Pessimism & Wealth Building

Learn why your pessimistic view of your wealth building future serves no real purpose and if you have that view–you must end it now…


In spite of’s  most recent article showing visitors to this site ways to move forward and achieve more in 2023 and beyond, reports continue to come in at this time of “pessimism growing” in many parts of the world.


It is important that you never stop having a productive and highly beneficial outlook of your wealth building future and the steps that you will take to make things happen for your and your family’s greater benefit–regardless of how others may feel!


To help you “reduce the pessimism” that you and others may be feeling or feel that you are facing– will attempt to show you ways that you can reduce pessimism in your life and achieve more going into calendar year 2024.


The year of 2023 does not have to be a pessimistic year for you and your family if you address what needs to be addressed at this time and you take productive steps to achieve more–and you leave all of the negative noise behind and you are willing to grind–until it is success that you find.


How many see the current economy and their future

In the current economy with inflation and uncertainty at many levels, it can be difficult for many to have a positive outlook on their future.  With housing costs and rental rates out of alignment with the incomes of many and an uneasy feeling in the air as it relates to the economy, many find it appropriate to feel “pessimistic” toward their future.


Even so, you must see a way out as you cannot let where you are now at be the defining point in your life!


With monetary shortfalls on a monthly basis whether spending on grocery, gas, entertainment and other needed items that many took for granted for years, now a real happening–many have a depressed or disheartened spirit about their finances and their financial future.


In spite of the negative news that you may hear or see on a daily, weekly or monthly basis–it is important that you keep a positive perspective about your future and what you can accomplish in your future.  You must not see your future like others who let pessimism rule their thought process and leads them on a path to less-than-ideal movement in their life.


How many could see the economy and their future if they had the right vision

If you and others who have a “pessimistic view” of the future decided to pursue a better path toward success you could put yourself in position to create lasting wealth building success.


However, the decision to pursue success–whether financial or otherwise–resides inside of you!


You must realize that if you see yourself getting more income, cutting expenses or doing a combination of the two–you are embarking on a serious path toward making your dreams come true, because by visualizing what you need to do–you put yourself in a much better position for making your dreams come true!


You put yourself in position to get more income by determining if you need to get more income (you determine if you need more income by creating a budget or cash flow statement) and if you need too, you seek additional ways to earn income whether it be a second job, a better job, uber, lyft or some other gig or side job that can help you get ahead financially.


You cut expenses by using coupons, cutting back on coffee and smoothies that could be costing you hundreds on a monthly basis, getting a roommate, finding ways to save on energy and utilities that you use in your home, cutting back on entertainment and eating out and analyzing your finances in a “comprehensive manner” to see where–and if you can find additional savings.


Your money management personality will tell if you have a “pessimistic or optimistic” view of your future!


Can I lower my insurance premiums, can I improve upon my investment returns, can I lower my taxes, can I properly establish an emergency fund, can I save for my or my children’s educational costs in a better way, can I plan for what will happen after I transition and finally can I save for my retirement in a manner that allows me to live at the level that “I” desire–and not at a level that others who could care less of my existence desire that I live at?


These and other questions are what you must ask if you desire a more optimistic outlook on your future and you desire to save money at this time!


If you decide right now to do more in your life and you put the right plan in place that you believe in–success can happen for you and your family, and you can achieve many goals that you may now feel are out of your reach.


How many could put in the work to transform their pessimism into optimism if only they were willing to put forth the necessary effort

Your determination at this time to put into action the steps that can lead to the success that you desire in a more definite manner is what can lead to you achieving more and reaching many goals that you may formulate along the way.


You can buy grocery from your favorite retailers, you can donate to your favorite causes, you can retire early, you can provide higher education for yourself and/or your children and much more, however it all starts by you deciding at this time to leave inaction behind–if it is true success that you want to find.


You must increase your effort at this time and realize right now that most people who are “pessimistic about their future” only use a fraction of their brainpower on a daily basis when they actually have so much more to use and so many more empowering gifts to give to society–if only they tapped into what they have inside at a higher level!


Don’t let that be you–if you are sincere in making your dreams come true!



It is you who must do what you need to do to ensure that the sky that you see is blue and the clouds contain (your goals) what you want to see come true.  You have a never-ending reservoir of creativity that you can use for your and your family’s greater benefit if you decide to tap into it at this time.


It all starts inside of your mind and heart as you control your thought process and the direction that your life can take–along with the improved knowledge of the type of future that you can make.


It is important that you have a view of your future that is optimistic for you, achievable and believable by you–and something that you are committed to make come true!


You then put yourself in position to “leave pessimism behind” and only see the success that you can achieve–in your mind!


Are you one who talks a lot, thinks a lot, but implements nothing–or are you one who will move to action and create a better future for yourself, your family and society–starting today?


And just as you will rise higher and higher and achieve more by applying what you will learn on this page and site by leaving pessimism behind once and for all, so too will the creator of rise higher and higher and continue to provide you new insight on ways that you can achieve more and be who you were meant to be–and by doing so optimism and success is all that you will really see!


All the best as you aggressively leave pessimism behind, and you start on a much more serious grind…



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Stability & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important to stabilize your finances as you build wealth…


As the economy moves in ways that many oppose and difficult times are in store for many during this holiday season, it is important that you put yourself in a comfortable position by “stabilizing your finances” at this time so that you can achieve more in your future.


In this discussion will show you the importance of “stabilizing your finances” so that you can operate at “peak performance” and achieve more throughout your lifetime.


1) Stabilizing your finances requires that you analyze your finances immediately

Are you letting what has been passed down from others set limits on your life—or are you using what has been passed down as a base point for you to grow and create an atmosphere for greater opportunities and results in your life?


By analyzing how you manage your cash flow on a monthly and yearly basis and taking inventory of what you now own and what you now owe to others, you can determine future moves that you can take to help stabilize and improve your financial position.


