfort” as you manage your finances.


It is important that you gain applied wealth building knowledge that has been proven–and you use every day that allows you to pursue success in a better way to your best advantage–not creditors!


You need a “personal wellness system” that includes effective wealth building and financial management that leads to real results based on the income that comes into and goes out of your household on a monthly and annual basis.


In the steps below you will have the opportunity to learn how you can implement a plan so that you can truly grow and a plan that can truly put you in the know:


1) Create Financial Statements that You Can Benefit From

It is important that you take an introspective view of how you manage your finances, and you want to eventually come to the conclusion that “how” you manage your finances is very important as you pursue wealth building.


You must be ready for all that comes at you financially during your lifetime, and you must always have hope and you must know that there are routes that you can take that can lead to the success that you desire–as there are many options for you to take in the building of wealth.


You want to at a minimum create a budget or cash flow statement so that you can get a handle on your finances and determine future moves that you can make.  If you are comfortable with numbers, you may also want to create a personal income statement and a personal balance sheet so that you can determine your personal net worth.


2) Have Mastery of How Credit Works

Do you know how you manage your credit?  Have you ever given serious thought about how you manage your credit and considered ways that you can possibly do it better?


Effective credit management throughout your lifetime is one of the major tools that you can use to build wealth.  Whether you are credit averse and desire to pay all cash throughout your life or you plan to utilize credit as a leveraging tool to build wealth more efficiently, more than likely you will have to utilize credit at some point.


Therefore, you want to ensure that you have mastery over credit and not allow credit to have mastery over you!


You master credit by knowing the factors that affect your credit, knowing the major credit bureaus that record your credit and have a credit file on you, and knowing how your credit is scored by the various agencies and how it is reported by the credit reporting agencies and credit monitoring companies that impact your ability to make financial maneuvers.


3) Have a Comprehensive Understanding and Application of that Understanding as it Relates to Your Finances

You must have an approach to managing your finances that is “all encompassing” meaning you don’t leave anything up to chance by not knowing all of the areas of your finances that you need to address–and you must address!


You want to know at the earliest time possible that you must have an understanding of how you address your insurance. investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning as that knowledge will put you well ahead of 90 percent of the population–and give you the needed focus to achieve more and reach higher toward the excellence that already resides inside of you!



It is important that you invest in who invests in you and not be stuck behind–like glue!  The golden rule of wealth building is that you invest in those who invest in you and those who can show you a real path toward making your dreams come true!


Even if you are now a bottom feeder so to speak, or possibly moving along in life at a prosperous and productive pace, you must realize that you can do more–and you will do more!


Regardless of your money management personality or where you now stand as far as your wealth building knowledge is concerned, you can change all that and benefit even more while you are here on earth, the place of your birth, if you have a real desire to do so–and you are truly willing to expend the effort so that you can grow.


By implementing the 3 steps discussed above you can help ensure that you rise higher and achieve the meaningful and significant goals that you desire.


Convenience and a focused path are major factors for building wealth, and with the 2024 release of Wealth Building Now, on the market–wealth building success is NOW accessible in an easy to read and apply format that is designed to guide you toward the success that you desire in an empowering manner in any economy–as you now have the convenience and focus that you need so that you can truly succeed.


Read “chapter 5” NOW to get a feel for what you can achieve by purchasing this book today…


You no longer have to take what life dishes at you!  You can now take control of your wealth building efforts with more clout–as you NOW know what you need to do to manage your way out!


Isn’t it time you form a wealth building wellness system within “your mind” that can put you in control and keep you in control?


Speaking of bottom feeders, the links below are bottom feeders so to speak (low number of monthly visitors) but can potentially help you improve your credit, finances and life in a more efficient manner.


The moral of this blog, you can achieve success in the building of wealth regardless of where you now stand as far as your financial knowledge base is or your financial status is, if you are sincerely willing to make a change in how you approach your future and you decide to do more in a sincere way from this day forward.


In order to achieve more–you must want more!  Bottom feeders dream small or not at all nor do they put forth the required effort on a consistent basis!  Now is the time that you use your imagination to dream big, pursue more and do more!


By doing so you will be able to “swim to the top” and not remain a bottom feeder and you can position yourself and your family to enjoy a bountiful harvest in the process!


