Learn how a Personal Credit Makeover can help you Build Wealth more efficiently…
Improving your credit in the current economy has been the goal of many over the past few years and particularly since the major market downturn of 2008. Those of you who are in need of a credit makeover often wonder—exactly where do I start.
After hours of contemplation and re-arrangement in our last discussion in order to make the topic understandable to the largest number of people possible, TheWealthIncreaser.com will try to concisely explain how you can have a personal credit makeover that can position you and your family properly–so that you can experience wealth building throughout your lifetime in a more efficient manner.
As you pursue your personal credit makeover or start on a path to establishing and/or improving your credit—there are critical questions that you must ask yourself (and answer appropriately) prior to even getting started!
3 of the most critical questions that you must ask yourself are:
1) What can I do about my current credit position?
2) What am I going to do in regards to my current credit position?
3) What do I desire to achieve and more importantly “how” will I go about achieving what I desire to achieve in my credit and financial life?
You must answer those questions in a careful, analytical, accurate and critical manner. As you journey on your path to managing your credit in a more focused and highly beneficial manner you must ask yourself the following questions and come up with real solutions that must be catered to your unique goals and outcomes that you desire as you work diligently to improve your credit.
1) What can I do about my current credit position?
It is important that you ask yourself that question and it is important that you have an appropriate answer to that question. You must search out and find the best ways to achieve your goals—or you must find a way that will work for you—that will lead you toward making your dreams come true.
Do I have a blueprint in my mind of the steps that I can take to achieve in a more efficient and effective manner and improve my current credit position in a definite manner? Now is the time for you to answer and address those questions in as a sincere manner as possible.
2) What am I going to do in regards to my current credit position?
What are the concrete steps that you are going to take as a result of your credit education that you have attained throughout your lifetime and that you are mastering at this time? Are you at a point in your life where you are determined to take consistent action in a sincere manner?
Now is the time that you force your mind to answer this question honestly and then you must take the action (or inaction) that you have decided to take! You cannot half-heartedly approach your personal credit makeover goal and you must realize that it is your consistency in action that will lead to you taking on another role!
3) What do I desire to achieve and more importantly “how” will I go about achieving what I desire to achieve in my credit and financial life?
Do you want to improve your credit to a level that allows you to do what needs to be done to reach your goals? If so, you must have a comprehensive plan that takes you toward your goals. Once you reach your credit goals you must not stop—re-imagine your life and go about achieving at your highest level of excellence while you are here on earth.
You must have the preparation and knowledge that is needed so that you will know how (the steps that you need to take) you will go about improving your credit and building wealth more efficiently!
By creating a cash flow statement or budget—cutting expenses and living beneath your means for a limited time you can put yourself in position to pay off or pay down your debt and begin to make your money grow. By thinking at a higher level on a daily basis and using your creativity—and this page—you can set yourself and your family up for a lifetime of success.
You don’t have to make first-time mistakes, you can learn from others how not to do it—you can learn from this site how to do it right and you can learn how to create systems and develop strategies that will take you toward your unique goals. And always realize that hope is not a plan but it is a good starting point. You must make it a point to consistently remain active and engaged as you pursue your goals!
You must always realize that after your credit makeover when you apply for a loan, lenders typically assign interest rates based on what bracket your score falls into. If you plan on purchasing a car, home, insurance or even seeking new employment—many lenders are using credit scores as a “first look” to see how responsible you are.
You must also understand that the most widely used score comes from a company called FICO. Your actual credit score will fall in a range from 300 to 850 based on the FICO weighting factors—and the higher your number, the better.
You want to aim for anything over 740 (is considered excellent) because it will qualify you for the best rates. If your score is below 640, you’ll pay much higher rates on loans and credit cards, and some lenders will even deny you a loan.
Even a small drop in your credit score can make a big difference in what you’ll pay for credit in the current economy. If you have a score of 640 you could possibly get a 30-year mortgage at 4.3% at today’s rates; if your score was 730 you’d qualify for a loan at just 3.5%.
That’s over a thousand dollars a year less in interest, or over $30,000 over the life of your loan that you would pay!
Your credit score is generated based on the information in your credit report. The way your FICO score is calculated is not precisely known but the way in which FICO weigh the various factors are known:
35% Negative information or payment history
30% Utilization or amount owed
After your mastery of the credit factors and this page, don’t forget that it is also very important that you not allow adversity to destroy your commitment level and your determination to continue even when you face setbacks. Faith and patience go hand in hand when you are facing adversity! You also need a written plan of action that will take you to a place that you know you need to go—or that you want to go.
In the end it will be your faith—patience and a plan of action that you believe in that will take you to where you should be.
By knowing that you can get through any adversity that you face and realizing that better days lie ahead—you position your mind to take the necessary action that will lead you toward your goals!
You must always realize that you must confront your reality in order to change your reality. You cannot go along in life hoping that things will change or going along with the flow (taking what life dishes out at you). It is imperative that you at this time make the decision to confront what you need to confront and know that success lies in the horizon.
The bad decisions that you have made in your past and that you may make in your future must not deter you from taking action now. By making the decision to give it your best in all that you do–you are setting your heart and mind up for making your dreams come true.
It is important that you understand that it is how you learn from your challenges and bounce back–knowing that the success that you desire lies ahead if you continue to believe–and continue to achieve!
You must always know that you can get through adverse situations—just as you have done in past situations that looked bleak at a particular time in your life.
By doing so—you put your mind on a path to real success and you put your mind in a more “joyful mood” even while you travel through adverse situations.
All the best to your personal credit makeover and wealth building success…
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