2) Stabilizing your finances requires that you master your credit immediately

Whether you are new to credit or you have been managing credit and financial affairs for years, it is important that you know how credit works and how you can use credit for your greater benefit throughout your life or during the period in your life that you desire to utilize credit.


You can start on a path to master your understanding and application of credit by understanding the credit factors and how to use that understanding to better serve your and your family’s best interest–not creditors.


3) Stabilizing your finances requires that you comprehensively analyze and improve upon your finances as soon as possible

In a sense, stability is the quality of being unchanging or static.  However, in this discussion stability will be presented as getting to a desired point and remaining there–or possibly improving in a positive way.


You should be congratulated on your commitment to stabilize your finances, especially if you’ve lived with instability throughout your life.  You can do so “comprehensively” by analyzing and improving upon your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning.


By stabilizing your finances, you are building on a foundational base that won’t collapse or fall down.  Quite the contrary, you are building on a base that you can utilize throughout your lifetime that allows you to scrape the sky as far as you can see!



By deciding at this time to “stabilize your finances” you can get to a point where you manage your finances from a position of strength and from a position that is more advantageous for you and your family.


The knowledge that you now have or will soon have will be no good unless you know how to apply that knowledge for your greater benefit–and to the detriment of creditors.


The goal of this discussion is to give you the wisdom to connect what you now know or will soon learn to what really matters in the financial realm of your life so that you can achieve what you need to achieve–or what you desire to achieve!


You don’t have to live in instability during the holiday season or at any time as it relates to your finances if you make the choice not to and you decide from this day forward what you really want to do!


By “properly” analyzing your unique financial profile at this time, your family will love what you do—and so will you!  You must not only have faith that you will stabilize and improve upon your finances and other areas of your life–you must also take the needed action so that you can avoid financial strife!


It is very important that you change the financial atmosphere in your life today—and it is the desire of that this discussion has shown you a new, more positive and more uplifting way!


Always realize that instability creates opportunity for major growth that can then put you in position to stabilize your finances for the remainder of your life and put you on a path to build the type of financial future that puts you in control—and helps relax your soul.


All the best to stabilizing your future and pursuing a more definitive path toward wealth building success…



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Character & Wealth Building

Learn why your character goes a long way in helping you build wealth and achieve your goals…


In a world where wrongdoing and immoral activity seems to abound, it can often be difficult for many to focus and do the right things consistently whether it be financial or in other areas of their personal affairs.


And with immoral and at times illegal activity happening in what seems to be a constant stream at the local, state and international level–it can often be difficult to operate daily with a high level of character on a consistent basis when you are in the process of building wealth.


Even so–it is important that you find the strength to do just that–as you embark on your wealth building activity.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of being of high character as it relates to your wealth building efforts and in all other areas of your life.


Character is what you must reflect at all time–even when no one is looking

As you formulate and put together your wealth building plan you must have the intention of doing so in a responsible manner and in the right manner.


It is important that you develop the right habits that are needed for success on a consistent basis!


Your money management personality will reveal your character to a certain degree.  It is also important to operate with balance and with character in all areas of your life so that you can avoid financial strife.


Your integrity must not be compromised–even when no one is looking

It is important that you have integrity at all times.  You don’t have to cheat your way through life or engage in unethical or unlawful behavior–regardless of what others around you and/or in higher places do.


By operating with integrity, you will see your goals materialize with more clarity and you will be more likely to achieve the goals that are most important to you.


Your vision of success will be clearer to you, and you will formulate a clearer picture of what you need to do–regardless of the economic climate or the goals that you set because in the end you know that your goals will be met.


Your path to Wealth Building Success does not have to be compromised

You can formulate cash flow statements and put a plan together to improve your cash flow, master your credit and improve in the management of all areas of your finances and you can operate with a high level of character while doing so.


Always remember that your past failures (and successes) are the building blocks for you to achieve more throughout your lifetime.  It is important that you learn from your past failures and not let your past failures affect your current and future success in a detrimental way.


You don’t have to approach your future in a fearful manner or let fear and other distractions have the upper hand–if you at this time decide to take a stronger stand!




Your ability to operate at all times with integrity will go a long way toward helping you achieve “lasting” wealth building success.  Although you may be able to attain short-term success by being of low character and operating illegally or immorally–that is not the best approach for long-term lasting success–whether you are building wealth or trying to achieve anything else.


Always remember that struggle builds character, failure builds character and responding positively to adversity builds character!


And just as it may appear that the creator of is proactive and has left procrastination in the past (which is largely true), it did not start that way as procrastination occurred on many important tasks.  And even though the creator of has created well over 500 web blog pages–at least several hundred other pages were started and never completed up until this day.


However, by pressing on, learning from past failures and gaining a real commitment to operate daily at a higher level (and with character at all times) procrastination no longer occurred for the most part and web blog pages were continued from start to finish on a more consistent basis.


As you go through life it will at times appear that those who seem to do wrong prosper the most and those who do right–or seem to do right–suffer the most.  Even while witnessing such events, you must remain patient, focused, have faith and have the knowledge and preparation that will allow you to operate daily with character and high standards of excellence as a guiding principle.


You can gain the qualities that you feel you are lacking by navigating this site appropriately and pursue other areas of concern by having a yearning to do so–and then actually doing so!


It is also important that you operate with freedom of thought and freedom of action in the times that we now live in–regardless of who you are.  In a nutshell, thought without action is really nothing when you really get down to it.


Therefore, it is important that you do the right thing at all times–even when no one is looking and even when adversity raises its ugly head!


And just as the creator of has operated with patience, focus, knowledge and faith over the years and with character at the forefront which led to powerful inspiration and direction to create this site in a manner that is totally unique–so too must you operate with those same qualities if you desire to achieve at your highest level of excellence and reach your purpose in your life.


And just as visitors from around the world are now benefiting in a major way from that inspiration–so too can you create a wealth building future or any future you dream of that can have a real impact on your loved ones, your community and society!


By operating with “character at all times” you can transform your financial position more efficiently and increase your net worth in a more beneficial manner.