Even though the creator of was once a bottom feeder (we all are at varying degrees at some point in our life) and did not have the required financial knowledge at the time and nowhere to turn, you now have better options as this site provides you a comprehensive overview of what you can do to work toward making your dreams come true.


The answers to your perplexing financial concerns or questions can possibly be found on this site if you are willing to navigate and address what ails you tonight!


All the best as you rise to the top and achieve major success…


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Bond Simplification & Wealth Building

Learn all about bonds and how you can possibly use them to build wealth more effectively…


Learn what is inside Wealth Building NOW

Read sample chapter in Wealth Building Now Book–20 minute read…


Caution:  30 minute read

In the United States you will often hear of corporate bonds and government bonds being touted by many, but exactly what are corporate and government bonds and how can you use them to build wealth?


In this discussion will focus on government and corporate bonds and discuss ways that you can possibly use them to build wealth more efficiently.


Municipal, Mortgage-backed, Agency and Corporate bonds will all be discussed to further enhance your understanding of the bond market.  You can also purchase bonds as part of a Mutual Fund, ETF, Target Date Fund, 401k’s, IRA’s or other retirement plans by utilizing brokers or doing the selections yourself on your brokerage account.


Treasuries (Bills. Bonds, Notes) and CDs (Certificates of Deposit) are often considered the safest of investments on the market because they are government backed, and they too will be covered in this discussion.


Other bond investments, like municipal or corporate bonds, have credit ratings from rating agencies like Moody’s Investors Services and Standard & Poor’s.  The higher the credit rating, the more likely an issuer is to make timely interest and principal payments.


Conversely, the lower the credit rating, the greater the risk that the issuer can’t make timely interest or principal payments.  Prices for bonds with longer maturities tend to be more sensitive to changes in interest rates compared to shorter-term bonds.  Be particularly cautious of junk bonds as they are riskier, and the inability of the issuer to make payments should be of higher concern to you.  On the flip side you can potentially receive higher returns, but with more risk.


Municipal, are bonds issued by states, cities, counties, and other local governments, as well as enterprises that serve a public purpose, such as universities, hospitals, and utilities.  Those who issue municipal bonds generally pay “interest income” that is “exempt” from federal and potentially state income taxes.


Corporate are bonds issued when companies issue corporate bonds to raise capital for activities such as expanding operations, purchasing new equipment, or building new facilities.  The issuing company is responsible for making interest payments and repaying the principal at maturity.


Mortgage-backed securities are created by pooling mortgages purchased from the original lenders.  As an investor you would receive monthly interest and principal payments from the underlying mortgages. These securities differ from traditional bonds in that there isn’t necessarily a predetermined amount that gets redeemed at a scheduled maturity date.


Agency bonds are issued by either a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) or a government-owned corporation (GOC) and are debt obligations solely of the issuing agency (fannie-mae and freddie-mac come to mind as well as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Hoover Dam).


There are generally two types of government bonds that you can buy directly at, and they are marketable and non-marketable.




Marketable bonds include TIPs, (Treasury Inflation Protected securities), Treasuries (Bills, Bonds, Notes), FRNs (Floating Rate Notes), and STRIPs (Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal securities).




Non-marketable bonds include series EE and series I-Bonds (series is based on issue date), and they can be purchased in electronic form on or purchased with your tax refund at set purchase amount intervals–you will receive a paper bond(s). will start by discussing bond basics and because marketable bonds cause more confusion for many and are generally a more complex transaction than purchasing non-marketable bonds, government marketable bonds will be discussed first among bonds, followed by corporate marketable bonds and then non-marketable bonds.


Bond Basics

When you buy a bond, you are a company’s (or government entity) lender and the bond is like an IOU-a promise to pay back the money you’ve loaned to the company or agency, with interest back to you.


The amount of income a bond pays is largely determined by the prevailing interest rate at the time of issuance and other factors specific to that bond.


In simplified form, face value multiplied by interest rate equals interest payment to you.


$1,000 * 5% = $50


You might receive 2 coupon payments a year for $50 each and get payment of face value in 5 or 10 years, depending on term of the bond.


Bonds are often used to generate income, protect earnings, diversify portfolios and a strong point for many with government bonds are that they are often backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.


What determines a bond’s yield?

Two key factors that determine a bond’s yield are credit risk and the time to maturity.


Credit risk: A bond’s yield generally reflects the risk that the issuer will not make full and timely interest or principal payments.