Even if others do not have high standards–it is important that you do–as you can move toward lasting success with more focus so that you can achieve what you really want to see come true.


Always realize that it is YOU who needs to do what is necessary –to make your dreams come true!  And always remember that you can go through life and build wealth without violating the rights of others–and you can make the right moves at the right times that will keep you out of the financial gutters.


All the best to operating daily with character and building wealth with integrity at the core as you open a new door.



Learn how you can use motivation to achieve more (a page that was accidentally “trashed” and was fortunately retrieved and is now a web favorite of many visitors) during your lifetime…



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Deadlines & Wealth Building

Learn how planning for success with time lines provides  you the opportunity to avoid  explosive mines…


As the 2021 tax season came to an end the creator of realized that increased productivity occurred in the area of tax preparation when making excuses or procrastination was absolutely not an option as clients had to get what they wanted (the completion of their tax return) prior to the April 18, 2022 deadline.


By kicking activity into a higher gear and making a sincere effort to meet the deadline, the acceleration of tax return preparation was done in a more intense and all-consuming manner in an effort to meet the deadline and help clients avoid the late filing fees and failure to file fees.  It then occurred to the creator of that by setting a deadline and having every intention on reaching that deadline, you can do more and achieve more.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of why you must formulate goals and have a “deadline for achievement” so that you can achieve more and at the same time open a new door.



It is important that you realize that the timing to do what needs to be done will never be just right


In life there will be many obstacles, even so you want to set goals that can benefit you and your family that can make your life more rewarding and enjoyable while you are here on earth.


As difficult as it can be to move forward efficiently you must not let procrastination get the best of you!


The time to do what needs to be done in your life that can transform your future to that of major success will never be to your liking.  You must make it a priority to give it your best so that you can achieve a higher level of success.


The time for you to do just that is NOW–put a serious plan in place now so that you can achieve your credit and financial goals so that you can later say–WOW!


By continuing to read this page  and site you will learn how!


It is important that “you” formulate goals that are realistic and you believe in


You must have a big imagination and  move toward what you truly desire and you must AIM higher so that you can achieve the goals that you truly desire.  Why dream small or not dream at all when you can dream big with something that you are passionate about and pursue what you want with more clout!


By dreaming big you open up the possibility to let inspiration in–so that you can win.  By formulating goals that you believe in you are putting your mind and heart “into the mix” and you open up unlimited possibilities to achieve optimally as you move about daily toward the goals and expectations that are uniquely your own.


It is important that you have every intention on achieving your goals in an efficient and effective manner


It is imperative that you never quit, and by setting deadlines you put yourself in position to give it your all–all the way to the finish line (no pun intended) and achieve goals that are deep inside your heart and mind and in many cases divine.


You must know what you want to achieve financially and otherwise while here on earth and you must have the focus, commitment and dedication that is necessary to achieve what you desire in an efficient and highly effective manner and setting deadlines will assist you greatly in achieving that task.




The key point of this discussion is for you to realize that you should aspire to build wealth and live a more joyous life and by setting deadlines it will force you to activate your mind and heart at a higher level and operate daily at a higher level as you move toward the goals that are most important to you and the goals that are the ones that you really want to see come true.


You must realize that you can do what you want to do when you want to do so and possibly achieve your goals or you can choose to set deadlines for accomplishment and leave procrastination in your past.  You must have a “sincere desire” to achieve what you “truly want to see come true” and by putting a timetable for achieving what you desire to achieve on a clock–you can avoid financial shock.


By setting deadlines and putting your plan for success in writing you can operate in a more intense manner and the success that you desire can be reached in a shorter time frame!


If you set a deadline to set up a budget or cash flow statement, set a deadline to master your understanding of credit and set a deadline to learn how to comprehensively manage all areas of your finances you can achieve far more while here on planet earth for this relatively brief time.


By doing so you will pay off or pay down your debt and build your wealth in a way that is more comfortable for you–and worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses will be a thing of your past–as you embark on a new way to take off that will surely be a blast.


Isn’t it time that you use the “power of now” to do something significant in your life that really matters!


You must leave “procrastination at bay” use your “inspiration to find a better way” and improve your financial condition and move to improve any other situation you face–starting today.


Now is the time that you flip the hourglass and transform potential into reality so that you can use your time wisely now–or more appropriately right now to build wealth more efficiently and more effectively!


And just as the creator of was forced or activated by a deadline to achieve more–so too can you achieve more in the area that you choose to by setting deadlines for achievement and having every intention on achieving what you desire.


All the best to your timely wealth building success…


Learn how you can use humor to reach your deadlines more efficiently…



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Comfort & Wealth Building

Learn why a certain level of discomfort (and comfort) is to be expected as you build wealth….


It is important that you make a serious commitment to build wealth in effective a manner as possible so that you can truly reach the goals and expectations that are uniquely your own.


As you embark on your wealth building journey you must prepare your mind for a certain level of discomfort and yet you must still have confidence that the wealth building goals that you are pursuing will come into fruition in a time efficient manner–if you put in place a highly efficient plan that can take you toward your goals.


In this discussion will attempt to broaden your perspective on how you can achieve wealth building success in a more comfortable manner and in a manner that is more favorable for you and your family.


1) Confront Your Finances

It is important that you ask yourself, what can I do to make my life better or easier as it relates to the management of my finances.  The first and often the most uncomfortable time is coming to the conclusion within your mind that you sincerely desire to build your wealth more efficiently and you are determined to do so.


Do you find “answers to your financial concerns” worth being discovered?


If you do, you are well on your way to confronting your finances in a way that will be uncomfortable in the beginning but will make your journey on earth “more comfortable in the long run” as far as your wealth building and money management activities are concerned.


By confronting your financial condition, you are consciously and unconsciously comforting your finances and by “starting the process” you can ultimately turn your financial journey into a trip that allows you to give it your best–and reach a higher level of success!