Rating agencies provide opinions on this risk in the form of a credit rating.  Bonds with lower credit ratings generally pay higher yields because investors expect extra compensation for greater risk.


Maturity: Generally, the longer the maturity, the higher the yield.  Investors expect to earn more on long-term investments because their money is committed for a longer period of time, and they lack access to it.


Who Issues?

Bonds are issued by both public and private entities.


Many cities, states, the federal government, government agencies, and corporations issue bonds to raise capital for a variety of purposes, such as building roads, improving schools, opening new factories, and buying the latest technology—along with other stated purposes.


How Bond Yields Work?

The yield you’re quoted when you buy a bond is often different from the interest it pays.


I’m sure you want to know why that is the case!


Because in addition to the annual interest rate, the bond’s return reflects any difference between its purchase price and its face value—the amount you’re expected to receive when the bond matures.


If you buy the bond at a price higher than the face value (at a premium), you’ll receive less than you paid when the bond matures.  Let’s say face value is $1,000 and you pay $1,100, when the bond matures you will only get $1,000.


If you buy the bond at a price lower than the face value (at a discount), you’ll receive more than you paid when the bond matures.  Let’s say face value is $1,000 and you pay $900, when the bond matures you will get $1,000.


If you sell the bond before it matures, you get its current price, which may be higher or lower than the amount you originally paid and you are in essence forfeiting your future coupon (interest) payments.


Frequently Asked Questions about Bonds…


TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) Basics

  • Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are a type of Treasury bond that is indexed to an inflationary gauge to protect investors from a decline in the purchasing power of their money.


  • TIPs with a fixed principal can be stripped (more on stripping later in this discussion).


  • TIPS are issued with maturities of five, 10, and 30 years and are considered a low-risk investment because the U.S. government backs them.


  • Auctions are held several times a year.


  • TIPs pay interest every six months based on a fixed rate determined at the bond’s auction.


  • The principal value of TIPS rises as inflation rises.


  • The principal amount is protected since investors will never receive less than the originally invested principal.


  • The principal value of TIPS rises as inflation rises, while the interest payment varies with the adjusted principal value of the bond.


  • TIPS can be purchased directly from the government through the TreasuryDirect system, in $100 increments with a minimum investment of $100.


  • Some investors prefer to get TIPS through a TIPS mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF).    However, purchasing TIPS directly allows investors to avoid the management fees associated with mutual funds.


Suppose you as a bond investor owns $1,000 in TIPS at the end of the year, with a coupon rate of 2%.  If there is no inflation as measured by the CPI, then you will receive $20 in coupon payments for that year.  If inflation rises by 4%, however, then the $1,000 principal will be adjusted upward by 4% to $1,040.  The coupon rate will remain the same at 2%, but it will be multiplied by the adjusted principal amount of $1,040 to arrive at an interest payment of $10.40 for the year.


Conversely, if inflation were negative—known as deflation—with prices falling 5%, then the principal would be adjusted downward to $950.  The resulting interest payment to you would be $9.50 over the year.   However, at maturity, you would receive no less than the principal amount invested of $1,000 or an adjusted higher principal, if applicable.  Learn more about TIPs by visiting “Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS),” at



You can buy most at auction or in the open market.  If bought at auction you can re-invest your earnings automatically.  If you have an investment account with a brokerage, many brokerages allow you to purchase treasuries on their platform and re-invest as well.

Check current interest rates…


Treasuries (Bills, Bonds, Notes)

NOTE: Treasuries have a competitive and non-competitive bidding process, and you want to be aware of that proactively, as opposed to after the fact.


Treasury Bill Basics

Note about Cash Management Bills: Cash Management Bills (CMBs) are also available at various times and for variable terms.  Cash Management Bills are only available through a bank, broker, or dealer and cannot be purchased at

Treasury issues short-term cash management bills periodically to manage short-term financing needs.


*Bills are issued in electronic form only for periods of 4, 8,13, 17, 26 and 52 weeks.

  • Interest is “fixed rate” and is set at auction.


  • Interest is the difference between what you paid and the face value you get


  • when bill matures interest is paid


  • minimum purchase is $100 and sold in increments of $100


  • Taxes at federal level are due on interest earned yearly (no state or local taxes)


  • Not eligible for STRIPs


Treasury Bond Basics

*Issued in electronic form only.

  • Term is either 20 or 30 years.


  • Bonds pay a fixed rate of interest every six months until they mature and that rate is determined at auction.