2) Manage Your Credit Effectively

Many consumers find credit management to be difficult and overbearing when in actuality the process of effective credit management is quite simple.


The key is that you must get “out in front” of your credit management or another way of looking at it is you must proactively manage your credit.


You can do so by experiencing a certain level of discomfort at this time by mastering the 5 credit factors so that you can comfortably manage your credit effectively during your life at a later time.


3) Manage Your Overall Finances Effectively

Once you confront your finances and learn how to manage your credit in ways that are more advantageous for you and your family–you are now in position to confront and manage your overall finances in a more effective and comfortable manner.


By managing your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning. estate planning/wills and retirement planning at a level that is your absolute best, you put in place what is necessary for you to reach a much higher level of success!


Your clear understanding of how your finances interconnect in all areas is a major key to effective management of your finances throughout your lifetime and that understanding can provide you a level of comfort that is immeasurable!



If you are one who desire to transform your finances and your future, it is important that you realize that you will experience a certain level of discomfort on the front end before you get to a certain level of comfort on the back-end!


Your commitment to stay the course and do what needs to be done even at times when you are not feeling your best is a major key to unlocking new doors of success.


By following the three steps above and properly establishing an emergency fund at the earliest time possible you can enjoy life more, reach your retirement goals, take the vacations that you desire and “develop the mindset” to always reach higher.


Your effective money management should be a comfortable experience and it is the hope of the creator of that this discussion on wealth building will help make your life more enjoyable, more comfortable and more successful and will sincerely take you to where you desire or need to be in a manner that gives you the clarity that you need–so that you can truly suceed!


Isn’t it time you get out of your comfort zone and pursue what you truly desire with the passion, intensity and urgency that is needed that will provide you and your family the wealth building success that can be passed along to future generations!


All the best as you enjoy your wealth building activities at a level of comfort that allows you to achieve at a level that will lead you toward unlimited success….


More on comfort and wealth building…


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Expectations & Wealth Building


Learn why you must expect wealth building success and have a real commitment to put forward the needed effort at a level that is your absolute best…


In the current economy many are letting anxiety and uncertainty about their future lead them toward unhealthy behavior and behavior that may not be in their best interest in the short, intermediate and long-term–in many instances.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of why you must expect success, be willing to move to action at a level that is your absolute best–and permanently put the notion of failure to rest!


When it comes to building wealth your confidence in yourself and your commitment to action is critical.  And as stated in the most recent post that has fast become a blog favorite–you must enthusiastically pursue your wealth building goals at a level that is your absolute best.


You must expect positive outcomes in any economic environment, and you must put an effective plan in place to achieve those outcomes.


Your knowledge and understanding of how you manage your cash flow, how you manage your credit and how you manage all areas of your finances will to a large degree determine your wealth building future and can realistically provide you a blueprint of how you can achieve your goals efficiently and provide you the clarity in your mind that can convince you that you can meet or exceed your expectations in your future–if you take the right action–consistently!


In the following paragraphs will discuss these topics in more detail in an effort to provide you meaningful direction–so that you won’t fail–as you learn what sincerely pursuing your wealth building goals entail.


You must realize that it is YOU who lie at the center of achieving real success and it is YOU who truly control actually making your dreams come TRUE!


1) Cash Flow Management

Your ability to manage your cash flow on a monthly and annual basis is of paramount importance and if you do it right consistently you can set yourself and your family up for untold success.


The yearly vacations that you desire, your membership at your favorite athletic club, your dream car that you always saw yourself driving, that vacation home that you always wanted, your volunteering for and contributing to your favorite cause(s)–and many other goals that you desire can be brought into clear focus if you manage your cash flow effectively and you have an expectation of doing so on a daily basis from this day forward.


Do you currently have an effective cash flow management system in place or are you taking whatever life dishes out at you?


Effective management of your finances can lead you toward what you want to happen in your future and help ensure a more rewarding and enjoyable future for you and your loved ones–so that you don’t have to do heavy lifting by the tons–as your wealth building success rotates around the suns!


2) Credit Management

As you enter the various stages of your life credit advertisements that try to sway you will come on a consistent basis and at many stages of your life you will be bombarded by credit experts (or advertisers and marketers) who are determined to get you to sign up and use credit services.


In many instances they may not be in your or your family’s best interest!


Do you have a system or the knowledge of how to know when credit will work best for you and do you know how to use credit in a manner that works best for you and your family?


If not, are you actively pursuing the knowledge of how you can manage your credit more effectively and are you putting that knowledge into action with the expectation that your credit management will take you toward the goals that you desire in an efficient manner and in a manner that is more favorable for you and your family–not creditors or others who have no real concern for you or your wealth building future?


3) Overall Management of Your Finances

Do you have a system that allows you to know at the drop of a hat what you must address effectively in all areas of your financial life–or are you headed toward financial strife by not having the knowledge that is necessary to take you where you need or want to be as far as your wealth building success is concerned–during your life?


It is important that you ask yourself the right questions and seek the right answers as you build wealth! 


If you don’t know what areas of your finances that you must address–you are adding stress to your life in ways that you may have never imagined and you make reaching your goals far more difficult than it should (or have) to be.


Your effective management of your insurance, investments, taxes, education funding, estate planning/wills and retirement planning along with properly establishing an emergency fund at the earliest time possible is a surefire way for you to attain success and attaining that success must be your expectation from this day forward.




In this economy or any economy, you must have an expectation of success.


Even though COVID-19 remains a major concern, housing prices and interest rates continue to rise in many areas and inflation and gas prices are on the rise in many countries and with news of wars and rumors of war that have created anxiety and disrupted the usual happenings for many in various parts of the world–along with many other downward spiraling activities that occur at a personal level–and can be disheartening to a large extent–it is still important that you have a vision of success and an expectation of success–if you are one who is truly determined and willing to give it your best to achieve that success.


You must expect success at this time, and you must be willing to do what needs to be done on a consistent basis!