  • You can hold a bond until it matures or sell it before it matures.


  • Interest rate is never lower than .125%.


  • Minimum purchase is $100 and interest is paid every 6 months until maturity.


  • Sold at auction several times a year.


  • Taxes at federal level are due on interest earned annually (no state or local taxes).


  • Are eligible for STRIPs.


NOTE: Treasury Bonds are not the same as U.S. Savings Bonds

EE Bonds, I Bonds, and HH Bonds are U.S. savings bonds and are “non-marketable,” meaning they can’t be sold in the secondary market, see U.S. Savings Bonds.


Treasury Note Basics

*Issued in electronic form only

*Term is of 2, 3, 5, 7, or 10 years.

*Notes pay a fixed rate of interest every six months until they mature.  The rate is fixed at auction.

*You can hold a note until it matures or sell it before it matures.

  • Interest rate is never lower than .125%


  • Minimum purchase $100 and interest is paid every 6 months until maturity


  • Sold at auction several times a year


  • Taxes at federal level are due on interest earned each year (no state or local taxes)


  • Are eligible for STRIPs


  • Whether you purchase at auction or on the secondary market the bonds can be readily bought and sold.


FRNs (Floating Rate Notes)

*are relatively short-term investments that are issued in electronic form only.

  • Mature in two years.


  • Pay interest four times each year.


  • have an interest rate that may change or “float” over time.


  • You can hold a FRN until it matures or sell it before it matures.


  • Minimum purchase $100, sold in increments and Interest paid every 3 months.


  • Sold at auction.


  • Federal tax due each year on interest earned. No state or local taxes


  • Are not eligible for STRIPs.



You can buy, hold, sell, and redeem STRIPS only through a financial institution, a broker, or dealer who handles government securities.


Treasury securities with a fixed-principal, such as notes, bonds, and TIPS are eligible and may be stripped!


Treasury Bills and FRNs can’t be stripped!


The idea behind STRIPS is that the principal and each interest payment become “separate securities” that are treated individually.


Each separated piece is a zero-coupon security that matures separately and, has only one payment.


You can learn more about stripping by going to!


Corporate Bonds

Corporate bonds are often used by investors in their portfolio to help reduce the risk of returns from other investments.  Many investors use a laddered approach (purchase bonds or bond funds of varying maturities to reduce risk) and many laddered corporate bonds pay 5% or better if properly structured.


Investors usually select Junk or High Yield Corporate bonds so that they can obtain a higher rate of return and possibly an increase in the bond price down the road.


The segment that is considered high-yield would be rated B to BB+ by S & P or B to Ba1 by Moody’s.


They can be a good choice during economic expansion and quite risky during an economic decline.


High-yield bonds are also less sensitive to interest rate movement than the other categories mentioned in this discussion.  You can buy junk-bonds through a broker or invest through a fund.


Investment grade bonds are purchased by many mutual fund companies and more conservative investors as they are not as risky as junk bonds but provide a stable return in many instances.


Although many domestic bond funds invest a small percentage in markets overseas you may be able to diversify your fixed income investments and receive a more attractive yield (bond yields and inflation on international bonds tend to have a low correlation to the U. S.  Bond Market).


Some corporate bonds pay interest monthly, but quarterly or semi-annually are more common!


Be sure you are properly positioned to invest as there will be more risk.  In addition to interest rate risk which is always a constant when investing in bonds—you will also have currency risk.


Depending on your “life stage” you could use international bonds to increase your nest egg–or utilize them during retirement if you are properly “positioned” to do so!


To help reduce currency risk, some International Bond Funds enter into “currency forward contracts” that lock in an exchange rate to buy or sell a currency on a future date and locks in the foreign currency fluctuations versus the United States Dollar.   In addition, other methods are used to reduce currency risk depending on the company that you choose.  As with any fund it is important that you are aware of the expense ratio—and particularly with International Bond Funds as there are usually other fees added that you won’t see on the expense ratio but will be charged to your account nevertheless.


Even though you can get hefty returns during good times, market risk can be substantial when bond funds in international markets plummet during volatile times, therefore it can never be stressed enough that you must be in the “right financial position” and at the “right stage in your life” to utilize International Bonds & Bond Funds in your portfolio for maximum results.


Non-marketable Bonds 


Series EE and Series I Bonds

These are also government issued bonds that are sold at a “discount of face value” and mature over 20 to 30 years.