It is important that you realize that your determination at this time to follow the three steps mentioned above has the potential to change your life for the better in a major way!


However, potential means that you have not done it, however by “expecting success” and taking the action steps that are relevant for improving your credit and finances whether by utilizing this site or any other source that works for you–you can turn potential into real results that can propel your and your family’s future for generations to come.


It is important that you prepare your mind with the right knowledge that can lead you toward what you desire in the most efficient manner possible!


You can choose to make a conscious, deliberate decision at this time and not only create a meaningful path toward the future that you desire–you can also travel on that path in the most efficient manner possible–thereby achieving what you expected to achieve–because by mastering the three steps above–you now truly believe!


Throughout your life you must “expect success” and you must know how to manage your money effectively, know how to avoid common wealth building mistakes, know how to manage you credit wisely throughout your lifetime or period that you desire to use credit, know how to avoid common home buying mistakes and know how to manage all areas of your finances effectively and efficiently–as you build wealth.


By frequenting this site and knowing your wealth building responsibilities (and acting on those responsibilities in a sincere way) you can change your future for the better–starting today!


All the best to your future success as you should “expect” nothing less…


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Enthusiasm & Wealth Building in the COVID-19 ERA

Learn why you must have fire in your heart if you are now ready to start building wealth effectively in a manner that will truly set you apart…


In the current economy with COVID-19 wreaking havoc, rising prices on many goods and services and other happenings at the local and global level it can be difficult for some to rise above the anxiety that could be inside of their mind and heart and move forward in a manner that can truly take them where they need or want to be as far as reaching wealth building goals that will serve a greater purpose in their life.


Even if others don’t want success, you can approach your wealth building efforts with more confidence and that begins by you having a true desire for wealth building success from this day forward–and throughout your lifetime!


Even though the creator of has been fighting through the COVID-19 virus over the past few weeks and has been less active in all areas–and enthusiasm or fire for life has been taken down several notches–this discussion is designed not only for you to achieve optimally but also to help the creator of gain back the “enthusiasm” and momentum that was recently taken away, and also to get you and others on a more determined and definite path toward lasting success as you build wealth.


By taking to heart the following “3 points” and determining where you can make improvements in your life you can move toward achieving your wealth building goals in a manner that makes more sense, makes your journey less intense and formulating and achieving what you truly desire will be made more relevant.


1) Your enthusiasm begins inside of you

It is important that you have a certain level of ambition or true desire to reach your wealth building goals.


Your goal is to set yourself apart from the crowd and pursue your wealth building goals with a high level of discipline, commitment and purpose (DCP–yeah you know me) as by doing so you put yourself in a better position for lasting success that allows you to live at a level that is your absolute best.


Your action on a daily basis in a disciplined manner, your commitment to action on a daily basis and knowing why you are doing what you are doing lies at the heart of your wealth building success–if you are now determined to give it your absolute best.


2) Your enthusiasm must be directed toward a specific goal(s)

As you build wealth it is important that you set meaningful goals that you have every intention on achieving.


By doing so you energize your mind and heart to operate at a higher level on a daily basis so that you can WIN the majority of your races!


By having a high level of enthusiasm toward paying off your debt, managing your credit optimally and looking at  and addressing your finances in a comprehensive manner,  you put yourself in position to attain successand build wealth in the COVID-19 ERA or any ERA.


By setting meaningful goals and pursuing them at your highest level–you position yourself to excel and not fall downward into a never ending well.


By reaching higher, you put yourself on a more positive path toward achieving the goals that “you” require and you exponentially increase the odds of achieving what you desire and avoid finding yourself in a financial quagmire that makes your outlook for success–dire!


3) Your enthusiasm must never die out

You must pursue the success that you desire with enthusiasm and vigor.  You must see beyond the right now to see what is truly possible if you do what you need to do!


And just as the creator of will move forward in 2022 with more enthusiasm and focus in spite of starting 2022 in the worst way possible since being on planet earth due to COVID-19 that slowed down progress and delayed meaningful goals that were set for well over a month–so too must you not let adversity, distractions, emergencies, worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, excuses and not putting forth the required effort hold you back in not only 2022–but the remainder of your existence while here on planet earth.


Your mindset must be to “expect success” and “pursue that success” at a level that is your absolute best and permanently put the notion of failure to rest!


You must always realize that you have the power within to operate at a higher level and control the direction and outcomes of your future if you are willing to put in the effort and develop a never quit type of attitude that will never die out.



Your enthusiasm or “fire on the inside” that you have can be used effectively as you build wealth if you have the right approach.  It is imperative that you pursue your wealth building goals in a disciplined, committed and purposeful manner (remember DCP) if you are one who desire to achieve at your highest level of excellence.


Improving your cash flow position, managing your credit effectively and managing all areas of your finances effectively throughout your life can be made easier and more rewarding if you put both your heart and mind into the effort and you “sincerely desire” to achieve the goals that you are pursuing–regardless of what they may be.


Always realize that it is easier to change your financial behavior than it is to change your attitude–however, if you are disciplined, truly committed and you know your purpose for life–you can do both and permanently change the trajectory of your future in the strongest way possible.


You and your family deserve nothing less!


All the best to enthusiastically pursuing your wealth building success in a manner that will allow you to live your life at a level that is your absolute best…


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Vision & Wealth Building During COVID-19

Learn why you must see the wealth building success that you desire–so that you can reach higher…


It is important that whatever your wealth building goals are–you have a vision of those goals and a clear vision about how you will go about achieving those goals–now during COVID-19 and throughout your lifetime.


Whether you desire to pay off your current burdensome debt, create that emergency fund that you know you need and deserve, plan for success by using a blueprint for success that includes creating a cash flow statement, creating an income statement, creating a balance sheet, knowing your net worth in terms certain, mastering your credit and attacking your finances in a comprehensive manneryou must have a vision of it happening–and you must know the steps that you need to take to make it happen!


If you have a vision of buying real estate and using the property for rental income or quick turning the property for a profit–you need to see it happening and know how it will happen.


You must ask yourself pertinent questions such as does the property that I am considering require repairs and if so how extensive–and what will the cost of doing so be?  When do I expect to finish the project and be on target to rent or sell (holding period) the property?  What is the “average number of days to sell” in the area that I am considering for purchase?  Will I be purchasing in an area with strong schools?


Will I be financing or will I make a cash offer?  What is my entry point as far as purchase price?


In short, what can I afford–acquisition wise and construction/renovation wise and what do I realistically expect to happen after I make this purchase?


Do I have a contingency fund (10% or more over what I expect to spend on repairs/renovations) in case there are costs that are not anticipated?


Unforeseen and unexpected renovation costs–usually have a cost associated with them and you want to know and plan for this on the front end!


Always consider your timeline of ownership as a factor as holding period can eat into your expected return.  Will outside forces slow you down or do you have a contingency plan?


Are you pursuing a 30% return or a 20% return?  It is important that you know what return you want and can realistically get–on the front end!


You also want to know what is going on in the neighborhood so that you can avoid the pitfalls that have negatively affected many home buyers.  It is important that you use your common sense on what needs to be repaired on the front end–and be aware of contractors and others who may be out to get you–financially speaking!


By looking at the property and doing a walk-through–you want to know whether window replacement, garage door replacement, roof replacement, hardwood floor repairs or replacement (in other words you need to know the basics) and other concerns need to be made “prior to making an offer” on the home that you intend to purchase for rental purposes, quick turn for a profit or even if you plan on using as your personal residence!


In short you must have a “vision of what must be done” to the property and a vision of how you will acquire the property!


Likewise, you must also have a vision of what needs to be done in all areas of your finances if you are to achieve at your highest level of excellence while here on planet earth.



Regardless of what you visualize to achieve–you don’t want to make mistakes on the front end if you can avoid them.  You can reduce your odds of making mistakes by frequenting this site, other helpful sites and proactively approaching your finances by having a yearning for success–and by getting out in front of your finances and not seeking knowledge after you have made a bad choice or decision!


Your vision of success must start by seeing the light–and the first step toward lasting success is to get your credit and finances right–whether during daylight–or at night!


By doing so you enhance the probability of success in your wealth building efforts and in ALL endeavors that you will pursue–including those goals named above that you may have or other goals that are particular to your and your family’s future success and desires.


Whether you have a vision of improving your insurance position, investment position, tax position, education planning position, estate planning/wills position and/or retirement planning position–it is important that you align with someone who provides a blueprint for success so that you can avoid common mistakes that are all too common (no pun intended)!


Where appropriate, you also want to select professionals of high integrity who can further assist you when and where necessary.


Although you may be one who likes to do it yourself in other areas of your life–your finances in many areas can also be done by you–if you learn in advance what you need to do.


However, in some areas professional advice may be warranted as some areas of finance are nuanced–and if managed effectively may have the potential to provide you additional and more beneficial success opportunities throughout your life–therefore it may be crucial that you get it right so that you can avoid financial strife!


Unforeseen, unexpected and unexplained events that you did not plan for will occur throughout your lifetime and it is important that you prepare for those events in advance.  Even so, you still want to plan appropriately so that you can still attain your vision and do what you need to do so you can achieve if you take consistent action over a number of years.


Your vision of success means that you will not make excuses and you will proactively attack your finances so that even when adversity occurs–there can be no other outcome other than the success that you desire–whether in the COVID-19 environment–or any environment.


Ultimate success must be a part of your process or theme as you reach higher to achieve your dream!


You must have a back-up plan in case your vision needs adjusting–and your drive toward your vision must be a true thing!


You truly are the determining factor for achieving the vision that you see–and being who you were truly put on earth and meant to be.


All the best to your vision of success as you now should expect nothing less if you are at this time willing to give it your absolute best…


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Personal Balance Sheet & Wealth Building

Learn why knowing what your “assets and liabilities” are can help determine your net worth and help you build wealth more efficiently in the current economy…


As you build wealth it is important that you have an understanding of the assets that you own and the liabilities that you have incurred so that you can do more to build your wealth to an acceptable level or a level that you need to attain to make your life more meaningful and significant while you are here on planet earth.


By knowing what you are worth you put yourself in a better position to manage your finances and reach your financial goals.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of utilizing a “personal balance sheet” so that you can know what you are worth “from a financial perspective” and provide guidance on how you can use that knowledge to build wealth more efficiently in the coming years.


This discussion builds off of Personal Financial Statements including  Cash Flow Analysis, Personal Income Statements and Net Worth that were discussed in previous articles.


By taking the following 3 steps you can help ensure a more prosperous future for your family and loved ones and by implementing those three steps at this time–help you “engage in your finances” in a manner that can lead to true and lasting success for the duration of your lifetime, and even after you transition!


1) Compile a list of your assets and liabilities

It is important that you take inventory of what you own and who you owe.


A personal balance sheet can help give you the needed focus so that you know who you owe and what you own in a more concrete and definite manner.


At this time you may want to gather all of your financial documents (bank statements, investment statements, mortgage statement, life insurance policy, auto loan statement, credit card statement, student loan statement, personal loan statement along with other documents that show ownership or in which you owe others) so that you can determine your “net worth” and start on a realistic path that can lead to you making better financial moves from this day forward.


By entering the required data in the form below you can get a better feel of where you can go in your financial future and you can enhance your probability of achieving the success that you desire from this day forward!


To determine your value of your home you may want to contact your real estate agent or the agent who helped you purchase your home to determine the value.  If you have a mortgage you would subtract what you owe from the valuation that you get from the real estate agent to determine your equity position of your home (asset).


On the form below enter the market value of your home under assets and what you owe on the mortgage(s) (if you have one) under liabilities.


To determine your value of your auto you may want to utilize the kelley blue book to determine the value of your auto and if you have a loan you would subtract what you owe from the valuation that you get from the kelley blue book or other auto valuation service to determine your equity position of your auto (asset).