Series I bonds are also adjusted for inflation twice a year!


Non-marketable bonds include series EE and series I-Bonds (series is based on issue date), and they can be purchased in electronic form on or purchased with your tax refund at set dollar amounts with your tax refund–you will receive a paper bond(s).


The interest would accumulate in your account and once you cashed in you would receive the interest and principal.  If you cash in early there could be a penalty!  In order to get the full face value on the bond, you would have to keep the bond for the full term.  You could also be taxed on the interest unless an exception such as proceeds were used for educational purposes–were to apply.


CD’s (Certificate of Deposit) & Money Market Accounts

A CD with a fixed term and guaranteed rate can be a good place for money you plan to spend down the line, such as a wedding, or the purchase of a house or boat.  Due to early withdrawal penalties, however, the money is not as easily accessible as funds in a savings account.  This makes a liquid savings account a better option for money you may need for emergencies.


You want to ensure that you properly establish an emergency funds at the earliest time possible to help with unplanned events that will occur in the short and long-term.  A CD could work for you as part of your emergency fund if you found low penalty CD’s that otherwise met your goals and you used a laddered approach in establishing the fund.


Unlike bonds, a CD’s fixed term is guaranteed to pay a specific yield on a set date in the future!  If you like the safety of bonds and CDs, you may want to set up a bond or CD ladder so that you can have better access to your funds, particularly if you will be using part or all for your emergency fund utilization!


You can use a CD calculator to determine exactly how much interest the CD that you are considering can earn when the CD matures so you will know your “numbers” in advance.  And you can go to to learn more about CDs and how the one you are considering ranks as far as safety and penalties are concerned.


Since CDs usually pay fixed yields, a CD may be a smart option in a falling interest rate environment.  When rates are decreasing, you may be able to lock in a higher yield than what will be offered in coming months or years.


Although they are not in the bond family, CD’s and money market accounts are worth considering depending on your goals as there are a large number of consumers who possess these accounts and like their safety ($250,000  protection through FDIC).


With interest rates fluctuations Certificates of Deposits and Money Market Accounts will vary on what they pay in returns, and returns that you expect may depend on FED policy of keeping short term rates close to zero or utilizing FED policy to raise interest rates!



You can use bonds to fund your IRA if you have a brokerage account.  You can possibly save on management fees by purchasing Treasury bonds directly at


Bonds can play an important role as you approach retirement and even during your retirement years.  Used as part of an overall or comprehensive wealth building approach they can play a role in helping you live out your retirement years with dignity.  If you are uncomfortable selecting bonds you can use bond mutual funds or let mutual fund managers select bonds that are part of the mutual fund that they manage.  Target Date and Educational accounts may automatically include bonds in your account if you are currently using that type of financial product.


All bond types have their pros and cons so you may want to do additional research or consult with your financial advisor if you are still uncomfortable with bonds.


Bonds can also be used to fund your, your children’s, or grandchildren’s education, and the interest earned could be tax free if you meet the educational guidelines outline in the IRS tax code.


Treasury marketable securities are sold through auctions.  In 2023, Treasury Direct held 428 public auctions and issued about $22 trillion in Treasury marketable securities–no small change!


Treasury marketable securities include Bills, Bonds, Notes, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), and Floating Rate Notes (FRNs).  What makes them “marketable” is that you can sell or transfer them before they mature and there are always ready buyers.  Agency, mortgage-backed, municipal and other bonds are available at the federal, state and local level and are offered by various entities.


You can strip some marketable bonds and basically break them down into individual payments!


Corporate bonds include investment grade, junk, international, bond funds and other classifications and they can be found in abundance in the financial markets.  You can set up an account with all bond types in 15 minutes or so at many brokerages as the process is fairly straightforward.


Many mutual funds that you may already have, or are considering, may already have a percentage invested in bonds that you may not be aware of.  If you have a target date fund or a 529 savings plan a portion of your investment is more than likely already invested in the bond market.


Non-Marketable bonds include series EE and I bonds and they can be purchased by you, but can’t be sold in the financial markets.


Bonds can be an important part of your wealth building future if you utilize them in the appropriate manner and you have addressed your finances in a comprehensive manner as a major part of your approach to your future, whether it be for retirement or any other purpose.


All the best to your bond management success…


Set up a non-competitive bidding account at…


Treasury Auction Dates…



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