On the form below enter the market value of your auto or other personal use  asset under assets and what you owe on the loan(s) (if any) under liabilities.


Keep in mind that “personal use assets” include your auto, motorcycle, boat or other watercraft, bikes, recreational vehicles and other assets that are of a personal nature.


For your household assets and other assets you can use an appropriate method of valuation or use professionals if you desire–just keep in mind the valuation may not be accurate as it is only an estimate and estimates may not reflect the true value of the asset(s).


However, your estimate or other professionals estimate of value will provide valuable insight (no pun intended) in helping you to determine your net worth as opposed to “shooting from the hip” and not being close to the true value of your assets, and hence your net worth.


How to create a Personal Balance Sheet in Simple Form:


Balance Sheet 10/16/2021 (Enter the date that you create your balance sheet)


Cash/Cash Equivalents 

JT Checking                                     $_________

JT Savings                                        $_________

H Checking                                       $_________

W Checking                                      $_________

H Savings                                          $_________

W Savings                                         $_________

JT Certificate of Deposit                   $_________

JT Money Market                             $_________

JT Other                                            $_________

Total Cash & Cash Equivalents                                      $_________


Invested Assets

Cash Value Life Policy                       $_________

Stocks                                               $_________

Bonds/Mutual Funds                        $_________

Other                                                $_________

Total Invested Assets                                                         $_________


Personal Use Assets

JT Personal Residence                        $_________

JT Vacation Home                              $_________

JT Jewelry                                           $_________

JT Furniture & Household                  $_________

JT Auto(s)                                            $_________

JT Other                                               $_________

Total Personal Use Assets                                                  $_________


Total Assets                                       $_________


Liabilities & Net Worth:

Current Liabilities 

JT Credit Cards                                     $_________

H Credit Cards                                      $_________

W Credit Cards                                     $_________

Other                                                    $_________

Total Current Liabilities                                                     $_________


Long-term Liabilities

H Mortgage                                       $_________

W Mortgage                                      $_________

H Auto Loan                                      $_________

W Auto Loan                                     $_________

Other                                                 $_________

Total Long-term Liabilities                                            $_________


Total Liabilities                            $_________


Net Worth

Total Assets                     $_________

– Total Liabilities             $_________


TOTAL Net Worth                                                       $_________


Note:  JT means Joint Tenancy

H means Husband

W means Wife


2) Use your knowledge of your net worth and your current financial position to build your wealth more efficiently and reach your retirement number

After plugging in the appropriate numbers above and determining your net worth and knowing where you now stand financially, you are now in position to plan for long-term success.


You can now plan for your retirement years in a more appropriate manner because you now know your cash flow position on a monthly and annual basis and that allows you to use your discretionary income to save for retirement and reach your retirement number.


If you lacked the discretionary income you would know what you need to do to get in a better (pay off debt, get more income, gain new skills etc.) position so that you can pursue your retirement number and other goals at a later date.


3) Ensure that you comprehensively manage your finances so that you can achieve more

By knowing your net worth at this time you can plan for your future in a more wholesome manner.


You can address your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning from a position of strength as opposed to letting anxiety and other excuses that you may come up with rule the day!


You can create and properly fund an emergency fund (if you have not done so already) so that you can achieve more and you can manage your credit, assets and other liabilities that you may owe in a manner that is more favorable to you and your family–not creditors.



By knowing what you own and what you owe “at a particular point in time” you can create written plans that can lead to your net worth increasing on a consistent basis.


Always realize that when valuation of your assets are concerned you may have to use estimates that you or other professionals make, and as we all know an estimate is only and estimate–however it does help you get a better handle on your finances and net worth than merely guessing.


Regardless of your net worth, you must realize that your self-worth is far more important in the long run as you must know that you are worthy of what you think you are worthy of.


By having that mindset, you position your mind and heart to make future moves that can increase your net worth to an acceptable level and help you manage your money more efficiently at the various stages of your life–even if you now have a negative net worth.


You can position yourself to manage your money better and achieve at your highest level of excellence.


It is imperative that you know your net worth at a particular point in time so that you have a metric that you can use to track your advancement over time so that you can truly reach your goals!


If your current net worth is $150,000 in October of 2021 and you manage your finances effectively for a number of years and your net worth increases to $500,000 by October of 2030, you know that you are making real progress and making good financial decisions.


On the other hand if your current net worth is $150,000 in October of 2021 and you manage your finances for a number of years and your net worth only increases to $200,000 by October of 2030, you know that you are not making real progress and you are not managing your finances effectively–generally speaking.


You now have an understanding of how you can use your personal balance sheet and other  personal finance statements to make your dreams come true if you do what you  need to do.


Over the past six weeks or so you have learned how you can use a budget or personal cash flow statement, personal income statement and personal balance sheet to improve your net worth and achieve your goals more efficiently.


It is important that you realize that your “personal net worth” and your “credit score” are in most cases the two most important numbers that measure your financial health–and your understanding of how you can use these numbers to your advantage is critical as you build wealth.


Y9u also know that your “retirement number” is a key number that you should aspire to reach if you desire to live out your life in a dignified manner that allows you to do what you want to do during your retirement years and even after you transition from planet earth.


While you may have thought it to be hard and time consuming to calculate your personal net worth prior to visiting this page and site, you now know that calculating your net worth is not as difficult and draining as you may have thought if you organize your financial data and you have an effective approach.


Likewise, your credit file and credit score is easy to access and improve upon if you have the right approach!


Always realize that your net worth and credit score are highly correlated, meaning if you have a high net worth you would generally have a higher credit score than those with a low or negative net worth.


Even so, your net worth is not used to calculate your credit score, as rating agencies use figures other than net worth to calculate your credit score.   In our next article will discuss in clear terms how you can improve your credit score and manage your credit effectively throughout your lifetime.


You are now on a serious path toward achieving your goals and you are now much more informed on how you can achieve more financially and make your journey toward significantly improving your finances a more joyous and rewarding experience.


All the best as you increase your net worth and improve your living conditions while you are here on earth…


NOTE: You or your in this discussion could mean you as well as other members of your household who contribute financially whether it be your spouse or other members of your household.


Find out what you can do to make your dreams come true–by visiting our most frequented page–Wealth Building & You…


More on Personal Cash Flow Statement (Budget)Income StatementBalance Sheet & Net Worth Statement


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Personal Income Statement & Wealth Building

Learn how you can use your knowledge of what you earn on an annual basis to achieve more…


It is important that you know your income that you earn along with your expenses that you pay out on an annual basis.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of looking at your income over a period of time so that you can more effectively pursue and reach your future goals.


In the last article discussed the importance of creating a budget or cash flow statement in concrete terms so that you could achieve more throughout your lifetime.


This discussion will build on that theme as it is important that you have a real grasp on how you can use personal finance statements to achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Although creating a “personal income statement” for the first time can be difficult and challenging for some, the benefits and time spent will be well worth it if you are now sincere in your desire (efforts) to achieve real success and build wealth in a manner that allows you to give it your best.


If you have a yearning to reach higher and achieve more–you can do so with a high level of determination and the inclination to look at your yearly inflow and outflow of cash into your household and use the results of that analysis to plan for a more rewarding future as you build wealth.


By utilizing the following 3 steps you can start on a more definite path to building wealth in the current economy–or any economy!


1) Complete a self-analysis of where you now are financially on an annual basis

It is important that you know what amount of income comes into your household and goes out of your household on an annual basis or a set time or interval as that knowledge is invaluable when you are in the process of building wealth.


Does your annual income exceed your annual expenses or is there a shortfall? 


You can think of your personal income statement in the same manner as your personal cash flow statement but realize that instead of monthly, it is over an interval of time such as 6 months or more commonly 12 months.


The following personal income statement provides you a blueprint of what you need to enter to come up with your income and expenses over a 12 month interval to help you better determine financial moves that you can possibly make in your future that can lead to more success for you and your family.


How to Prepare a Personal Income Statement in Simple Form:


Yearly Receipts (2021)


Wages                                                                     $_________

Dividends                                                               $_________

Interest                                                                   $_________

Rental                                                                      $_________

Royalty                                                                    $_________

Other                                                                        $_________

TOTAL Yearly Receipts                           $_________


Yearly Expenditures


Auto loan payment                                              $_________

Auto maintenance                                               $_________

Child care                                                               $_________

Clothing                                                                  $_________

Contributions                                                        $_________

Credit card payments                                           $_________

Dues                                                                         $_________

Entertainment                                                       $_________

Food                                                                         $_________

Household maintenance                                     $_________

Income & SS taxes                                                $_________

Insurance                                                               $_________

Personal care                                                         $_________

Property taxes                                                       $_________

Rent payment                                                        $_________

Mortgage payment                                               $_________

Retirement Investment                                       $_________

Saving/investing                                                   $_________

Transportation                                                      $_________

Utilities                                                                   $_________

Other                                                                       $_________


TOTAL Yearly Expenditures                     $_________


 Net Cash Flow

Total yearly receipts                                             $___________

Total yearly expenditures                           –       $___________


Annual Discretionary Net Cash Flow                 



The above income statement is rather simplistic, however if you enter accurate data it can be used as a template to transform your financial future and help you build wealth more efficiently.


It is important that you know what amount of income you earn annually and the amount of payments that you pay out on an annual basis and an income statement allows you to determine in a real sense where you can go financially  in not only the coming years but also decades, if used properly.


If your income and expenses listed above are of a fixed amount (same dollar amount) monthly you can multiply by 12 to come up with your annual numbers.  If you have variable expenses you may want to use estimates (be sure that the estimates are realistic) or average on a monthly basis.


If you have 12 consecutive months of cash flow statements available you may want to total them up and use them to construct your annual personal income statement on a fiscal rather than annual basis.


2) Determine where you want to go based on what your income statement allows you to do

By knowing the amount of income that you have available on an annual basis (or knowing if you have a shortfall) you can plan your future with more certainty.


You will know the amount of income that you have available so that you can formulate goals and objectives that can move you forward and make your existence on earth a more pleasurable one.


You will know if you need to get more income, reduce your expenses and/or put together debt payoff plan(s) so that you can truly reach your desired goals.


You no longer have to live your life in a manner where anxiety rules the day–as you now are aware of a more effective way–to keep financial problems at bay!


3) Determine that you will manage your finances in a comprehensive manner so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime

Now that you have a handle on your annual income and expenses you can use what you now know to plan more appropriately for a more prosperous and rewarding future.


You can also expand your mind by learning new areas of your finances that you may not have addressed appropriately at this time or in your past.


By looking at your finances in a comprehensive manner at this time you position yourself and your family for a more rewarding financial future where success is even more likely to occur.



A personal income statement may be what is needed to give you the mental picture of what you can achieve in your financial future.


By seeing what you earn annually and what you pay out annually with more clarity–you can move forward confidently toward who you were meant to be.


You can think of your annual personal income statement as a budget or cash flow statement, however instead of a monthly time period it covers a 12 month or other designated time period.  You can also more clearly visualize your “personal income statement” by looking at the net discretionary cash flow for the year as your household profit–or if you come up with a negative number(shortfall)–your household loss for the year!


You now know that success lives in you–use your practical knowledge of personal income statements and how you can enhance your mental qualities for the better–to really make your dreams come true!


Now is the time that you display your commitment to your future by mapping a path forward where you are “all in” and the wealth building that you desire is more likely to occur–due to your efforts to put yourself in position to  win–again and again!


All the best as you achieve a new level of success…


NOTE: You or your in this discussion could mean you as well as other members of your household who contribute financially whether it be your spouse or other members of your household.


Find out what you can do to make your dreams come true–by visiting our most frequented page–Wealth Building & You…


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